Posts Tagged ‘Nemesis Project’

Nemesis Project: CCF/FAI take responsibility for a letter-bomb attack against the German Minister of Finance (Germany, Greece)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Nemesis Project – Act 2

Nine Years after the first appearance of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in January 2008.

After more than 300 attacks against targets of domination that resulted in tens of millions of euros in damage and the transferring of fear to the camp of power.

After more than 60 arrests of comrades and other individuals over the years who have been accused of being our members and the thousands of years of imprisonment imposed upon them.

After so many times that Ministers and Police Chiefs have declared in the media that they have managed to ‘dismantle’ us and that “the CCF is finished.”

After the inclusion of the CCF in lists of ‘terrorist’ organizations by the State Department in the US and by Europol in the EU.

… we continue even louder.

With the creation of an international conspiratorial network of FAI and CCF cells in dozens of countries that have carried out and continue to carry out guerrilla attacks.

With even greater passion and tenacity to not only attack the infrastructure of the system but also the people in power.

Always against social apathy.

Always against the oppressors of our lives.

Still they cannot understand that the CCF is an idea and that the idea cannot be imprisoned because it is like the Hydra. For each comrade that is imprisoned, new comrades are ready to take their place and continue on the path of attack.

We still have the rage…

We sent a booby-trapped parcel bomb to the German Minister of Finance within the context of the campaign of the second act of Project Nemesis.

A communique will follow in the coming months.

Comradely greetings to the FAI direct action groups in Chile and Greece for their contributions to Project Nemesis.

Rebellious greetings to the FAI comrades in Italy and the imprisoned members of CCF in Greece who remain unrepentant.

Forward for the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis.

Nothing has ended, everything continues.


Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI

via Athens IMC, translated by Insurrection News

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Nemesis Project: Incendiary/explosive attack against the ‘National Association of Judiciary Officials’ / Proyecto Nemesis: Artefacto incendiario/explosivo contra ‘Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios del Poder Judicial’ (Chile)

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

On the night of December 11, we placed a homemade incendiary/ explosive device with a delay system in the National Association of Judiciary Officials building located on Cienfuegos street in the center of Santiago. The device detonated perfectly and set fire to the door of the building.

The National Association of Judiciary Officials is the place where the officials who authorize the operation of the prison-court complex meet every day. We attacked a den of the active machinery of the system that each day allows the miserable individuals of the State apparatus to exercise the right that they have assumed to judge and imprison other people.

Each sentence issued by judges, each conviction requested by a prosecutor, each imprisonment in the prisons of power is supported by the role of judicial functionaries who validate with their work the existence and maintenance of this repressive industry.

In these times of trials against anarchists who risk long sentences our action is a ray of fire from the depths of our dark intentions towards the social order of dominion.

To act as part of the international proposal of the NEMESIS PROJECT that was initiated in Greece by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades to hit the powerful and their accomplices in their homes, their work and meeting places. (more…)

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Nemesis Project: Bomb threat against a military residential village in Santiago by Insurrectional Column ‘Wrath and Plot’ – FAI/FRI (Chile)

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

“The big city also has a massive concentration of attack targets. (…) A few combatants can put large contingents of enemy forces in check by means of appropriate actions, the guerrilla must make it very clear that their attacks are directed in principle against all institutions of the enemy class, against all administrative positions, police and trustees but also against senior officials of these institutions, against judges, directors etc; Making it very clear that the war will bring them to the residential quarters of the rulers. (…) It uses surprise as a weapon and it the one that determines the time and location of operations.”

The Modern Capitalist State and the Strategy of Armed Struggle / RAF.

The ideas and practices antagonistic to capital and the state have been a headache for the bourgeois order since it penetrated strongly into Chilean territory centuries ago generating diverse reactions executed by the armed apparatuses of the state whether in dictatorship or democracy.

During the 60s the OPV took power while in the 1970s the various armed Marxist groups were formed to combat the established power of their respective epoch. While the OPP fought during Allende’s rule, the MIR, FPMR and Mapu Lautaro fought against the military dictatorship, becoming part of the war against domination and against the state.

During the democratic transition these organization felt the offensive blow of the state and dismantled, however some of their fighters decided not to surrender.

During the 90s resurgent new currents of autonomy and horizontality emerged from the reduced anti-capitalist expression and came to public attention, mainly via demonstrations and street violence. From anonymity, sabotage with explosive devices against different targets of state and capital began to resonate and it was in the following decade when these actions led to anarchy being placed under the watchful eye of police intelligence.

The living expression of this new stage of anti-capitalism began to solidify the new autonomous and libertarian subversion in Chilean territory.

In the minds of agents of power there was no possibility that in the midst of democracy that there were individuals willing to violate and disrupt social peace and capitalist production. Bombings, street fighting, long days of protest accompanied by strong attacks against the police, sabotage, destructive fire and propaganda of insurrectionist ideas via multiform methods began to be part of the new diverse and decentralized praxis without command nor leadership of the anti-capitalist expression, the praxis of the insurrectionary anarchist struggle.

Over time, the state began to restructure itself, armed to the teeth, making its vigilance constant and abundant and introducing its discourse in society under the protection of its ever-faithful friend: the press. Simultaneously, modifications made jail an effective punishment for those who stray from the imposed normality, physical and mental annihilation under tons of concrete, and if possible murdered, this being the ultimate for of punishment for the subversives.

Using these tactics the state classified the subversive struggle as delinquency. For those of us who make it our lives this has no relevance because the vindication of revolutionary honor will always contradict their ‘truths’. However we need to understand that this qualifier aims at the prevalence of the interests of the powerful. Therein lies the aim of the insurrectional attack, to strike and to disrupt the power until they are unable to control its disgusting order.

In this way under the prism of the ideas and events exposed we have returned generating a series of actions which have not ceased, and we continue. Today we claim as part of our project: Bullets sent to the parish priest of the Church of the Sacrament in March, robberies in universities for political means in July, the placing of an incendiary device on a Transantiago bus (without passengers) in August. All these actions were claimed by the Death Brigade, Illegalist Band Sebastían O. Seguel and the Hermina Concha Nuclei of Attack, allied to the FAI-FRI are now part of the Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla.

On December 2nd, we left a fake explosive device inside the West Military Village located at Av. Pajaritos, Central Station, Santiago, Chile.

Our device consisted of a fire extinguisher with a cell phone wired to it to resemble a remote control (see photo). As we have already noted, the non-placement of an actual explosive device was a political decision. Because although despicable being who deserve to die live in this place there are also workers here day and night who are not our targets.

For this same reason we used fake devices at the Plaza Alameda Mall and on a Transantiago bus (with passengers) in December 2015. It contrast to this was the explosive device we left at the Gendarmerie Reinsertion Center in February of this year which was composed of 1kg of ANFO that was strategically placed next to a gas cylinder.

Now, returning to the morning of December 2nd: This hostile action where the military and police live was designed to demoralize the historical enemy of the revolutionaries. An enemy we will fight with all of our weapons and our forces. From our position we warn those of power: today was a simulation but we have weapons and explosives and we will not hesitate to use them when we decide on the day, time and place to strike.

From now on we warn you: disgusting military, tread with care: Maria Riquelme (Block 4, Apt. 12), Iván Pinto (Block 11, Apt. 24), Luis Orellana (Block 11, Apt. 1123), Oscar Moya (Block 11, Apt. 1124), Sergio Martínez (Block 11, Apt. 1142). Your peace and quiet is over. Today we chose randomly, anybody could be here, with caution we observed them.

Finally it is necessary to send a combative greeting and a sign of complicity to the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (in prison and on the street) in Greece. With this action we wish to humbly contribute to the initiative of the Nemesis Project. We hope that this proposal resonates with every revolutionary and is materialized via concrete actions throughout the world.

Neither do we forget our brother in prison. Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla and Juan Aliste, nine years since the manhunt began against them. We do not forget how the extinct torturer Alendro Bernales gave his message between the lines via the press: “They walk with death”. Neither do we forget the extensive legal process they had to face in a case initiated by the Military Justice which was eventually transferred to Civil Justice by the Military Prosecutor Roberto Reveco. A transfer which resulted in no major change in the predominant desire of power for huge sentences. Even so our brothers remained staunch and immovable, dignified and ungovernable. To you our solidarity.

We also wish to send a symbolic internationalist greeting to the autonomous guerrilla women who give life to the Revolution in Rojava in the Middle East. Women who practise ideas antagonistic to capital, state and patriarchy in the midst of an ongoing military conflict against bastard police and soldiers opposed to freedom and autonomy.

Finally we remember our brother and partner Sebastián Oversluij Seguel, 3 years since his death in an attempted bank robbery on December 11th, 2013 in the commune of Pudahuel, Santiago, Chile. Murdered by the hands of the vigilante William Vera, a military man with a lengthy resume, an assassin of capital with experience in military conflicts overseas.

For all this and more: Attack the Military Corps!
Hostility is fully justified!
War on the enemy in your territory!
Everything continues..We will be back!

Insurrectional Column ‘Wrath and Plot’ – FAI/FRI,
Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla

via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News

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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF : Nemesis Project – An open proposal (Greece)

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

”He who speaks of war, must have a plan…”

The most insidious authority is the one that carries the promise of inclusiveness. This is why we transitioned from monarchy to democracy but not freedom. ”Safety” is a word favored by democracy. The more we hear about “safety”, the more our lives and freedom regress. Worst of all, contemporary power and democracy have elicited the compromise and submission of society almost voluntarily. Democracy operates as a transparent factory that produces social relations. People submit to governmental ideology, mainstream standards and disciplined behaviors and consider that what we experience today (the economic tyranny, the extortion of wage slavery, the dictatorship of the spectacle, the technological surveillance) are the inevitable natural world order.

But even in a pervasive authority, bosses, officials, managers and proprietors will always exist. Nowadays, the visibility of people in power is particularly clear. Politicians, businessmen, ship owners, publishers, journalists, judges and police officers are the persons in authority. The Nemesis Project aims to attack those persons. The Nemesis Project is our turn to make fear move into the backyard of the enemy.

Instead of attacking impersonal symbols of justice, we think that it is very important to transpose our hostilities to the personal environment of the enemy, their homes, offices, hangouts and vehicles. We know that to authority ”nobody is irreplaceable” but we also know that a personal hit against one of them would instill fear in another 100. We create a legacy of fear for their kind and whoever becomes their replacement. It is our own minimum counterweight in balancing the terror controlled by the enemy. In balancing the terror caused by the murders of workers by their bosses, the accidental shootings by cops, the thousands of years in prison sentenced by judges, the lies by journalists, the laws and the orders by politicians. In all of these cases, the enemy has a name and an address.

Attacking them proves that people in authority are not invincible. At the same time, instead of confining anarchist insurrection in incidents of occasional conflict with cops, we can make revolution a permanent component of our daily lives by discovering those that hide behind orders and decisions which govern our lives, by studying their moves and routes and by organizing our own offensive cells which will respond to the challenges of authority. We do not anticipate a social short-circuit that will lead in mass mobilizations, but we become the accelerators of history through our actions, by creating the dilemma ”with authority or with freedom”. We create spaces and eras where history is written by our own hand and does not just happen. Anarchist urban guerrilla is a way of looking life straight in the eye, in order to form an authentic collective ”we”. It is the construction of an anarchist process of liberation with courage, consistency and determination. Our actions are not evaluated in relation only to the blow against the enemy but also to the possibility of changing our own lives.

The Nemesis Project is an international proposal to create a list with the names of people in authority so that we can attack them where they feel safe, on the sidelines… at their own houses. The bomb explosion at the house of District Attorney G. Tsatani was the first attack, the first act of the Nemesis Project. We share this plan with all the FAI-IRF cells and all the anarchists of action across the world, wanting to start a dialogue on the diffusion of the anarchist struggle. And we know that the best dialogue for the assessment of an action can be no other than a new action…

Through the Nemesis Project we salute all our comrades that are held captive in the cells of democracy across the world and are no longer by our side. It is especially dedicated to the members of the CCF Olga Economidou, George Polydoros, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, our anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou and the Italian comrades of FAI Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai.

To all those who did not bury the axe of war…

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF

We will return soon.

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Nemesis Project : Athens – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire take responsibility for the bombing at the home of the Judge Georgia Tsatani / Conspiración de las Células del Fuego reivindica ataque con bomba contra casa de fiscal (Grecia)

Friday, October 14th, 2016


We claim responsibility for attacking the house of the district attorney Georgia Tsatani, in Ippokratous street in Athens city center, next to the Exarhia police department.

We knew that G. Tsatani has a police escort and that she is a guarded target, but this didn’t stand in our way to accomplish our attack.

We chose a symbolic action with only material damage as a sole purpose, but the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire won’t be limited to that…

We have two reasons for choosing this particular district attorney.

The first one is that G. Tsatani is a member of the para-judicial network whose job is to take out of sight case files that impinge the interests of the business and politics mafia (with a view to profit of course). She is the judicial vanguard of her masters.

The apex of her tainted career is the Vgenopoulos case, where G. Tsatani closed the case, aiding him to be discharged of his certain conviction. Her venality by the businessman Vgenopoulos pumped up more her invisible para-judicial account. These inconspicuous courtesies of businessmen can built the villas of the judges as an exchange for their “justice”.

Another sample of this district attorney’s writing, that is being kept diligently secret from the media, is Meimarakis’ case. Georgia Tsatani is the one who took on the case file regarding the equipment and the bribes of Vagelis Meimarakis, the former minister of national defense back then and she made sure to “forget” to send these files in the parliament, with her sole purpose being to cover for him. The exchange of this conciliation was the placement of Tsatanis’ daughter and husband as minister candidates in New Democracy on Meimarakis’ presidency.

Georgia Tsatani was involved in the Vatopedi case, making clear once again the mafia-like partnership between Church and Justice, as well as in many other famous cases that she would “chop off” in order to conceal and protect the interests of authority.

The second reason for choosing to attack the district attorney Georgia Tsatani was her participation in the judicial thralldom of our comrades’ relatives.

G. Tsatani was the one who viewed as unacceptable one of the applications of release by Evi Statiri, who is the wife of Gerasimos Tsakalos, member of the C.C.F. Thus, she contributed in the anti-guerrilla campaign and in one of the most immoral extortions against anarchist revolutionaries.

The vengeful obsession of the judges against the families of our comrades is a choice that all judges involved will be asked to pay and at a great cost. We have remembrance and most of all patience, persistence and diligence…

We are dedicating this action to the imprisoned members of C.C.F, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polydoros and Olga Economidou.

We are sending our solidarity to the anarchist comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulou, to all unshakeable political prisoners that lie in the cells of the Greek Democracy, as well as to the Italian comrades Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai and the anarchists persecuted in Italy within the undertaking “scripta manent” against F.A.I.

Soon the complete version of this proclamation will follow, as well as our initiative for “Nemesis” Project.

We will be back…

Translated by A-politiko.

Conspiración de las Células del Fuego reivindica ataque con bomba contra casa de fiscal.

[“Reporte” por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras]

Con un comunicado subido a internet el grupo de guerrilla urbana anarquista “Conspiración de las Células del Fuego” se atribuyó la responsabilidad por una bomba que explotó el día miércoles 12 de octubre en la casa de la fiscal G. Tsatani en el centro de Atenas, cerca de la estación de policía de Exarchia.

En el comunicado – disponible hasta ahora solo en griego- se detalla que el ataque se realizó aun a pesar de que la fiscal contaba con protección policial y que la bomba buscó generar daños materiales, pero que los ataques no se limitarán solo a eso. También se mencionan los motivos para centrar el ataque en la fiscal Tsatani, siendo uno de ellos su participación en el encarcelamiento de lxs familiares de lxs miembrxs presxs de CCF. El comunicado menciona más específicamente el rol jugado por la fiscal en el secuestro judicial de Evi Statiri (actualmente en la calle), quien es la compañera amorosa del compañero Gerasimos Tsakalos (miembro de CCF actualmente encarcelado en el módulo subterráneo de la prisión de mujeres de Koridalos).

Según la prensa griega, el ataque fue precedido por una llamada anónima de advertencia y la bomba explotó aproximadamente a las 23.45 horas del miércoles.

A continuación se pueden leer algunos extractos del comunicado a la espera de una versión en inglés que permita una mejor traducción al español:



Asumimos la responsabilidad por el ataque a la casa de la fiscal Georgia Tsatani en la calle Hipócrates, en el centro de la ciudad al lado de la estación de policía Exarchia.

Sabíamos que Tsatani tiene escolta policial (…) pero esto no fue impedimento para instalar nuestra ofensiva. Elegimos un acto simbólico destinado únicamente a daños materiales, pero en el futuro la Conspiración de Células del Fuego no se limitará a eso…

La elección de esta fiscal en concreto fue por dos razones principales.

La primera razón es que Tsatani es miembro del circuito (…) que se compromete a hacer “desaparecer” los archivos que afectan los intereses de los empresarios y de la mafia política (con fines de lucro, por supuesto). Es la vanguardia judicial de los patrones.


La segunda razón por la que elegimos golpear a la fiscal Tsatani fue por su participación en el secuestro judicial de los familiares de nuestrxs compañerxs (…) por lo que también contribuyó a su vez con la campaña judicial anti-guerrillera (…).

La furia vengativa de los jueces hacia lxs familiares de nuestrxs compañerxs es una opción por la que pagarán un alto precio (…)

Tenemos memoria y, sobre todo, paciencia, persistencia y consistencia…

Dedicamos esta acción a lxs miembros encarcelados de CCF Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Georgio Polidoro y Olga Economidou.

Enviamos nuestra solidaridad a la compañera anarquista Angeliki Spyropoulos, a todxs lxs presxs políticxs no arrepentidxs en las celdas de la República griega y a los compañeros italianos Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai y lxs anarquistas perseguidxs en Italia dentro de la operación “Scripta Manent” contra la FAI.

Pronto lanzaremos todo nuestro manifiesto y propuesta para el ‘Nemesis’.


Conspiración de Células del Fuego / F.A.I.

Ver comunicado en griego acá.

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