Tag Archives: Fascism

‘I made Labour ‘paedo’ stickers – Worcester council candidate in police probe’

Labour Paedo Party Sticker

“A POLICE probe has launched after smear campaign stickers linking the Labour Party to paedophiles appeared across the city – with a council candidate being questioned.

In recent months these labels have been found stuck on lampposts across Worcester, with West Mercia Police now deciding to intervene.

We can reveal how Carl Mason, a gas engineer who used to run the city’s British National Party branch, was visited by officers on Saturday evening.

The 50-year-old, of Keble Close, has admitted producing “around 2,000” of the stickers in recent years to sell them on, but insists he has not put them up on any of the lampposts himself.

The stickers, which have been spotted in areas like Tolladine, St John’s and St Peter’s, makes bizarre claims about Labour being a ‘paedo party’ and features details of a website detailing court cases for child sexual offences involving its former councillors nationwide.

 Worcester Labour Party, which made the complaint to police on the grounds of it being malicious, says increasing numbers of


Mason with BNP fuhrer Nick Griffin

its members have been complaining about the stickers.

But Mr Mason, of Keble Close, who is standing in the local elections in May, has hit out at his treatment and says he wants to be left alone.

 “Between five and six o’clock two coppers knocked on the door and I think they were embarrassed to be there, to be honest,” he said.

“They said ‘we’re not charging you, you are not under arrest, we just want to ask you some questions’.

“They told me they’d had a complaint from Worcester Labour Party, and I said I’ve seen them around town.

“I did get stickers printed and sold them on the internet a couple of years ago but I haven’t been putting them up anywhere, it’s a total waste of police time.”

Labour Party sources said they felt the stickers have gone too far and need to be stopped.

Roger Jenkins, the branch secretary, said today: “Technically it was an individual of the party who made a police complaint, but I can’t divulge who.

“But we’ve had members of the party contact the branch about them, several of them weren’t even active members.”

Worcester City Council has been taking down some of the stickers in recent months when staff spot them, saying the tactic is illegal flyposting.

A council spokesman said: “Whenever we come across them they are removed, this is illegal flyposting.”

A spokesman for West Mercia Police said they were unable to confirm what stage the probe was today.

The right-wing party is also expected to contest Gorse and Hill and St John’s for this year’s local elections on Thursday, May 5.”

Malvern Gazette

32 in court to be sentenced over Walsall EDL violence (+ updates)

Men were found guilty of violent disorder after protesters clashed with police in September 2012

www.birminghammail.co.uk 2013-12-16 12 49 32

Thirty two men will appear in court this week to be sentenced after violence erupted at an English Defence League demonstration in Walsall last year.

Over a period of four days the defendants will all appear at Wolverhampton Crown Court for their final hearing, after being convicted of violent disorder earlier this year.

The men were arrested and charged following an investigation by West Midlands Police Force CID following violence in Walsall town centre on September 29, 2012.

A series of operations were staged across the country to arrest people suspected of involvement in the disorder, which broke out when members of the protest group tried to break through police lines.


A further 17 men have already appeared before magistrates where they have been sentenced for crimes ranging from public order offences to criminal damage.

Det Chief Insp Pete Dunn, who led the police investigation into the disorder, said: “The majority of the people who visited Walsall to protest that day were law-abiding.

“However a small number of people decided to get involved in a few ugly scenes when protestors began to try and break through police lines and throw missiles.

“Thirty people were arrested at the time, and we continued to arrest people from as far and wide as Dorset and County Durham over the weeks and months that followed.

“This week sees the culmination of a detailed, painstaking investigation by a dedicated team of officers who were determined to bring those people to justice.


“We recovered many hours of CCTV, mobile phone and police footage which led to more than 450 hours of detective work to identify those responsible for bringing violence to the streets of Walsall.

“These court proceedings underline the fact that we will pursue people who commit crime in the West Midlands, no matter how long it takes, and bring them to justice.”

Chief Supt Dave Sturman, commander for Walsall and in charge of the operation on the day, added: “We recognise that the people of Walsall were both concerned and inconvenienced on the day and we hope that residents are reassured by our continuing efforts to bring those involved in disorder in the town to justice.

“The message to people intent on bringing violence to the streets of the West Midlands when attending such events is clear – we will not tolerate disorder or any form of anti social behaviour.

“The force takes a hard line against anyone who comes to the West Midlands and creates disorder, whether it be in the name of an organisation or just for devilment.

“If you commit such crimes we will track you down and ultimately you will be brought before the courts.”

Despite violence breaking out at the EDL demonstration, only a small number of protesters and police officers sustained minor cuts and bruises.

There were no serious injuries.

All 32 men will appear before Wolverhampton Crown Courtto be sentenced between Monday, December 16-Thursday, December 19.




Judge slams ‘mob violence’ as seven jailed over Walsall EDL demonstration


Seven jailed after EDL violence in Walsall

Dudley man jailed for joining mob violence at EDL demo

EDLNews updates


Day of reckoning for yobs in Walsall EDL violence

Jailed mosque blaze pair ‘went on marches with EDL’

TWO men who set fire to a mosque met at Hester’s Way Library in Cheltenham and went on English Defence League marches together, a court was told.

Clive Ceronne, 37, and Ashley Juggins, 21, were former members of the controversial group before starting the blaze at Masjid-E-Noor in Ryecroft Street, Gloucester.

Gloucester Crown Court was told yesterday the pair had been driving around and shouting abuse at Muslims on the evening before the arson.

Ceronne was jailed for four-and-a-half years and Juggins for three-and-a-half after the pair pleaded guilty to arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered.

Juggins, of Brooklyn Road, in Cheltenham, poured petrol on the mosque’s steps before sparking a rag and setting it alight, causing £3,200 damage.

CCTV stills from the attack

CCTV stills from the attack

The blaze came 27 days after the death of Drummer Lee Rigby, who was killed in Woolwich.

Prosecutor Peter Coombes said: “Ceronne used to work for P&L Security and was posted to Hester’s Way Library where they met.

“His previous employer said Juggins told people that Ceronne had taken him to an EDL rally and had expressed anti-Muslim views to his boss, but also said he had changed his views now.”

In mitigation, Dermot Clarke said Juggins was first introduced to the EDL marches four years ago, but had since stopped taking part.

Mr Clarke said: “He left after two years because, in his own words, he describes the meetings as degenerating into no more than throwing things at the police, however he remained in contact with Ceronne.

“I would be doing him a disservice if I did not mention the influence. He was unemployed, lacking sophistication and befriended by an older man that perhaps had an agenda.”

Since being remanded in prison, Juggins was said to have attended church three times a week.

The court was told Ceronne of Redwood Close in Gloucester had been the county’s divisional officer of the New British Union.

The group is said to be styled on Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, which was banned in the 1940s, after it aligned itself with Nazi Germany.

On its website, Ceronne claimed to have been involved in “far right cults, including the EDL”.

Joe Maloney, for Ceronne, said: “He has had time to reflect on his beliefs, which is not to say he will change his beliefs, drastically over- night.”



Magdeburg is a city in the east of Germany: there is disruption created by an annual parade of fascists claiming to commemorate the casualties of an allied air strike that happened during the Second World War.

The emphasis they place on the nature of these casualties as victims could have the effect of distracting people’s attention from the atrocities performed by the Nazis themselves during the war, and from their role as the instigators of the conflict.

No Pasaran Uncut from CS Productions on Vimeo.

EDL – Attack Dogs of the State and Enemies of the Working Class

Origins of the EDL

1011994_293190610826058_1211824587_nThe English defence league was formed in 2009 to counter a tiny ultra-islamist group ‘Al-Muhajiroun’ who protested the return of British soldiers from Afghanistan.

The flashpoint came when Al-Muhajiroun burnt a poppy at a demonstration which fed the flames of hatred and caused the far right to react. It was also the perfect excuse for the far right to point the finger at all muslims from that moment on although concealed for a time under the guise of only being against ‘muslim extremism’.

Research suggests that many involved in the EDL originate from the criminal fraternity and the criminal fraternity is in turn attracted to the EDL. The so-called Luton based ‘leader’ of the EDL ‘Stephen Yaxley-Lennon’, an individual who uses multiple aliases, has convictions for drug dealing, fraud, breaching bail conditions and violence.

176587_1Amongst supporters it is common to find rather a lot of paedophiles, rapists, hardcore racists, nazis, violent thugs, petty criminals and even the odd murderer, most having their convictions documented in local newspapers and by anti-fascist organisations, others still at large hiding en masse within the ranks of the EDL. Since this article was written the number of EDL related convictions continues to rise.

In the first years from 2009 the EDL concentrated mainly on demonstrating against muslim extremist groups, then slowly moved their sights towards immigrants before finally focusing on left wing groups and basically anyone else that opposes them, because of these revalations, the EDL has been termed a fascist organisation.

On the racism front alone the EDL have built up the confidence to shout “send the black cunts home” over megaphones in city centres.

EDL and Austerity

The English Defence League are playing a significant part in diverting attention away from the banking collapse caused by bankers greed .. the failing capitalist system .. and of course the much despised and hated right wing Conservative party who elected themselves into office back in 2010. The Tories being the party that have implemented brutal austerity measures against the working class and under privileged as way of making us pay for the greed of the rich who caused the banking collapse in the first place.

master's biddingThe EDL’s main objective has been to demonise immigrants/ muslims and lay the financial blame solely at their door thus diverting attention away from the crimes of the bankers, the rich and the stranglehold austerity measures that they have imposed as a consequence.

Back in Thatcher’s day it was the National Front who thrived on the right wing rhetoric of the Tory party, now in Cameron’s day it is the EDL thriving on the same rhetoric.

Cameron stating that ‘there is none sicker than the EDL’ was a two-bit sound byte that meant nothing. Cameron hates the left and the working class making the EDL very useful because the EDL rail against working class people who fight for their rights and try to intimidate workers into silence on street level.

same_shitIt’s business as usual on the streets for the EDL and business as usual for the Tory party as the left and anyone else who opposes fascism is submerged into constant battle with the EDL. It seems that more effort and energy is put into fighting off the EDL than people can muster to fight austerity.

Already the EDL have cost the taxpayer over £10,000,000 towards policing a mob of drunken, coked up criminals on the streets of England every month or so since 2009. So much for the EDL stating that they are a ‘working class organisation’. They are literally pissing public money down the drain whilst intimidating entire communities whenever it suits them.

The English Defence League and its many offshoots who intimidate the working class on the streets would rather us wave little union jacks whenever a tory mp is in town, a royal gets pregnant or a soldier gets a badge rather than criticize their masters,  the ruling class.

Basically the far right EDL want the working class to ‘shut their mouths’ whilst the Conservative party would rather kill the working class off slowly and “legally” through stranglehold austerity measures that leave little option to some of our class.

A cunning plan indeed, a plan that is working out pretty nicely for the ruling class except for those ‘lefties’ and other critics that constantly attack and confront the ruling class and the subservient nationalist groups that serve them.

EDL achievements

Alan Lodge, Photographer tash@indymedia.orgThe major achievement of the EDL has been to draw every decent person opposed to racism, fascism and hatred into the lenses and notebooks of the police evidence gatherers to be rubber stamped and documented, at the request of the ruling class, no doubt.

Whether these opponents were politically active beforehand or not is irrelevant, they are now on file in their thousands. In this respect there is no question that the the EDL work hand-in-hand with the police and the state.

Violent nationalist EDL thugs ‘casuals united‘ supplied us with what was required in or hour of need, aiding us in finishing this article…

10.09.13 #EDL Hashtag

10.09.13 #EDL Hashtag

The EDL’s Prison wing/ lynchmob mentality

The EDL being structured like a gang, employ bullying tactics that can be found on any prison wing in any prison. Any person that happens to disagree with the EDL is commonly labelled a ‘paedophile’ in public and online and as soon as the finger is pointed at certain individuals, or groups, the rest of the gang go in for the kill, trying to garner public support whilst they are at it.

imagesThis behaviour happens on a daily basis with the EDL, and of course this behaviour is rife in prisons. If this doesn’t work they will say that those that oppose them are ‘anti-British’ or ‘supporters of militant Islam’ as a final last gasp or continue to circulate unfounded rumours plucked out of thin air to keep the pressure on their opponents.

The EDL as ‘scabs’

On a number of occasions the EDL have tried to publicly disrupt anti-cuts events, usually unsuccessfully but still with determination. Members of the public attending these events have  been accused of being ‘paedophiles’ for no other reason than fighting the measures imposed on the working classes by the government and the rich.

1818_816As in prison, labeling an innocent person a ‘paedophile’ would put them in fear for their life, the EDL are using this same tactic out on the street.

We can now see where the EDL are coming from.

As well as attempting to disrupt anti-cuts protests they have also been active in trying to disrupt anti-racist concerts and all kinds of meetings held by the left, on quite a few occasions resorting to violence when the insults and false accusations fail to have the desired effect.

The EDL and custody

wakefield_prison_croppedEDL members are not phased in the slightest by custody or prison. We’ll call prison their ‘home’ as we believe this is where they started and this is actually where they are most at home.

The policeman on the street to them is ‘guv’ or ‘boss’, as the screws in prison are ‘guv’ or ‘boss’ to them.

Over the four years since the EDL came to light there has been a steady and consistent trickle of scores of offenders belonging to their movement coming in and out of prison, the revolving door.

The EDL and ‘Britishness’

As a hate group that points the finger to divert attention from the crimes of the rich it is of no surprise that the EDL do not want to save the British badger or the NHS or any other public services that serve the British people, that would put their masters in the firing line. That is why we do not see any effort to help British people out in any way, shape or form mentioned in their hate filled agenda.

 The EDL are class traitors and used as attack dogs by the state.

More info on what the EDL wouldn’t want you to see at edlnews and exposingon

Sinister and dangerous: Trio quit new fascist party after Mercury investigation

Three prominent Midland members of a new group of right-wing extremists have resigned after it was exposed by the Sunday Mercury.
Oswald Moseley (centre) with members of his British Union of Fascists including (left) William Joyce who later became Lord Haw Haw
Oswald Mosley (centre) with members of his British Union of Fascists including (left) William Joyce who later became Lord Haw Haw

Three prominent Midland members of a sinister new group of right-wing extremists have resigned from the self-styled fascist party after it was exposed by the Sunday Mercury – with one of them branding it a front for white supremacists.

Calling themselves the 21st Century Blackshirts the New British Union Party is trying to revive Oswald Mosley’s notorious British Union of Fascists party.

Members look up to the former Smethwick MP and Nazi sympathiser as their spiritual leader.

In the 1930s Mosley’s British Union of Fascists aligned itself with Nazi Germany and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini while its paramilitary footsoldiers, dubbed the Blackshirts, terrorised Britain’s Jews.

Now far-right defectors from groups like the British National Party and English Defence League have resurrected the party re-labelling it the New British Union party (NBU).

Set up in January, the party named 54 “officers” from across Britain on its web page which has already had more than 50,000 hits.

A Sunday Mercury investigation revealed that its top two Midland representatives are former soldiers while other district officers in the region include failed local election candidates for the British National Party.

Last night both ex-soldiers sensationally resigned from the party with its Birmingham officer claiming he had never even asked to join.

Former British National Party election candidate for Sheldon, Ian Starks said he had contacted the group for more details and wasn’t even aware that he had been listed as its Birmingham Divisional Officer.

Ian Starks
Ian Starks

Mr Starks, a former RAF Kosovo and Gulf War veteran, said: “I never asked to join the NBU and I am not a racist.“My fiancé has three mixed-race children who I will be step-father to soon, so how can I be against people of colour?

“I don’t know why my details were put on the fascist website because I don’t agree with the party policies.

“The party leader Gary Raikes has used me in an dishonest way and since reading your article I have contacted him to say I resign from any position he has taken it on himself to give me and that I want nothing to do with him or his party.”

Another member who was listed as the party Policies Director and Warwickshire district officer called it a “front for white supremacists and racists.”

Matthew Gill described the NBU and some of its members as “sinister and dangerous” and said he too had never asked to officially join or become a district officer.

The 34-year-old father-of two and European History graduate, from Sudbury, Derbyshire, said last night: “I contacted the party in March via its website because I thought it was interesting from a historical point of view.

“I was later invited by its leader to write a policy document which I happily did because I thought I could retain some control over its manifesto and ensure it did not include any racist or Nazi elements.

“But the longer I was in the group the more I noticed it was taking a more sinister and dangerous direction and lunging fast towards the extreme far-right.”

He said the party had established links with Ultra Nationalists across Europe and was, in effect, a front for white supremacists,

Mr Gill, who works for a Mormon charity, added: “I finally left a month ago because the party was preaching hate against people of race and was extremely anti-semitic and anti-Islam.

“They are dishonest and I would describe the NBU as an ugly extreme right-wing hate group and I deeply regret ever having anything to do with them.”

Mr Gill said he now works with Derbyshire Police to educate youngsters about the perils of joining extremist groups.

He said: “The local police force CID intelligence officers got in touch with me and now I plan to go round schools and colleges with them to warn youngsters about groups like the NBU and the way they manipulate and use people.”

The third NBU officer to resign, Matthew Moloney, was unavailable for comment but his details have been removed from the party website.

Matthew Moloney
Matthew Moloney

Following our expose last week the party reacted angrily on its website and Facebook page titled Black Shirts.NBU founder Gary Raikes, wrote: “Although a couple of officers got cold feet and resigned I am happy to say that a new District Officer for Birmingham is already being processed, this movement will not be stopped.”

He added: “Three officers from Birmingham district have resigned over one report in one local paper.

“A real lack of courage in the Midlands, the leader gets death threats and God knows what rubbish printed in papers about him does he throw it in? Not bloody likely, not now not ever!

“On a more positive note many more people have joined and hopefully some will have the courage to act as officers.”

Party members are encouraged to dress in paramilitary blackshirt style uniforms, like the type worn by fascist Mussolini’s private army during his authoritarian rule.

The party website — which shows Mosley’s fanatical followers performing the stiff-armed fascist salute — boasts the first official Blackshirt meeting to be held since the Second World War will be a historic occasion “heralding the return of a registered fascist political party in Britain.”

As revealed last week, the party claims not to be racist or anti-semitic but a careful look at its constitution reveals a bitter hatred of multiculturalism and non-white immigrants.

Its immigration policy states that immigrants “… must be prepared to totally leave their past nationality behind them. Racially and ethnically they must be compatible with the majority population where they wish to settle.

“The same goes for religious beliefs. They must be the same as the majority, or at least similar enough so as to have no problem adopting the established values and moral code of the nation.

“Differences cause problems and excessive diversity leads to nothing but trouble.

“Multiculturalism does not work and only ruins all cultures involved.”

Gerry Gable, from anti-fascist magazine Searchlight praised the Sunday Mercury for exposing the party and hoped the article “will help spell its demise”

“This new incarnation of Mosley’s notorious Blackshirts is clearly attracting the dregs from other far-right groups but the negative publicity you gave it will hopefully ensure that it does not survive.”

Last night Mr Raikes, – who has taken on Mosley’s preferred title of Leader and signs off his correspondence with ‘Hail Britannia’ – was in unrepentant mood and insisted the three Midland men were full members.

He said: “They have their reasons for denying any involvement with my party but I am still waiting for them to officially resign.

“We need people with courage to continue our work and I’m glad to say we have retained our other Midland officers.”


Other recent news from the Midlands

Solider death ‘race attack’ claim not true say police

Death threats made to host after EDL interview

After the broadcast of this morning’s “tommy robinson” interview (above) on the bbc’s sunday politics show interviewer Andrew Neil immediately started receiving death threats via twitter from the little fuhrer’s henchmen.

The express ran an article covering the story, with possibly the finest typo (?) ever .. so true to boot ..

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