Category Archives: English

Beautiful like a cop car in flames

Posters put up in the streets of Saint-Malo, Rennes, Paris, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon and Besançon, in solidarity with the comrades Kara and Krème, still incarcerated in Fleury-Mérogis for the case of the cop car that was burned on the quai de … Continue reading

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Besancon : Freedom for the Hamburg G20 prisoners (08/2017)

Early last week messages of solidarity with the many people imprisoned for having participated in the Hamburg’s revolt on the occasion of the G20 summit were sent all over in the heart of this gloomy city. At the entrance of … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Besancon : Freedom for the Hamburg G20 prisoners (08/2017)

Hamburg, summer 2017: I am there, I stay there!

It’s been almost a month and a half since I was imprisoned during the twelfth G20 summit in Hamburg, in a city that was besieged and taken in hostage by the security forces, but which also saw an important local … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Hamburg, summer 2017: I am there, I stay there!

Bar-le-Duc: A lot of rage and some flames at ENEDIS

In Bar-le-Duc, in the night of 16 to 17 August, we burned several cars in the ENEDIS car park. Especially for the link that this company has with the CIGEO project, the burial of radioactive waste at Bure being a … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Bar-le-Duc: A lot of rage and some flames at ENEDIS

Toulouse : Solidarity flames

Fire of a SPIE truck in the night of August 5 to 6 in Toulouse In the night of 5 to 6 August in Toulouse, we burned an SPIE truck, a company which builds jails among other misdeeds. By this … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Toulouse : Solidarity flames

Saint-Malo: Anarchist Comrade Damien Camélio Seriously Assaulted & Detained by Police

The comrade Damien Camélio, who was just released from Fleury-Mérogis prison on June 29, was subjected to detention and a serious beating by police officers Grenot, Remond, Cuzon and Lercorvaisier at Saint-Malo from the night of Saturday, July 29, 2017 … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint-Malo: Anarchist Comrade Damien Camélio Seriously Assaulted & Detained by Police

Besançon : Solidarity gluings

These last two nights several offices and agencies of this mouldy society received a brief visit… The locks of estate agencies (X5), an office of a security company and a sports club for the wealthy were sabotaged with glue. It … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Solidarity gluings

Saint-Laurent-sous-Coiron, France : Enemy communications Go Up in Smoke

At the edge of the Escrinet mountain pass, a culminating point on the road that ensures the connection between Privas and Aubenas, a relay antenna, a military-inspired cluster of buildings, a 30-by-30-step fence, well-known logos of Bouygues, SFR, Free, Orange… … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint-Laurent-sous-Coiron, France : Enemy communications Go Up in Smoke

France, Good news : Damien Camelio was released from prison on June 29

Damien Camelio, imprisoned in Fleury-Mérogis since the beginning of December 2016 for damage during the wild demonstration of April 14, 2016 during the “Work movement!” was released on June 29. He had been sentenced on January 19 2017, beyond the … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur France, Good news : Damien Camelio was released from prison on June 29

Brussels (Belgium) : Four vehicles of the Fabricom company burned

Four vehicles of the Fabricom company burned in Saint-Gilles Monday morning (26 June) in solidarity with the anarchists in the firing line of the anti-terrorist law in Belgium. To send strength and courage to all those who carry the rage … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Brussels (Belgium) : Four vehicles of the Fabricom company burned

Paris : The case of the police car set on fire May 2016 – Demand for release rejected (16/06/2017)

On Friday 16th June a hearing took place to demand the release of the comrade imprisoned last February for the police car set on fire in May 2016 in Quai Valmy, Paris. Unsurprisingly, the judge refused. The prosecution’s arguments are … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : The case of the police car set on fire May 2016 – Demand for release rejected (16/06/2017)

Crest : Incendiary Attack Against the Offices of Energy Company Enedis

A proposal for dialogue, solidarity and attack Incendiary Attack for a Dangerous June As individuals, it is difficult to speak of solidarity because we do not want to express it as a group, but to individuals whose feelings we feel … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Crest : Incendiary Attack Against the Offices of Energy Company Enedis

Paris : A second trial of the struggle against the deportation machine

On May 30 2017, judge Gendre released a committal order of her own, sending seven additional companions and comrades to court in connection to the struggle against the deportation machine in Paris. In a first trial concerning the struggle against … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : A second trial of the struggle against the deportation machine

New Letter From Anarchist Prisoner Damien Camelio

It’s May 18th, the date of my parole, but I’m still in the slammer and I’m going to be staying here. Sentence judge Catherine Ardaillon, left-wing trade unionist, activist at the Evry tribunal and at Fléury-Mérogis prison, has decreed that … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur New Letter From Anarchist Prisoner Damien Camelio

Paris : Locked up?

In Montmartre, Rue Tholozé, stands the L’Artesienne printing house. – If we look at this business a little closer, we learn that their clients include the Penitentiary Administration – It’s unacceptable, so its window and door had to smash to … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Locked up?

Toulouse : Solidarity with the accused of 18 May, Aachen and the others

Fire to an Eiffage car in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists Today, I was angry. Enraged by the 7-year jail sentence that just fell on the anarchist comrade accused of a bank expropriation in Aachen. Enraged to learn that the … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Toulouse : Solidarity with the accused of 18 May, Aachen and the others

Grenoble : Incendiary attack targeting 12 vehicles of energy company ERDF / Enedis

29-30.06.17: The most deadly enterprises are strategically adorned with new names. Suez becomes Engie, Vinci becomes Indigo, ERDF becomes Enedis. These changes of appearance do not miraculously deceive. In a world where communication falsifies everything, let us frankly expose those … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Grenoble : Incendiary attack targeting 12 vehicles of energy company ERDF / Enedis

Besançon : Faced with repression, we don’t put our heads down !

Two people were arrested by the BAC after the dispersal of the Anti-electoral demonstration on 7 May, evening of the second round of the Presidential elections. They are accused of tagging bank windows. Two days later during the blockade of … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Faced with repression, we don’t put our heads down !

Letter from Kara, anarchist in jail for the burning of a cops’ car

Indymedia Nantes / samedi 13 mai 2017 Fleury, 4th of april 2017 Brief Statement I would like people to know that I am not in accord with the statements I made to the judge. It does not do to break … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Letter from Kara, anarchist in jail for the burning of a cops’ car

Liège (Belgium) : The Beauty of a Burning Police Station

We are not soldiers. We are criminals. We have no fatherland, no higher cause, we do not follow any directions other than those of ourselves. On the other hand, we are fighting. To find our lives, explore our freedoms. We fight … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Liège (Belgium) : The Beauty of a Burning Police Station

Besançon : Air hole in the windows of a collabo of the expulsion machinery

In the series “not all the cops are in blue” … … Some have a uniform with a red cross, whose task it is to provide logistical and material means to the cops during round-ups, to sort and confine the … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Air hole in the windows of a collabo of the expulsion machinery

Dijon (Côte d’Or): 9 cameras of the social landlord in smithereens

Dijon: the nine cameras of the “32-Lac” vandalized at Fontaine-d’Ouche Villéo had equipped the 14-storey building at 32, avenue du Lac, in the Fontaine-d’Ouche district, with nine video-protection cameras as problems regularly occur there. Between March 15 and 22, they … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Dijon (Côte d’Or): 9 cameras of the social landlord in smithereens

An Imagined Dialogue with a Supporter of Taking People’s Picture

Counter-arguments for those who no longer want to contribute to the spectacle of the end of the world, but to the end of the world of the spectacle Translator note: translated from a pamphlet found in Paris and available online. … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur An Imagined Dialogue with a Supporter of Taking People’s Picture

News about imprisoned anarchist comrade Damien

Anarchist comrade Damien, who is imprisoned at Fleury-Mérogis, has informed us that two investigations have been opened against him. One concerns a collage of anti-electoral posters (‘We Will Not Vote’ and ‘To End The Illusion of Democracy’) that were pasted … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur News about imprisoned anarchist comrade Damien

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Damien Camélio

There are days in prison where anger and hatred, mixed with a feeling of helplessness reach the maximum. The police arrested Comrade XXXX, who is currently imprisoned here in Fleury, but in another building, which prevents us from having any … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Damien Camélio

Grenoble : Arson attack against Metro vehicles

Grenoble métropole appeased… We are in the métropole. A site for the storage and exploitation of human resources. We are piled up, parked, subdued, locked up, monitored and hindered. For our own good, with kindness, and benevolence, for a Green … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Grenoble : Arson attack against Metro vehicles

[Drôme] Two cars of fascists burnt between Livron and Allex in solidarity

This night of thursday february 10th between livron and allex (26) we burned 2 cars of the national front and left “a dirty facho” on the facade. solidarity with the rebels of aulnay sous bois and with the compa krem … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur [Drôme] Two cars of fascists burnt between Livron and Allex in solidarity

Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) : Small contribution to disorder in the 93

Saturday 11, following the beautiful riot of Bobigny, we wanted to keep going  … … and we burned a COFELY car in front of Fort de Noisy. COFELY-ENGIE is the owner of GEPSA, the leading private partner in the management … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) : Small contribution to disorder in the 93

Brussels (Belgium) : Attack by fire in solidarity

New incendiary attack in Brussels and surroundings in the night of 11 February 2017. – the burning of a vehicle of local and federal keufs in solidarity with Damien and with all the prisoners. Against this (old) world of authority … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur Brussels (Belgium) : Attack by fire in solidarity

[Flyer] Solidarity with Théo ! Cops, outside of our lives!

Solidarity with Théo ! Flics, hors de nos vies ! Text written by some anarchists from Seine-Saint-Denis (the poorest suburb of Paris) on 8 February 2017, about the movement of solidarity with Théo, and about the police too… On Thursday … Continue reading

Posted in English | Commentaires fermés sur [Flyer] Solidarity with Théo ! Cops, outside of our lives!