Posts Tagged ‘Turkey’

Statement by the Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum (KAF)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution

Immediate call to all our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians wherever they are

A direct and special call to our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians Arabic-speaking

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution

For years and years we, anarchists and libertarians in Iraqi “Kurdistan”, Europe and other countries all our publicities and our slogan have been about Yes for self-administration in everywhere and for all the communities, but No to State.

We raised our voice against the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and its very recent scenario of referendum on “independent Kurdish State”. We are very sure the other anarchists among Arab, Turkish, Assyrian and others had the same attitude. We also believe the same attitude from our anarchist comrades throughout the world to say no to State, authority, nationalism and to be against the nationalist and against pro-fascist war. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Athens – Solidarity from Rosa de Foc Squat to hungerstrikers Semih Özakça and Nuriye Gülmen (Greece, Turkey)

Monday, September 18th, 2017

Hello everybody, friends and comrades. Everybody knows the politics in Turkey some more than others. I want to try to tell you, to help you understand about the situation in Turkey and I would like to ask for your attention and international solidarity in this matter. Turkey became a nation in 1923. Since this historical moment Turkey was caught in a history of facist military coups. In general they have been 8 fascist coups and related to that ten thousands of revolutionary communists and anarchists were killed. In the last military coup ın 1980 almost one million people were tortured and detaıned ın prısons.Now, after 22 years Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who describes himself as a Muslim, won the elections through manipulation and became the prime minister of Turkey. He has influenced the mind of most people in Turkey through elaborate promises and community schemes to ınfluence the mınds of the people. In the following elections he was elected again through further manipulation (different practices). He has begun to fight against the democratic powers in the society and put every critical voice in prison. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call for international solidarity with imprisoned comrades Markéta and Mirek (Turkey, Kurdistan, Iraq)

Friday, August 25th, 2017

Two activists Markéta Všelichová and Miroslav Farkas were arrested on the 13th of November 2016 while attempting to cross the Habur border crossing from Turkey to Iraq. They were accused of participating in terrorist activity in Northern Syria and taken into custody.

On the 2nd of August they were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months for belonging to the Kurdish defence forces YGP/YPJ (these non-state kurdish groups are fighting Daesh/ISIS, the turkish army which has been repressing Kurds for several decades, and the dictatorial regime of Bashar Al-Asad).

Markéta had been to Rojava twice, according to her own words she joined the defence forces and fell in love with the region and its specific cultural and political situation. This time she and Mirek were on their way to Rojava, where they planned to set up a field hospital for fighters and civilians, and eventually help with defence, as she says herself. Together they made a campaign before their big journey, during which they wanted to acquire the necessary material, while also not being afraid to make lectures about life, fighting and revolution in the region. These public activities also probably raised the interest of Turkish agents.

In an interview Markéta said she feels with people, who risk their life in the fight against evil, that she would like to help Rojava with anything it needs, and that she realizes that as a European she has greater possibilities how to get involved and help. A bit my own way, but with them, as she said. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Istanbul: Coordinated actions by anarchists on the eve of Referendum against dictatorship and democracy (Turkey)

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Coordinated actions by anarchists in the eve of Referendum against dictatorship and democracy..

Some anarchist groups in Istanbul, organized coordinated actions against democracy and dictatorship in the context of Turkish constitutional referendum, and to salute ‘Coordination of Anarchist Groups’, which was declared by some anarchist groups last week. Anarchist groups in the neighnourhoods of Kadıkoy, Kucukcekmece, Umraniye, Sefakoy, Kasımpasa dropped banners and made stickers simultaneously.

On banners wrote; ‘Find Yourself, Organize, Fight! Yes to Insurrection, No to State!’ (Kadıköy), ‘Insurrection will not be something you expected!’ (Sefaköy ve Ümraniye), ‘State Manifactures War. Revolution Not Elections, Communes Not State!’ (Küçükçekmece), ‘Don’t be slaves, There is no authority, but yourself!’ (Ümraniye), ‘Neither Dictatorship, Nor Democracy, Insurrection, Revolution, Anarchy’ (Kasımpaşa). (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Dublin: Soli-demo for imprisoned hungerstrike comrade Umut Firat at Turkish Embassy (Ireland)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

UPDATE: Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Ended His Hunger Strike With Victory


On Wednesday the 1st of February there was a solidarity vigil for Umut Firat in Dublin, Ireland. Anarchists and supporters of Umut’s hunger strike gather outside the Turkish Embassy. Turkish embassy staff came out to mock the protesters. Embassy staff called the police to have get the protesters to remove a banner that was tied to the fence of the embassy. The banner said FREE UMUT FIRAT! SOLIDARITY FROM IRELAND. The police stayed on till the vigil was over.

Umut has been on hunger strike for 53 days now. He has been locked up in prison for the last 23 years. He is on hunger strike because of the statues of emergency the Turkish state has imposed since the attempted coup d’etat in July, and against the harsh prison conditions imposed by the state because it.

Since the statues of emergency Umut as well as all political prisoners held in Turkey have had prison conditioned worsened some have been put into isolation, others have been forced into cramped cells, there are forced strip searches, visiting times have been reduced and some prisoners not allowed visits at all. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Kurdistan Freedom Falcons TAK claims Istanbul attacks on Turkish police (Turkey)

Monday, December 12th, 2016

The statement by TAK said:

“The simultaneous action in Istanbul Vodafone Arena Stadium and Maçka was conducted by our Team Martyr Tirej at 22:30 on 10 December, 2016. Two comrades of ours bravely fell martyr as a result of this action which left some 100 police dead and hundreds of others wounded.” The statement noted that ID details of these TAK militants will be announced in the coming days.

TAK continued, stressing that: “The Turkish people are not a direct target of TAK. Our Team Martyr Tirej carried out this action with utmost attention.

However, no comfortable life should be expected in Turkey while the imprisonment of Leader Apo continues, the Turkish-AKP fascism tortures mothers, exposes the bodies of young girls and massacres children in Kurdistan on daily basis. The peoples of Turkey should say stop to this fascism because only the AKP fascism is responsible for this chaos.”



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Posted in Direct Action

Freiheit für Musa Aşoğlu! Kundgebung am Freitag in Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

Freiheit für Musa Aşoğlu!

Kommt zur Kundgebung am Freitag, den 9. Dezember 2016 um 15.00 Uhr vor dem Justizministerium, Mohrenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin

Die Kriminalisierung und Verfolgung von RevolutionärInnen aus der Türkei und aus Kurdistan reißt nicht ab. Während in der BRD zahlreiche Terrorismusprozesse laufen, wurde nun Musa Aşoğlu von den deutschen Behörden festgenommen. (https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/198323)

Am späten Abend des 02. Dezember wurde der 55 jährige Musa Aşoğlu gegen 22.30 Uhr gemeinsam mit einer weiteren Person vom Bundeskriminalamt im Hamburger Stadtteil St. Georg festgenommen. Die Festnahme erfolgte laut Angaben seines UnterstützerInnenkreises durch das MEK, die Wohnungstür aufgerammt und anschließend die Festnahme durchgeführt hätten. Die Festgenommenen seien danach in ein Hamburger Polizeirevier gebracht worden. Die mit Musa Aşoğlu gemeinsam festgenommene Person sei nach drei Stunden gegen 01.30 Uhr freigelassen worden. Über den Verbleib von Musa Aşoğlu gibt es bisher keine Informationen hieß es. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Rest In Power anarchist comrade Michael Israel, killed fighting ‘Islamic State’ fascists in Rojava

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

**UPDATE** via Kurdish Question

People’s Protection Units (YPG) volunteers, American Michael Israel (27) from Colorado and German Anton Neshek (Zana Ciwan), were killed by Turkish warplanes on 29 November according to another international volunteer fighting alongside the pair against the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS/ISIL), north of Raqqa. [updated].

On his Facebook page, the international volunteer, who was amongst the group killed by Turkish warplanes wrote:

“We were taking a small village when we got hit by Turkish jets in the night. Two of my friends, Anton and Michael were killed among many others. I’m staying to finish out my six months. Fuck Erdogan and Fuck Turkey.”

The YPG have informed both men’s families. (more…)

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Report about the Contra-Coup and Kurdish Struggle (Turkey)

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

Numbers of Contra-Coup

Because the Gülen Movement couldn’t manage to do coup, Erdoğan and AKP made the coup. Or had to make. The numbers of purges after the coup attempt in Turkey:

30.000 teachers is purged from the education system completely because they have relation with Gülen Movement

20.000 teachers is away from education system (can return back but can’t teach this year) related with Gülen Movement.

1000 private schools are closed related with Gülen Movement.

15 universities are closed related with Gülen Movement.

14.000 teachers is away from education system (can return back but can’t teach this year) related with PKK and Eğitim-Sen (Syndicate that organizes workers of education matters that is opposition to the government)

75.000 thousand Passports are cancelled that are related with Gülen Movement. And to apply and take Green Passport (Special passport that allows you to go EU without visa) became so much harder. In order to stop people escape to EU and apply for asylum. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Apoist Youth Initiative attack fascist organizations in London (UK)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

The Apoist Youth Initiative has attacked a London-based organization that is close to Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı (Presidency of Religious Affairs) and the Turkish Islamic Society in Newington Green / London.

The 30 youths who attacked these two fascist organizations declared that they had targeted them because of their dirty policies against the Kurdish freedom movement.

Both organizations were bombarded with fireworks, the windows were smashed and ‘Turkey = ISIS (DAESH)’ was spray painted on the walls.

The young people declared that similar actions would continue.

via Rojaciwan, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Attack against the Union of European & Turkish Democrats office in Grevenbroich by Apoist Youth Initiative (Germany)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016


Update: Apoist Youth Initiative call for resistance to intensify in Europe

We, the Apoist Youth Initiative NRW – Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat, claim the attack against the UETD (Union of European & Turkish Democrats) office in Grevenbroich on 28.10.16. This attack was revenge for the execution of two YJA-Star guerrilla fighters. They were executed by the Turkish military after being captured.

The execution of the two guerrilla warriors is symbolic of all ongoing attacks by the Turkish state against the will of the free women in Kurdistan. Through the publication of the video of their execution, the identity of the free women is to be shamed and humiliated. In the video it is clearly visible that the soldiers are using German G3 rifles. Everyone can clearly see in this video that the German state is on the side of the Turkish state in the war against democracy in the Middle East, in the war against the free women.

We repeat again: We will continue to attack all the institutions of the Turkish state until the dictator Erdogan is overthrown, Kurdistan is liberated and women gain their freedom. We are warning all German supporters of the Turkish state one last time: If you do not stop supporting fascism in Turkey, we will also attack you.

Jin Jiyan Azadî!
Bijî Serok Apo!
Long live international solidarity!

Apoist Youth Initiative – NRW
Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat

November 1st, 2016

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Act in solidarity with women resisting in Kurdistan

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

Freedom For All Resisting Women In The Name of

The attacks, detentions and arrests towards the people and their representatives as a part of the ongoing state violence in Kurdistan since July 2015 have reached its peak in the last 3 days. Gültan Kışanak, as the first Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality and resisted for two years against the tortures in Diyarbakir Prison during the military coup in 1980, was taken into custody on 25th October 2016; the municipality building was blockaded and raided by hundreds of police.

On 26th October 2016, the people who gathered in front of the municipality building to protect their will had been attacked with impunity via water cannons and teargas, and, many people were battered and detained.

During this attack, the women who resisted in front line are specifically targeted. As well as many of our women comrades have been detained, co-speaker of KJA, Ayla Akat Ata, has also been battered and detained, and, the advocate and family visit is prohibited for five days. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Interview with Yesim Nurova, animal liberationist (Turkey)

Saturday, September 24th, 2016

Yesim Nurova is a journalist affiliated with R9 Media. She is an animal rights activist known throughout Turkey and Europe. She has organized and led some of the largest animal liberation and animal rights demonstrations and protests, many with a Direct Action component, in Asia. Also, she is the Founder of the Spanish language A.L.F Frente de Liberación Animal Liberation/Animal Rights Community, an animal liberation and animal rights online resource for Spanish speaking activists around the world.

Q-Where are you from?

I live in Turkey.

Q-What organization(s) are you involved with?

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office where I’m an Advisor and Liaison for Europe. Also, I’m a Journalist affiliated with New York City based R9 Media.

Q-Why are you an activist? How did you get involved in the fight for
animal liberation?

I’m an Animal Liberation Activist because animals are the most oppressed beings on the planet. They suffer and endure so much pain at the hands of and service towards humanity. Worldwide there are factory farms, fur farms, leather factories, slaughterhouses, circuses and zoos. All of which imprison them and subject them to violence and exploit them for goods, resources and entertainment. They are slaughtered for food, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, medical testing and medical products. This is unacceptable in the twenty-first century. Animals have the right to live free of suffering and exploitation at the hands of humans. Fighting for the freedom of animals is my fight. I, and in fact all people, have an ethical responsibility towards animals. They cannot fight for their own freedom so the responsibility falls to Activists. They must be liberated from their slavery and I’m in solidarity with them. I’m fighting for their freedom. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

ISIS and Turkey File : From the Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion (Kurdistan, Syria)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016


ISIS and Turkey File
The Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion


It is not a secret to any observer the relationship between Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) with all the armed groups in northern Syria. It began in Ras Alain and did not end in Afrin. The AKP’s arguments revolve around changing the Syrian regime, bringing democracy to Syria, protecting Christians and Sunnis and unifying the country. These arguments have proven to be mere pretexts used by the AKP to intervene in Syria. The only goal of the AKP is to fight any democratic project for the future of Syria. To achieve this, the AKP has co-operated with the so-called Islamic State (Daesh) through providing training, supplying arms and facilitating the crossing of Daesh fighters to Syria through its borders.

Here are some compelling evidence for this cooperation through documents and confessions obtained by the People’s Protection Units (YPG) throughout their operations in Rojava – north Syria.

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Posted in Library

Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraq)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

On 24 August 2016 Turkish Special Forces together with elements of the so-called Free Syrian Army started a cross-border offensive against the Northern Syrian town of Jarablus. According to official statements by both, Turkish officials and representatives of the FSA, target of this offensive is Islamic State as well as Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

It was clear from the start that only Kurds would be targeted. During the last 5 days not a single confrontation took place between Turkish/FSA forces and ISIS. But from the beginning YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the most effective forces on ground against ISIS – are being attacked by Turkish state forces.

The first day of the ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation, what Turkish officials have called an ‘assault on Islamic State and YPG terrorists’ as result of Turkish shelling of Kurdish majority neighborhoods in the east and west of Jarablus, at least 49 civilians have been killed. (more…)

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