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Melbourne tax agent pleads guilty to defrauding ATO

Melbourne tax agent, Arjuna "Arj" Samarakoon, was feted in his native Sri Lanka after founding an accounting and software empire that claimed to employ more than 1000 staff in offices across Asia, Europe and the US.

He posed for photographs with Sri Lankan cricketers and was hailed by government ministers for his generous donations to local charities and hospitals.

But in the Victorian County Court last week, Mr Samarakoon pleaded guilty to defrauding an Australian government scheme introduced to encourage companies to invest in research and development.

The registered tax agent will be sentenced on October 4 after also pleading guilty to dealing in the proceeds of crime.

Under the scheme, rebates of up to 43.5 per cent of total R&D; expenditure are provided to businesses that "conduct experimental activities, in a scientific way, for the purpose of generating new knowledge".

Administered by the tax office and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, the scheme requires applicants to self-assess their eligibility based on a list of approved R&D; activities.


In June, Fairfax Media revealed serious concerns about compliance and enforcement of the program, including alleged rorting by disgraced AFL player agent Ricky Nixon who received an R&D; tax offset of $153,268 in 2015.

Disgraced property spruiker Jamie McIntyre and his brother Dennis also received a huge rebate from the ATO.

Jamie McIntyre was branded a "conman" during a Senate hearing in 2015 over his land banking scheme that targeted vulnerable investors with promises of massive financial returns.

In March 2014, a company linked to him, Education Holdings Pty Limited, received $530,510.40 in rebates under the R&D; scheme. Two years later, the company was placed into liquidation by the Federal Court, owing more than $55,000 to creditors.

Last week, Mr Samarakoon admitted to receiving a tax offset of almost $360,000 in tax rebates, which was funnelled into his private accounts with the ANZ and Bendigo banks.

"I am further informed by the ATO that Samarakoon is a registered tax agent with the Tax Practitioners Board, and more than 40 separate entities are suspected by the ATO to be connected to Samarakoon," an AFP officer said in a court affidavit. "This goes some way in explaining the sophisticated nature of the suspected offending." 

Mr Samarakoon conceded he had provided the ATO with falsified invoices for R&D.; 

It was also alleged in court documents that Mr Samarakoon owes more than $2.5 million to the ATO and is closely linked to Sydney businessman, Michael Pearce, who was implicated in a multimillion-dollar text messaging fraud in the United States.

The AFP and ATO have placed freezing orders on properties in Glen Iris, St Kilda and Port Melbourne, while Mr Samarakoon is also understood to have significant property holdings in Sri Lanka.

In June, Crystal Mavroyeni – an associate of Samarakoon and director of several of his companies – faced the magistrates court over 73 charges relating to the use of forged documents.

According to her online profile, Ms Mavroyeni provided clients with a range of accounting and tax advice in her role as outsourcing manager at BPO Connect.

"Whether you have a massive tax headache and are in trouble with the ATO, if you're a new business looking to get started on the right foot, or even if you just want someone to take care of the day-to-day bookkeeping duties we can help" Mr Mavroyeni said on the company website.

The successful prosecution of Mr Samarakoon is expected to prompt further audits and investigations by the ATO and the AFP.