No justice, no piece! A working girl's guide to labor organizing in the sex industry

Book cover

A manual created by the Exotic Dancers Union in San Francisco from their experiences organizing a union at the Lusty Lady strip club in 1997. A valuable book both for those organizing sex workers and workers in general. A good overview of the NLRB election process, but also general tips on organizing and direct action.

Militancy: highest stage of alienation - Part 2

Le Militantisme : stade suprême de l'aliénation

Published in France 2 years after part 1, part 2 puts part 1 in into the political context it was published in and expands on its themes.

Dormant Seeds of 1848- John Hewetson

John Hewetson's analysis of the important lessons of the uprisings that threatened the rulers of Europe in 1848.

From A Hundred Years of Revolution: 1848 And After, edited by George Woodcock (Porcupine Press, London, 1948)

Sex work organisation in the global south

Sex workers protest in India

An overview by Gregor Gall of sex workers' organising and unionisation efforts in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The Coining of "Privatisation" and Germany's National Socialist Party- Germa Bel

A history of the term privatisation and its relationship to Nazi economic policy.

1848 The Year of Revolutions- George Woodcock

George Woodcock charts the events of the revolutionary wave that swept Europe in 1848. Assessing their political characters, their accomplishments and defeats.

The painful transition: bourgeois democracy in India

Indian parliament, postindependence

A Marxist account of the development of capitalist democracy in India, by Achin Vanaik.

Solidarity (North West) #1.03

Issue of the North West Solidarity Journal with articles on race, sex and class, a dispute in Bolton, the revolution in Guinea and more.

Workers and students - Hagen Koo

A chapter on the alliances and solidarity between South Korean industrial workers and radical students in the 1970s and '80s.

The Herbert Baum group blog

Marianne Prager-Joachim

A collection of writings by Eric Brothers on the Baum group of German Jews who fought against the Nazi regime.