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Indigenous Australians

Auditing Indigenous Poverty

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A major challenge all political parties face is that Indigenous poverty is deeply embedded and structural and will take a long time, innovative policy and major investments to address. The diversity of Indigenous circumstances means that a diversity of approaches will be required, but the major parties are committed to mainstreaming or normalisation options. It is only the Greens that are serious about the recognition of difference and the need for approaches that emphasise social justice.

Indigenous Australia and the 2016 Budget: The Great Australian Fiscal Silence

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In 1968 anthropologist Bill Stanner spoke of the Great Australian Silence in relation to the historical mistreatment of Indigenous peoples, a national myopia. The just announced 2016 Budget could be similarly termed ‘the Great Australian Fiscal Silence’, a fiscal myopia incommensurate with the level of need.

Latest comment: An excellent article. The silence in this and other must be broken. Also very worth listening to Jon'...

Vale Patrick Wolfe

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Patrick Wolfe tragically passed away very prematurely on Thursday, we mourn his passing.

Welfare to Work, or Work to Welfare?

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The Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee, chaired by Senator Cory Bernardi, is holding an Inquiry into the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Community Development Program) Bill 2015. Professor Jon Altman made a submission (no. 8) to the Inquiry and was invited to give further evidence in a public hearing on 19 February 2016 at the Monash Conference Centre, Melbourne. These are his opening remarks.

Latest comment: Spot on - this is madness and will cost more lives. Another trial? Another? enough is enough. Aboriginal...