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Final Straw: Autonomous Hurricane Relief on the Gulf Coast

Download and ListenĀ Here This is a The Final Straw Radio mini-episode and we just had a quick conversation with Assata, an activist and member Yellow...

Christiansburg, VA: Wildcat Strike at Target Wins Firing of Manager

On Friday, September 8, workers at the local Target store were informed by management that Daniel Butler had been fired as the result of...

CrimethInc. Ex-Worker Podcast #57: Reports from the G20 in Hamburg

Welcome back to the Ex-Worker! Our topic this time is a look at the recent G20 protests in Hamburg, Germany. This summerā€™s G20 saw...

All The News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

The degree in which things are accelerating in the United States is happening at such a fast rate it can be hard to organize...

Renewed Call to Support Comrade Acabo & His Family

Anarchist Coyote Acabo who was targeted by the state for his anti-racist and anarchist activity is currently doing time in Yakima and is looking...

Nightfall #8: Minneapolis Anarchist Publication

Download and PrintĀ Here Nightfall number eight. It feels crazy to write those words but we passed the one year mark last issue and now we...

Radical People Podcast #4: Blockade of Keystone XL Pipeline

In the fourth episode of "Radical People," Eamon talks with "Brandon" about a day blockading the Keystone XL Pipeline that went comically well. He...

New York: Update on Imprisoned Copwatcher Ramsey Orta who Filmed Murder...

After Ramsey Orta filmed the police killing of Eric Garner, he became a target for harassment and retribution from the NYPD, leading to his...

Asheville, NC: Graffiti Slogans Appear in Solidarity with #J20 Prisoner &...

September 7th happened to be the birthday of imprisoned J20 comrade Dane Powell. To catch some more info on Dane, check the link here....

Black Liberation Prisoner Robert Seth Hayes Still in Danger from Medical...

In an message to the New York City Jericho Movement, made public on September 4th, Robert Seth Hayes, a long-term political prisoner incarcerated for...

Klee Benally on Sacred Sites, Haul No!, & Anti-Colonial Resistance

For decades, Klee Benally (Dineā€™), has been at the forefront of anti-colonial, environmental, and indigenous struggles while working to build up autonomous and grassroots...

Attica Anniversary and Pre-Hurricane Phone Zap for Florida Prisoners

Repression for the September 2016 Prisoner Strike continues to this day. One example is Florida prisoner Julius Smith currently at Hamilton CI. His case...

Charlottesville to DC March Occupies Farragut Square, Demands Trump be Removed

On the 6th of September, Charlottesville to DC march arrived, crossing Key Bridge after ten days marching. This is a ā€œmarch to confront White...

Building Autonomy, Organizing Relief: Harvey Volunteers Speak

We caught up with members of Austin Common Ground Relief about autonomous relief efforts in Houston and surrounding areas and communities. We discuss broadly...

GDC-IWOC Joint Statement on Repression of Juggalos

Fans of the band Insane Clown Posse (ICP), referred to as Juggalos, have been targets of state repression since being designated a ā€œhybrid gangā€...

Quebec City: Banner Drops Across the City

Earlier today a group of anti-racist/anti-fascist organizers dropped a series of banners. This action is a part of an ongoing and decentralized struggle against...

Running Down the Walls 2017

Since 1999, the Anarchist Black Cross Federation, political prisoners and support organizations across the country have held a 5K non-competitive run/jog/walk/bike event to raise...

Final Straw: Interview with Jalil Muntaqim

This week weā€™ll be taking a little break. Weā€™ll be sharing a short interview conducted by friends of ours atĀ Prison RadioĀ at CKUT from the...

Joey Gibson’s Last Card to Play: False ‘Nonviolent’ Martyrdom for Violent...

With a legacy of attacking anti-fascist protesters and invitingĀ openly anti-semitic keynote speakers who encourage participants at his rallies to recite neo-nazi slogans, Joey Gibson...

Hotwire #3: Hurricane Harvey Relief & DACA

Summary This episode we bring you an overview, and an interview, about the anarchist and autonomously organized relief efforts in response to Hurricane Harvey. Look...

Hurricane Harvey Leaves Beaumont Prisoners Stranded, Limited Communication with Outside Support

Beaumont, TXā€” If there is one thing those doing prison advocacy learn quickly, itā€™s that the official statements from prison officials never provide a...
Fans of the band Insane Clown Posse (ICP), referred to as Juggalos, have been targets of state repression since being designated a ā€œhybrid gangā€ by the FBI in 2011. The bandā€™s logo, frequently called a ā€œhatchetman,ā€ has been deemed a gang symbol. This has resulted in harassment by local...
Beaumont, TXā€” If there is one thing those doing prison advocacy learn quickly, itā€™s that the official statements from prison officials never provide a full account of negative conditions and abuses. Looking into the impact of Hurricane Harvey, this is especially true; but looking out for how the aftermath...
On Friday, September 8, workers at the local Target store were informed by management that Daniel Butler had been fired as the result of an internal investigation launched in response to the strike held two weeks earlier. Prior to the strike, attempts to report Butlerā€™s behavior through Target Corporationā€™s internal...
September 7th happened to be the birthday of imprisoned J20 comrade Dane Powell. To catch some more info on Dane, check the link here. Instead of just sending a b-day card, it appears that in Asheville some wrote graffiti messages as well.   In the photo below, a graffiti message was...
With a legacy of attacking anti-fascist protesters and invitingĀ openly anti-semitic keynote speakers who encourage participants at his rallies to recite neo-nazi slogans, Joey Gibson has been running for cover from angry community members who are tired of having his events draw hate to their cities. But Gibson is trying one...
The recent anti-fascist mobilization in the City of Vancouver on August 19th drew thousands of people to City Hall. The media referred to this mobilization as anything but anti-fascist: anti-hate, pro-diversity, but definitely not anti-fascist. It didn't matter that a local fascist group called the Soldiers of Odin was...