Monthly Archives: May 2012

Fascist EDL Splinter Groups To Assemble In Brighton (June 2nd)

“It has been advertised on facebook and the casuals united blog page that the buffoons of the EDL/ MFE and casuals united are due to assemble in Brighton this weekend for the queen`s jubilee, clearly these idiots cannot define patriotism between crude abusive racism, The last time any fascist group invaded Brighton they were smashed off the streets by anti fascists and locals(members of the LGTB community) and this weekend will be no exception.

It is obvious that the pathetic fascists cannot admit defeat, they have no support in Brighton and they are clearly travelling to Brighton to cause trouble, let`s make sure that the nazis are removed from the streets just as MFE were.

We need a strong anti fascist counter protest on june the 2nd to remove these idiots from Brighton on a long term basis, if we allow these fascists platform then clearly they will continue to spread their poisonous message around multi cultural Brighton. we cannot allow this.

We urge all concerned anti fascists to be in Brighton on the 2nd of june.”

Taken from Indymedia uk

Update: .. more info from elsewhere

(Callout from Germany) Hamburg next Saturday: No future for the Nazis!

“One of the biggest Nazi marches in Germany takes place next Saturday in Hamburg. Project Antifa gives you the background for the march.

Saturday 2 June, the Nazis under the slogan “Day of the German future – our signal against over immigration,” march in Hamburg. Anti-Fascists have called for the demonstration and blockade – the demonstration will start at 9.30 on Gerhardt Hauptmann-Platz, the square just off the Central Station.

The Nazis tried to get approved an eight-hour march in Hamburg’s city center and the district of Altona. This has been rejected by the authorities because the resistance in these neighborhoods will be too great. Instead, they will demonstrate in the district of Wandsbek, which is not far from Hamburg’s city center. Wandsbek have also been victims of Nazi marches several times in the past. The Nazis have proclaimed that they will be over a thousand participants.

Since 2009, the Nazis tried each year to assert itself in June with “a day for the German Future”. Officially becomes the march organized by the initiative “Future rather than immigration,” which is a grouping of several regions, bringing together both free friendship groups and NPD-wishers from all over northern Germany. Several of the organizers has for decades been the key people in the North German Nazi environment.

The neo-Nazi groups around Hamburg, are closely linked. This is evident when you look closely at who is behind the march. The notifier Thorsten Schuster, a member of the NPD in Hamburg. The current president of NPD-Hamburg Torben Klebe, played an important role in building the militant network Blood & Honour in the area. His deputy in the Hamborgske NPD, Thomas ‘Steiner’ Wulff, one of the ideological authors of the concept behind the free fellowship groups. He was also a reviewer of the first “day for the German future-march” in 2009 in Pinneberg.

The fifth May, more than 3,000 people to a festival against Nazi march. The mobilization of the anti-fascist activities are in full swing and the mobilization of wide everywhere in Germany.

A broad initiative with 200 different organizations and support groups, call for demonstration and picketing, including unions migrantiske initiatives, anti-fascist groups, autonomous groups, neighborhood initiatives, student political organizations and fodboldfanklubber from St. Pauli and HSV. Preliminary list of initiatives that support. The initiative leaning “Dresden Nazifrei” who organized the great mass picketing in Dresden, in February. Against this background, they have decided a block code, similar to that in Dresden.

It reads:

– We use civil disobedience against Nazi march.

– From our side there will be no escalation.

– Our mass picketing, human blockades.

– We are in solidarity with all who share our goal to prevent Nazi march.

Autonomous and anti-fascist groups in Hamburg has convened modaktiviteter the day. In a call they write, among other things:

“Opposition to the big Nazi march in Dresden and Hamburg in 2008, has shown that it is successfully to act in solidarity and commitment. Using a concept which we jointly stand side by side from mass picketing on direct action, as it was in Dresden in February, will be repeated in Hamburg. We are determined to prevent Nazi march! ”

“We want to make Nazi march in Hamburg on 2 June to a failure! We urge everyone to protest and show resistance, no matter by what means you choose. We are in solidarity with all who share our goal to prevent Nazi march. No future for the Nazis – Attacker racist state! ”

The expected anti-fascists from all over Germany and neighboring countries. From several towns people travel by buses, and in Berlin is a common departure by train. It is clear already that the anti-fascist mobilization will be one of the largest in many years, in northern Germany.”

There are direct train service from Copenhagen and Aarhus to Hamburg Central Station. Eurolines has buses to Hamburg.

More info about the anti-fascist activities:

Info on the march: Kein tag der Deutschen Zukunft

Wide Anti fascist group in Hamburg

If you need a bunk, then you can contact them here:

40 EDL knuckledraggers in Redditch flop

“DESPITE some early unrest and a number of arrests the EDL march passed off largely peacefully. Around 40 EDL supporters gathered for an assembly at the bandstand and about 200 counter demonstrators gathered in Easemore Road.

By the time the assemblies had dispersed there had been only three arrests – one for a breach of the peace and two on suspicion of assault.They were all men and believed to have been attached to the counter EDL demonstration. All three were taken to a police station in Worcestershire.

After listening to speeches at the bandstand, EDL supporters were escorted by police back to the railway station where they had arrived earlier. Counter demonstrators then held a short gathering at the bandstand before dispersing.

Superintendent Adrian Pass of West Mercia Police said: “There were very few problems during the build-up to and during the assemblies and there have been no reports of damage to property. “The success of the operation is due to a number of factors, not least the support from partner agencies who helped in preparing the town for  today’s event and the fantastic co-operation we have had from the public.

“A significant number of officers and staff were involved in policing the protest and we would like to pay tribute to the professionalism of our colleagues from British Transport Police and neighbouring forces who were involved.

We are grateful for their support.” Superintendent Pass said that in the main supporters of both rallies had been good natured and officers had encountered very few problems. He said: “I realise that this has been a challenging time for everybody but the fact that the demonstrations have passed off largely without incident vindicates the decisions taken by us and our partners while planning our operation.

“What arrests there have been have followed isolated incidents and our officers on the ground responded to these and dealt with them quickly and robustly. “This was a great effort by the whole community and it is a tribute to all those involved that the town is calm and everything is returning to normal so quickly.””

Report taken from The Redditch Advertiser from elsewhere.

Update – There are now plans to set-up a Redditch Against Fascism group according to this article in The Redditch Standard.

Bristol Calling 14/07/12

Repost from Anti-Fascist Network

On the 14th July the EDL are proving their stupidity by attempting to march through Bristol. Bristol Anti-Fascists are hard at work organising a community response – here are some leaflets and stickers to view, print off, and distribute… have fun!! (drop us a mail if you can’t use the ones here and we can arrange to e-mail you the files in a different format.) More Info to follow closer to the time. Get involved innit!

Oppose the EDL in Redditch on Saturday

If you’ve got nothing better to do on Saturday…

“On Saturday 26th May the English Defence League are holding their postponed regional demo in Redditch. It’s only a ‘West Mids regional demo,’ so numbers won’t be huge – even more reason to get there and show your opposition.

They’ve posted all of their plans (included parking plans, times and locations etc) online…

“The location of demo is bandstand redditch town center inbetween church green west and church green eastCar minibus and motorbike parking is free please park at redditch train station car park on unicorn hill B97 4RB
please be there around 11.45am no later than 12.30pmTrain passengers should get off at redditch train station B97 4RB and book your train to arrive at 11.45am and no later than 12.15pm
where you will be met by edl stewards and gather in redditch train station car park till 1pmAnyone traveling by train either get an all day return ticket or book return train between 3.00pm and 4.00pm

At 1.00pm everyone will march up unicorn hill then onto church green west into the bandstand area for the demo

At about 1.10pm the demo will start with the Legendary tony curtis on the stage and a few others

After demo all patriots will march back to redditch train station to make there way home by edl stewards

Due to west mercia police,s higheraki and redditch council all pubs in redditch will be closed from 10.00am till 4.00pm
you can bring your own drinks and have a drink on the carpark before and after demo
but there is a alcahol ban in redditch center itself so no alcahol at demo or on march so bring other beverages with you”

…go get ’em…

Originally posted on Indymedia 

This is Not England, this is Brighton [video]

Message from recently released Antifascist Ravi Gill

“I just hope this can even show 1% for the love I feel for those who supportted me, I’ll never forget you and love you always. NO PASARAN!

As reported, yes I was releasd on Friday. I just wanted to take this opportunity to try and thank everyone who supportted me while I was inside. If ever I had any doubts on whether prisoner support had any effect I can say in total honesty that they’ve been quelled.

Throughout my sentence I was able to stay positive, strong and focused which I believe was down to the post and contact I got.

Honestly it was the wierdest thing but just the post was like a daily kick in the arse to remind me Im not alone. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for all the support, letters. cards, mags, money, leaflets, etc etc. If anything positive came out of the this experience (Apart from your support), I have seen with my own eyes the fallacy of a fair British (or worldwide) justice system. The whole thing is run by bullies with their own agendas, committing crimes in the name society.

Im now just getting back into normal life but wont forget our brothers and sister still incarcerated, even they wrote to me and Im proud to say Ive made a lot of new friends bothg inside and outside of the prison system.

Please if you’ve everv thought about writing to a prisoner, take it from me the letters make such a difference, for me it was the difference between getting depressed or making a stand against prison policies that were clearly wrong and sometimes illegal! Throughout my sentence though alone I felt I was on my own, it was the words of the kind people that wrote to me that kept me going, as Im sure governers Rielly and I’anson will confirm (sorry lads but ya never beat me!).

Letters make all the difference in keeping the mind strong, so please just send that letter. There are many comrades still inside worldwide so the battle goes on, of course my freedom is a source of joy but I hope you’ll excuse me if I dont celebrate to much as many people I now know, love and respect are still hostages of a corrupt system.

Thank you all Ill love you always. By the way I have a list of all who promised me a pint so will be collecting, its better you come to me HA! HA!

Till all are free, Till the walls fall in a pile of dust.
We’ll drip like water and make the locks rust.
Draw your weapons and beat us senseless,
yet still we smile for our battle is relentless.
We fight for for what is right, you fight for a wage.
Thats why we stand proud, feel our rage.
For each you kill 10 more grow like a tree
because none are free till all are free”

Ravi Gill

Taken from Indymedia UK

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