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Doctors ramp up same-sex marriage campaign

AMA president Michael Gannon and his team have vowed to ramp up their campaign in support of same-sex marriage.

The nation's most powerful doctors' group is ramping up its campaign for same-sex marriage despite an internal conservative backlash, with seven former Australian Medical Association bosses joining the cause and urging a "yes" vote on health grounds.

Trump supporters fuming after apparent about-face

U.S. President Donald Trump,

Staunch conservative allies of Trump erupted in anger and incredulity after Democrats announced the president had agreed to pursue a legislative deal that would protect thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation

Caltex cleans up in worker compo 'hoax'

Caltex illustration by Simon Bosch

Amid the fracas of a wage fraud scandal tearing through Caltex, more than 200 franchisees and senior executives jetted into Tokyo in late March for a three-day conference at Tokyo's swish Hilton Odaiba, overlooking Tokyo Bay.

Photos of the week

WEATHER Year 12 students take a day off school to enjoy Sydney's hot weather, Murray Rose pool, Double Bay 13th ...

A week in photos from award winning Sydney Morning Herald photographers.