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Posts from the ‘Upcoming Events’ Category

Newsletter: Apply for an IAS Grant


See our fall, 2016 Newsletter here!

Spring, 2016 IAS Newsletter

Here’s our latest newsletter with lots of updates! Right Here!


Climate, Capital and Change: Organizing Against Climate Catastrophe

Climate, Capital and Change: Lara and Paul Messersmith-Glavin on Organizing Against Climate Catastrophe

Saturday, June 20th, 3PM Ballard Library, SPL, 5614 22nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA


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Gathering Autonomy: Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative. March 5th – June 21st, in Portland, OR


For its inaugural exhibition at the new 511 Gallery at the new campus flagship, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design, PNCA is pleased to present Gathering Autonomy: Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, the first retrospective exhibition of this print cooperative that produces graphics for activist organizations around events or actions, located at 511 NW Broadway, Portland, OR, 97209

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Anarchism, Decolonization, and Radical Democracy || Symposium: Haverford College, Haverford, PA, March 27th


Organized by Andrew Cornell, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor of American Studies at Haverford College and Institute for Anarchist Studies author.

Anarchism has inspired global social movements for more than two decades, yet remains peripheral to academic debate. Scholars have developed sophisticated conceptions of radical democracy, but these have been slow to inform on-the-ground organizing. Both frameworks critique the imperial foundations and racial exclusions of liberal theory and institutions, as do a growing contingent of scholars and activists who demand a thoroughgoing decolonization of our social, political, and intellectual lives.

This symposium explores what common ground and what tensions exist between these critical perspectives by providing a unique forum for conversation amongst an international ensemble of respected organizers and scholars.

Full schedule and more information at:

Dilar Dirik
Chris Dixon
J. Kēhaulani Kauanui
Ruth Kinna
Todd May
Harsha Walia

In a rare Pacific Northwest appearance: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, speaking on her new book, “An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States”

In An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz challenges the founding myth of the United States and shows how policy against the indigenous people was genocidal and imperialist—designed to crush the original inhabitants. Spanning more than three hundred years, this bottom-up history significantly re-frames how we view our past. Told from the viewpoint of the indigenous, it reveals how Native Americans, for centuries, actively resisted expansion of the US Empire.


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Bring Octavia’s Brood’s Authors to Your Town!




Octavia’s Brood (IAS/AK Press, 2015) co-editors Walidah Imarisha and adrienne maree brown, as well as many of the contributors, will be touring with the book in Spring and Fall 2015 and want to come to a campus, community center or bookstore near you!

All organizing is science fiction. A world where everyone has a home, a great education, community based transformative justice, nourishing food to eat and clean water to drink, where we are in right relation to the planet, to each other, where we are free to be and love ourselves as we are, to grow together?

We have never seen it.

But Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movements (AK Press/IAS, 2015) can help us envision that world. Octavia’s Brood is an anthology of original science fiction from social justice movements written by organizers and activists. Each of the 20 stories reimagines the world we live in, putting forth compelling futures with new questions, new visions to explore.

More about the book is below, and also at the publisher’s website:

We will be touring April through June 2015, and then looking to Fall 2015 as well.

If you are interested in bringing visionary voices to your community, please contact Jen Angel

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Harsha Walia in Washington and Oregon!

Harsha speaking tour

Join us to hear Harsha discuss her recent book Undoing Border Imperialism, an Anarchist Interventions title published by the IAS and AK Press, as well as her extensive work building immigrant rights movements within a transnational analysis of capitalism, settler colonialism, state building, and radicalized empire. Harsha delves into the challenging questions that face us as activists and organizers today and explores strategies to overcome the borders within our movements in order to cultivate fierce, loving, and sustainable communities of resistance.

Sponsored and organized by: the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee, the Institute For Anarchist Studies (IAS), PCC MEChA, Yakima County Dream Team, the Hella 503 Collective, Bring Them Home Oregon, Students for Palestinian Equal Rights, Yakima County Dream Team, Abolish Cops and Prisons, and the PCASC Prison Abolition Squad

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Dispatches Against Displacement Book Reading with James Tracy


Reading Frenzy

Sunday, October 19th at 6:00pm

3628 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, Oregon 97227

Potluck and round-table style discussion.

San Francisco is being eroded by waves of cash flowing north from Silicon Valley. Recent evictions of long-time San Francisco residents, outrageous rents and home prices, and blockaded “Google buses” are only the tip of the iceberg. James Tracy’s book focuses on the long arc of displacement over almost two decades of “dot com” boom and bust, offering the necessary perspective to analyze the latest urban horrors. A housing activist in the Bay Area since before Google existed, Tracy puts the hardships of the working poor and middle class front and center. These essays explore the battle for urban space—public housing residents fighting austerity, militant housing takeovers, the vagaries of federal and state housing policy, as well as showdowns against gentrification in the Mission District. From these experiences, Dispatches Against Displacement draws out a vision of what alternative urbanism might look like if our cities were developed by and for the people who bring them to life.

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Perspectives Event in Portland, Oregon August 19th!

Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, which has been published for over seventeen years by the Institute for Anarchist Studies, is proud to present an evening in Portland, Oregon with noted scholars and activists Walidah Imarisha, Tamara Lynne, and Lara Messersmith-Glavin. The theme of the evening is ‘strategy’ and will be held at People’s Coop (3029 SE 21st Ave) in the community room on Tuesday, August 19th from 6 – 8 pm. The event is to launch issue No. 27 of Perspectives on the theme of strategy.

The evenings featured speakers are:

Walidah Imarisha, speaking on “Sci Fi and Strategy.” Walidah will discuss the ways that visionary science fiction helps us dream up new worlds and create the strategies to bring them into existence. Walidah is the co-editor of the forthcoming Ocatvia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movements (2015) and is one half of the poetry duo Good Sista/Bad Sista in addition to her organizing work.

Tamara Lynne,speaking on “Theatre of the Oppressed: Strategies of Transgression,” for which she reflects on her time in India, her work with Theatre of the Oppressed organizers there and lessons for organizing work here at home. Tamara will draw from her essay “Theatre and the Art of Transgression: Unlearning the Rules of Engagement” featured in the current issue of Perspectives.

Lara Messersmith-Glavin will introduce the work of the Institute for Anarchist Studies, and the journal Perspectives on Anarchist Theory and will host the event. Lara is a co-editor of the recent book Life During Wartime: Resisting Counterinsurgency (AK Press: 2013), is an IAS board member and Perspectives editorial collective member.  Lara wrote the introduction for the current issue. 

The last few issues of Perspectives will be available, including the new Strategy issue, the Care issue, the Movements issue, and the Politics of Climate Change issue.  Also available will be several of the books in the Anarchist Interventions book series co-published with AK Press, including Maia Ramnath’s Decolonizing Anarchism, Harsha Walia’s Undoing Border Imperialism, and Javier Castro’s Imperiled Life:  Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe.


$5 to 25 sliding scale donation, no one turned away for lack of funds.