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New pamphlet of our article Don't Try to Break Us–We'll Explode:

“They can arrest us, we don’t care, or we can be attacked by certain groups. We don’t care, we’ve prepared ourselves for this mentally. But we want to speak our minds.”

Burma’s punks prove willing to speak out against Buddhist monks instigating violence against Muslims while others in the country remain silent.
Mexico: Video Report on the Protests Against the First Visit to Oaxaca by President Enrique Peña Nieto Young people, mostly anarchists and residents of some of the colonies were on the front line of the battle against the repressive forces that provided security for the first visit of Enrique Peña Nieto to the city of Oaxaca on September 7, 2017. Mr President who has not been well received in this state so far and is classified as Persona Non Grata only visited a small corner of Oaxaca where he participated in the XXIV Congress of Mexican Foreign Trade and the inauguration of the Cultural and Convention Center. This complex was guarded since September 6, the previous day, by state and federal police as well as members of the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM). The widespread rejection of the presence of Mr Peña Nieto provoked clashes in different parts of the city, with authorities only able to gain minimum control of the situation. For young people these protests were a sign of dignity for Oaxaca, since this is a new generation of rebellion in this southern state of Mexico. (via Avispa Midia, translated by Insurrection News)
El Bolsón, Argentina: Police attacked with Molotovs by comrades demanding the return of disappeared anarchist comrade #SantiagoMaldonado. #UnMesSinSantiagoMaldonado
in Antalya- Turkey ALF activists drop a banner reading "Feast of Sacrifice is a massacre" on a footbridge on a highway to protest the slaughter of animals during Festival of Sacrifice(Eid al-Adha) #KurbanKatliamdır

Mexico: Video Report on the Protests Against the First Visit to Oaxaca by President Enrique Peña Nieto

Young people, mostly anarchists and residents of some of the colonies were on the front line of the battle against the repressive forces that provided security for the first visit of Enrique Peña Nieto to the city of Oaxaca on September 7, 2017.

Mr President who has not been well received in this state so far and is classified as Persona Non Grata only visited a small corne...r of Oaxaca where he participated in the XXIV Congress of Mexican Foreign Trade and the inauguration of the Cultural and Convention Center. This complex was guarded since September 6, the previous day, by state and federal police as well as members of the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM).

The widespread rejection of the presence of Mr Peña Nieto provoked clashes in different parts of the city, with authorities only able to gain minimum control of the situation.

For young people these protests were a sign of dignity for Oaxaca, since this is a new generation of rebellion in this southern state of Mexico.

(via Avispa Midia, translated by Insurrection News)…/mexico-video-repor…/

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879 reproducciones

"The widespread rejection of the presence of Mr Peña Nieto provoked clashes in different parts of the city, with authorities only able to gain minimum control of the situation."

Young people, mostly anarchists and residents of some of the colonies were on the front line of the battle against the repressive forces that provided security for the first visit of Enrique Peña N…

"Price gouging, during natural disasters, amounts to thievery. The parasites deserve to be looted. Doing so should be regarded as an act of sacred vehemence, due to the fact: supplying life's necessities, in particular, those as crucial to life as are water and food, is a gesture of grace.

Capitalism, under (the misnomer of) “normal” circumstances constitutes criminal activity. Emergency situations, such as hurricanes, simply reveal its true, reprehensible and abnormal nature. Capitalism, by the systematic inflation of the price of items to increase profits, under any circumstances, is price gouging. The entire system is designed to be a hierarchy of chiselers, extortionists, confidence and strong arm artists, looters, and plunderers. It comes down to this: Loot the Looter Class into penury. Turn around is fair play."

" la especulación de precios, durante los desastres naturales, equivale a robo. Los parásitos merecen ser saquearon. Hacerlo debe ser considerado como un acto de vehemencia sagrado, debido al hecho: el suministro de las necesidades de la vida, en particular, aquellos que son cruciales para la vida como son el agua y los alimentos, es un gesto de gracia. El capitalismo, bajo la denominación " normal " de las circunstancias " normales " constituye una actividad delictiva. Las situaciones de emergencia, como los huracanes, simplemente revelan su naturaleza real, censurable y anormal. El capitalismo, por la inflación sistemática del precio de los artículos para aumentar los beneficios, bajo cualquier circunstancia, es la subida de los precios. Todo el sistema está diseñado para ser una jerarquía de estafadores, extorsionistas, confianza y fuertes artistas de brazo, saqueadores y saqueadores. Se trata de esto: saquear la clase de los saqueador en la miseria. La vuelta es un juego limpio."
La imagen puede contener: meme y texto
The Conjure House

"Price gouging, during natural disasters, amounts to thievery. The parasites deserve to be looted. Doing so should be regarded as an act of sacred vehemence, du...e to the fact: supplying life's necessities, in particular, those as crucial to life as are water and food, is a gesture of grace.

Capitalism, under (the misnomer of) “normal” circumstances constitutes criminal activity. Emergency situations, such as hurricanes, simply reveal its true, reprehensible and abnormal nature. Capitalism, by the systematic inflation of the price of items to increase profits, under any circumstances, is price gouging. The entire system is designed to be a hierarchy of chiselers, extortionists, confidence and strong arm artists, looters, and plunderers. It comes down to this: Loot the Looter Class into penury. Turn around is fair play."
- Phil Rockstroh

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"Let us choose actions within our reach.
Let’s plan our tactics carefully.
Let us not be afraid of repression by governments.
Let us create spaces and practices of emancipation and liberation for all species.
Let us mobilize everywhere for a determined, fearsome and antispecist movement....
Let us unveil the sufferings imposed on animals.
Let us liberate them from the conditions imposed by the trading and murderous systems.
Boycott and sabotage the systems of oppression.

Solidarity between species is not only a written word!"

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" vamos a elegir las acciones a nuestro alcance. Vamos a planear nuestras tácticas con cuidado. No nos de la represión por parte de los gobiernos. Que espacios y prácticas de emancipación y liberación para todas las especies. Que en todas partes por un movimiento determinado, temible y antispecist. Que los sufrimientos que se imponen a los animales. Que de las condiciones impuestas por los sistemas de comercio y asesinos. Boicot y sabotaje los sistemas de opresión. La solidaridad entre las especies no es sólo una palabra escrita!"
Let us choose actions within our reach. Let’s plan our tactics carefully. Let us not be afraid of repression by governments. Let us create spaces and practices of emancipation and liberation …

#Calcutta, #India: Demonstration at the #Myanmar Consulate Against the Genocide of the #Rohingya People

At 3PM on 04.09.17 a demonstration took place outside the Myanmar Consulate in protest against the ongoing State-sponsored genocide of the Rohingya People. The demonstration was called by BSN (Bastar Solidarity Network - Kolkata Chapter). Members of BSN, Antifa and anarchists all took part in the demonstration.…/calcutta-india-dem…/

#Calcuta, #India: manifestación en el consulado de #Myanmar contra el genocidio del pueblo #rohingya A LAS 3 PM, el 04.09.17 se llevó a cabo una manifestación fuera del consulado de Myanmar en protesta contra el actual genocidio patrocinado por el estado del pueblo rohingya. La manifestación fue llamada por bsn (@[1187430084621170:274:Bastar Solidarity Network-Kolkata Chapter]). MIEMBROS DE BSN, antifa y anarquistas participaron en la manifestación.

"Arjantin ve Şili’de yadigar topraklarını korumak için beyaz yerleşimcilere, şirketlere, devletlere ve paramiliter güçlere karşı mücadele veren Mapuçelere[1]destek için Arjantin’in Chubut eyaletindeki bir protestoya katılan Santiago Maldonado isimli Arjantinli aktivist jandarmanın baskını sonrasında 1 Ağustos’ta gözaltına alındı ve 1 ayı aşkın süredir kayıp."

Arjantin ve Şili’de yadigar topraklarını korumak için beyaz yerleşimcilere, şirketlere, devletlere ve paramiliter güçlere karşı mücadele veren Mapuçelere[1] için Arjantin’in Chubut eyalet...

"On September 1st, about 50 encapuchadxs (hooded ones) erected barricades and clashed with police with Molotov bombs in front of the UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences). The action was framed within the context of the eve of a new commemoration of September 11, 1973, the day that the military dictatorship began in Chile.

Some unknown comrades also erected barricades outside the Faculty for Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile and at JGM (Juan Gomez Millas Campus, University of Chile).

The action ended without anybody being detained."

" EL 1 de septiembre, alrededor de 50 encapuchadxs (encapuchado) levantaron barricadas y se enfrentaron con la policía con bombas molotov frente a la umce (Universidad Metropolitana de ciencias de la educación). La acción fue enmarcado en el contexto de la víspera de una nueva conmemoración del 11 de septiembre de 1973, el día en que la dictadura militar comenzó en Chile. Algunos camaradas desconocidos también levantaron barricadas fuera de la facultad de filosofía y humanidades en la universidad de chile y en jgm (Campus Juan Gómez millas, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE). La acción terminó sin que nadie fuera detenido."
On September 1st, about 50 encapuchadxs (hooded ones) erected barricades and clashed with police with Molotov bombs in front of the UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences). The actio…

“É difícil falar da importância de textos como esta cronologia dos ataques ao #G20. Este tipo de publicações nos trazem toda uma onda de insubmissão. Não é só a importância da tradução que nos conecta com espaços ou tempos distantes, mas a importância do saber que, expandidos por várias terras, estamos com a mesma vontade de quebrar aquilo que ataca a vida e a liberdade. Lançar um texto assim é também assumir uma posição solidária ativa e combativa com aqueles que lutam. Nesse sentido é um grito de guerra e um amplo sorriso por nos sentir parte de aqueles tremores da terra que se vinga dos monstros de ferro a pau e pedra, com fogo e passo decidido.”

" es difícil hablar de la importancia de textos como esta cronología de los ataques al #g20. Este tipo de publicaciones nos traen toda una onda de insumisión. No es sólo la importancia de la traducción que nos conecta con espacios o tiempos lejanos, pero la importancia del saber que, inflados por varias tierras, estamos con la misma voluntad de romper lo que ataca la vida y la libertad. Lanzar un texto así es también una posición solidaria activa y combativa con los que luchan. En ese sentido es un grito de guerra y una amplia sonrisa por sentirse parte de esos temblores de la tierra que se venga de los monstruos de hierro a palo y piedra, con fuego y paso decidido."
Recebido em 05.09.17: “É difícil falar da importância de textos como esta cronologia dos ataques ao G20. Este tipo de publicações nos trazem toda uma onda de insubmissão. Não é só a importância da …
La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, personas sonriendo, interior
La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, sonriendo
La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, sonriendo
Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement - NYC agregó 3 fotos nuevas.

Tonight we paid respects to anarchist #YPG martyr Robert Grodt. The memorial was heartfelt and emotional. His family are truly strong people. As was mentioned r...epeatedly tonight, in these turbulent times the need for dedication is increasing, and Robert's example is one that must be honored. While the press talked about him as an activist at his memorial his revolutionary anarchist politics took center stage. This form of politics were put into practice in the Rojava Revolution and us at the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement will keep his name alive through our actions.

Sehid Namirin
Biji Rojava
Biji Demhat Goldman

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Mexico: Two important new texts from imprisoned anarchist comrade Fernando Bárcenas that reflect on how families of imprisoned comrades are unwittingly used by the state to manipulate and/or negate the words and thoughts of prisoners, and how solidarity with prisoners on the 'outside' is perceived by those on the 'inside'... (Original Espanol versions included)

"You do not need days of struggle or an organization that tells you what to do. Test your creativity, vandalize their establishments, hang banners from the bridges, detonate explosive devices and disrupt their communications so that the ones above know and understand that they cannot control you."

México: dos nuevos textos importantes del camarada anarquista encarcelado Fernando Bárcenas que reflexiona sobre cómo las familias de los camaradas encarcelados son utilizadas involuntariamente por el estado para manipular y / o negar las palabras y pensamientos de los prisioneros, y cómo la solidaridad con los presos en el 'Exterior' es Percibido por aquellos en el 'Inside'... (versiones originales de español incluido) " no necesitas días de lucha o una organización que te diga lo que tienes que hacer. Prueba tu creatividad, destruye sus establecimientos, cuelga pancartas de los puentes, detonar dispositivos explosivos y perturbar sus comunicaciones para que los que están arriba sepan y entiendan que no pueden controlarlo."
Received and translated on 04.09.17 by Insurrection News: 31/AUG/2017 First of all, this is a clarifying letter. I think for some people it is difficult for them to understand positions, ideas and …

"A look at some of the anarchist and anti-capitalist graffiti seen around Berlin and Hamburg in July 2017.

In solidarity with the G20 prisoners."

" una mirada a algunos de los graffiti anarquistas y anti vistos alrededor de Berlín y Hamburgo en julio de 2017. En solidaridad con los prisioneros del g -."
Received on 04.09.17: A look at some of the anarchist and anti-capitalist graffiti seen around Berlin and Hamburg in July 2017. In solidarity with the G20 prisoners.