Well, I'll go to the foot of my stairs...

Often startled, frequently amused, sometimes scared; rarely speechless. Can be found at witchywoo22@yahoo.co.uk

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

You will all no doubt recall that last week's Wednesday Wow included Vicky Vengeance from Because Sometimes Feminists Aren't Nice and her attempt to be heard by the Program Director of her local radio station when she pointed out the misogyny in a song that is (was?) often played by a particular DJ.

As a result of voicing her complaint Vicky has been offered a job "doing radical feminism on the radio" by said Program Director.

How fab is that! Congratulations Vicky - you rock!

Go read...


  • At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    (That's Big Fat Grin btw)

    That is just so bloody fabulous.

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger simply wondered said…

    and we'll all be eating our words about women being heard, then.
    glad to see my own bit of activism has been heard - I complained here or maybe not here but somewhere else about the length of the comment verification codes and I have just had a four letter and five letter one. whooh for activism on the truly important things.

  • At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Was on my blog SW!

  • At 9:48 AM, Blogger mistermorgan said…

    Holy HELL!

    I guess good things really do happen! *sob*. Sorry I've been absent for so long - I shall be explaining at The Big News very soon!

  • At 7:51 PM, Blogger Vicky Vengeance said…

    Thanks Witchy! <3


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