Tag Archives: HSA

Anti-Fascist Network & Hunt Saboteurs Association announce affiliation

The Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) is pleased to announce its affiliation to the Anti-fascist network (AFN).

The HSA has always had a policy of inclusion, welcoming anyone into our ranks regardless of race, creed, gender, religion or sexuality, and has been forced over the years to confront and exclude people who have been proved to be racist or fascist.


Our active members have for years been the subject of racist (and sexist) abuse from the hunting community which only highlights that our struggle to end hunting also promotes a more ethical attitude to both humans and animals.

 Both the HSA and AFN promote a policy of confronting those engaged in racism and hunting respectively, on the streets and in the countryside. To not only stop such activities continuing but also to highlight them to the wider public.

While other organisations hide their heads in their hands, hoping that a few leaflets or email shots will make the problems go away, we are clear that the only way to end both hunting and racism is confront it head on, so those who partake of such actions and attitudes are clear that we will oppose them until they stop.


For any further enquiries please contact our Press Officer here.



Racist Huntsman Found Guilty of Harassment

Hunt saboteurs association Press Release November 15th 2012

David Lee peters, huntsman of the Ross Harriers hunt, was today found guilty of racially aggrevated harassment and threatening behaviour at Hereford Magistrates Court.  He received fines and costs totalling £3000 and was ordered to pay £200 to the victim of the  abuse.

The convictions relate to an incident from January this year when hunt saboteurs were present to ensure no illegal hunting took place.

Mr. Peters shouted racist remarks about a saboteur to other members of the hunt.  Fortunately he was overheard by an independent witness who called the police.

Mr. Peters conviction comes just weeks after Paul Standen, a supporter of the Ross Harriers, pleaded guilty to assault after punching a saboteur in the face.

Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt saboteurs association,  stated: “Decent people know that racism is completely unacceptable.  The hunting community however appear to be stuck in some kind of time warp where it is still ok to use this kind of disgusting language.  Maybe they would like to join us in the 21st Century  and realise that racism, along with the senseless murder of animals in the name of sport, is something that society no longer tolerates.  We hope the Ross Harriers do the right thing and sack Mr. Peters immediately to show that they do not condone racism”

All Press enquiries:

07774 279133

Case background

David Lee Peters – Ross Harriers – Racist Scum

Three Counties Anti-fascists would like to send our solidarity and support to the hunt sabs who go out and oppose these animal abusing scumbags, and racists, every week, especially our local comrades in the Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs. Keep fighting the good fight. 

More racism at another local hunt

Yet another local hunt has been accused of racism after followers of the Heythrop Hunt, which hunts in parts of Gloucestershire, were caught making racial slurs on the video below.

This comes after two other recent incidents of racism from the hunt masters of neighbouring hunts.

In January we reported on the arrest of 33-year-old huntsman Lee Peters, of the Herefordshire-based Ross Harriers, for racially abusing a hunt saboteur. Even the Daily Mail picked up on this one, publishing a surprisingly accurate article which you can see here.

Alan Morgan, previous huntsman for the Cotswold Vale Farmers Foxhounds, plead guilty to racial abuse aimed at a saboteur in Gloucestershire in December.  This followed a string of violent incidents at the same hunt. You can see more information on the case here.

3CAFA would like to send  a clear message to the hunts in this region, racism will not be tolerated. You have now put yourselves in the sights of anti-racist activists. We would also like to send our support to those who continue to expose this unacceptable behaviour and stand up to the scum every weekend.

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