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9 Sep 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Over 500 anti fascists opposing the fascist English Defence League (EDL) on Saturday, in Newcastle, again confirmed the area’s reputation as a city that firmly …

5 Sep 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

National Action members ducking for cover from anti fascists, in Liverpool, 2015
British soldiers are among four alleged members of the proscribed Nazi group, National Action, who have …

2 Sep 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

 Anti fascists from Unite Against Fascism (UAF) and We Are Bradford, with others, outnumbered a national demonstration of just sixty fascists of the English Defence …

1 Sep 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

The fascist English Defence League (EDL) are to hold a demonstration on Saturday 2nd, September. This is in the West Yorkshire town of Keighley.
The EDL …

21 Aug 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

As has been rightly noted by anti fascists, the Football Lads Alliance is not a fascist organisation.

 An earlier response, to the Football Lads Alliance (FLA), …

19 Aug 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Anti fascists at the Newcastle monument
Below- rump National Front, inciting hate with Confederate flag

Anti fascists in both Newcastle and Grantham, Lincolnshire, today organised good numbers …

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