Hobart: Flares set off in prison riot

10 Aug, 2017 – Losing access to nicotine replacement patches at Hobart’s Risdon Prison sparked an eight-hour stand-off between inmates and correctional officers.

The disturbance began at lunchtime on Wednesday, when about 40 inmates in the medium-security section refused to return to their cells.

Flares and smoke were seen near the building a short time before the situation was resolved about 8:00pm.

Prison authorities said the prisoners were protesting against plans to phase out their supply of nicotine replacement patches.

Cigarettes were banned from the jail in 2015.

In a statement, the TPS said there were no injuries to staff members, but one prisoner suffered minor cuts to their arm.

On Sunday, the union representing prison guards warned Tasmania’s prison system was already a “pressure cooker” plagued by lockdowns and overcrowding, and scrapping suspended sentences was only going to make it worse.

Alice Springs: Police officer hospitalised following mob attack at town camp

9 Aug, 2017 – Two police officers had to “run for their lives” and abandon a patrol car during a violent attack at an Alice Springs town camp on Tuesday night.

Police said the officers were responding to an alleged domestic violence incident at Larapinta Valley Town Camp at about 8:30pm when a group of up to 20 people attacked them.

A male officer was admitted to hospital for a knee injury while a female officer narrowly escaped injury when one attacker swung a wheel spanner at her head.

Alice Springs Acting Superintendent Scott Manley said the officers sought cover in a nearby building until support arrived.

“While attempting to take the woman into custody, it’s alleged that a group of intoxicated persons from nearby residences converged on them,” he said.

“This morning we’ve had a coordinated response from crime and response members to identify all the involved offenders … we’d be looking at charges of assault police and damage to property.

“We condemn this conduct as totally unacceptable, the public expect that their emergency responders should be able to attend and ensure a safe community without being obstructed or put in harm’s way.”

But he said police generally had a good working relationship with the town camps around Alice Springs and that incidents like this did not reflect the behaviour of the wider community.

Northern Territory Police Association president Paul McCue said the frequency of serious assaults on police officers around Alice Springs was increasing.

“We’ve had to see two officers literally run for their lives and abandon their vehicle for simply responding to a job,” he said.

“It’s going to get to a point where officers are going to need several vehicles to go when there’s an incident of that nature.

“The last thing we want to see is anyone in the community put at risk simply because of a few fools that take it upon themselves to attack officers doing their job.”

Continue reading “Alice Springs: Police officer hospitalised following mob attack at town camp”

Melbourne / Narrm: Paint-Bomb Attack Against Lord Mayor Robert Doyle’s Home


7 Aug 2017 – Street Artists for Doyle Collective beautify the facade of Lord Mayor’s million dollar home, Narrm/Melbourne, so-called Australia

The Street artists for Doyle Collective, last night paid a visit to Narrm/ Melbourne’s  bloated, well-fed, shameless self-promoting, inherently conservative, human maggot, Lord Mayor, the Honorable Robert Doyle. Our intention was to send a message to Doyle and his wealthy politico-scum colleagues, that we have the ability to identify their homes and make their lives uncomfortable anytime we choose. Similarly, the rich who legislate against our friends and communities will be held accountable for their actions. (The political piggy, Doyle, was earlier this year visited at his home in a noise action against his proposed policy to further criminalise homeless people in Central Melbourne.) 

Our action involved throwing paint bombs at the facade of his million dollar home. We also distributed a “fuck you” letter addressed to Doyle, reading:

“Dear Honorable Mayor Doyle, Patron of the Melbourne Street Art Community:

We were particularly inspired by your recent support for our fellow street artists who were criminalised for their beautification of the cement bollards in Central Melbourne.

We recognise the bollards play a vital role in our national security, preventing terrorists from striking at the heart of our beloved city.

Hence, in appreciation for your support of Melbourne’s vibrant and internationally street art culture, we felt it was both our civic and creative duty to bestow upon you a personalised gift. We genuinely hope that you will forever enjoy your own priceless piece of street art. We presume our contribution will result in an increase of your property value, which, after your sad demise your child-bride and tender-aged offspring will capitalise upon.

We are sure your neighbours will agree and will similarly appreciate our efforts.

We enthusiastically welcome your thanks and will act without compunction upon further encouragement.

With our deepest respect,

Street Artists for Doyle Collective

PS: Our creative endeavour is part of an ongoing instillation project which we sincerely hope you will recognise the merit of and will provide financial support for. We title our creative endeavour “Beyond the Pale”. We thank you in advance for your patronage of the Melbourne avant-garde.”


Christchurch: Activists occupy National MP’s electorate office to protest factory farming in NZ

8 Aug 2017 – Animal rights activists have occupied the Christchurch electoral office of Gerry Brownlee.

Members of the Resist group gathered in the Minister Brownlee’s office calling for National to bring an end to the practice of battery farming pigs and chickens.

Event co-ordinator Shanti Ahluwalia said National had spent nine years reviewing the issue but had made no changes.

“Now is the perfect time to call National to account for their failures to help animals,” he said.

“Factory farming is only a tiny proportion of the animal economy. Animals bring in a great deal of money for the New Zealand economy but factory farmed chickens only account for about 2 per cent of that.”

Jakarta: Striking dockers clash with police

Police outside the JICT terminal

7 Aug 2017 – Hundreds of police have allegedly been sent to the terminal at the Port of Tanjung Priok to remove members of the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s (ITF) Serikat Pekerja Jakarta International Container Terminal (SPJICT) union.

ITF president and dockers’ section chair, Paddy Crumlin, commented: “ITF dockers’ unions everywhere will be backing our Indonesian colleagues with lawful solidarity action and messages of support.”

The SPJICT is striking from 3-10 August over pension rights and performance bonuses – which terminal management has been pursuing in the course of negotiations over a new collective bargaining agreement.

The ITF has been mobilising international support for the dock workers with other unions expressing their support worldwide on social media.

Continue reading “Jakarta: Striking dockers clash with police”

Sydney: Roxy Jacenko’s office vandalised with paint-bombs

14 July 2017 – PR queen Roxy Jacenko’s lavish Sydney offices have been targeted for the third time in two weeks, this time the Paddington building pelted with ink-injected eggs.

The 37-year-old called police on Friday morning after finding the exterior walls of her Sweaty Betty PR office in Paddington vandalised, with red and blue paint splattered across.

Speaking to journalists, she said: “I think this is a person who has an agenda and that’s to stop me working.

She added: “That’s a calculated person who goes to the trouble of putting Bastille Day colours into eggs and throwing them on a wall”.

This comes after Roxy’s offices were attacked back in April, with a brown sludge found in the mailbox at the time.

Narrm / Melbourne: ‘Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective’ Protest Action Against Police State Terror

Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective Protest/ Action Against VicPig State Terror, Naarm / Melbourne, so-called AustraliaOn 11 July, 2017, the Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective, held a hastily convened protest/ action at 5pm, during peak commuter hour, on the corner of Flinders Lane and Swanston Street; directly outside a central Melbourne/ Naarm aptly-named “beat” Police Station.

We held banners saying: “Flaccid Pigs Shoot First”; “Shoot Police Violence Dead”; and “How do we resist Police Terrror? Revenge 1 for 1!”. We also carried placards, “Fuck Without Fear”, and chanted “Straight or Queer, Fuck Without Fear”; “How do we stop this? Copus Interruptus!”; and “Fuck the Police, A.C.A.B.”.

We also taunted VicPig cops who demanded to know “who was in charge”, and on behalf of the public, expressed our full contempt at the well-fed, armed state thugs attempting to intimidate us. We also had the spontaneous opportunity to assault an undercover state spy in civilian garb.

The Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective held this rally as we categorically condemn the recent police shootings of an unarmed couple, mid-sex, at the “Saints and Sinners” costume party at Inflation Nightclub.

This is yet another example of Police Terrorism- for which VicPol pigs are not held accountable, and are in fact protected by the full force and power of the State.

We strongly suspect the so-called Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission tasked with investigating VicPol pig terror will shamefully exonerate the pigs involved- as usual.

Cops hate non-heternomative sexual expression, sex workers, queers, drug users, and others not conforming to so-called acceptable standards of “virtuous behaviour”.

Despite our presumption that the victims involved were not the usual targets of VicPig cop terrorism (ie. First Nations People; dispossessed and socially marginalised people; youth; migrants etc etc)- we recognise this incident as a manifestation of VicPig bigotry which affirms the dominant values and morality of an inherently sick society.

In Love and Rage, until we can all fuck freely without fear!

Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective
