
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Lejuc (Bure), France: Tension is rising in the liberated forest, the blue team has opened the game – reinforcements needed!

Recently we published an emergency call-out concerning the situation of our fresh, small but active forest occupation standing against the nuclear monster Andra and its CIGEO plan. On 24th of November, our eviction threat got concrete. The environmental authority decided to free Andra from carrying out an environmental impact study, opening its way towards the […]

Forest occupation in Bure, France: Come on and join us!

On the 1st of August, the nuclear monster Andra was ruled by the court to cease the clear cuts and fencing off the forest without legal permits. Today, 24th of November, the environmental authority ruled that Andra is freed from having to carry out an environmental impact study concerning its plans, but can instead […]

Exarchia, Athens: Banner drop in solidarity with Kara Wild

The banner reads: “Freedom for Kara Wild, anarchist incarcerated in France”

On May 18th 2016 in Paris, in the context of combative protests against the new labor law, a patrol car of the French police was smashed and burned down. A week later, on May 26th, Kara Wild, an anarchist trans woman from the US […]

Bure, France: Call-out from a fresh forest occupation. Feel like joining us in and for this struggle?

Autumn has arrived – and as nights grow longer, we keep on struggling against the planned underground disposal facility for highly radioactive nuke waste (CIGEO) and the nuclear company Andra out and off from destroying these woodlands of Mandres in Bure, France. After nearly 5 months of demonstrations, (re)occupations, forest walks, evictions, legal actions, (wall) […]

France: Engie vehicle torched in Paris

SCRIPTA MANENT? ACTA NON VERBA! “Written words remain”? Deeds, not words!

In the face of repression that has struck anarchist comrades in Italy (Op. Scripta Manent), in the face of our enemies -the State and Capital- we still and always think that the best solidarity is attack. They are paying for actions belonging to all […]

Action for political prisoners at mass street protest in Paris on June 14th

During the June 14th demonstration in Paris, comrades of AGB (Anarchist Group from Bern) carried a banner in solidarity with political prisoners in Greece, Switzerland and elsewhere, reading: “Whoever forgets the prisoners of social war has forgotten the war! Freedom for Nikos Maziotis, Marco Camenisch & members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. ”

Received […]

Greece: Incendiary attack against vehicles at Peugeot-Citroën dealership in Thessaloniki by Anarchist cell ‘Les casseurs’

To clarify once and for all: Power cannot exist without us. We can live without it (and even better). Power drains us of our essence; it pillages life. [Excerpt from: ‘Manifesto of Rebellion – Signpost to a Different Future’; December 2008]

The imposition of domination knows no national boundaries or state divisions, nor is it […]

Athens: Incendiary gesture in complicity with rebels in France

During and after the “social movement”, we’ll never stop following our destructive passions, pursuing our dreams of freedom, sowing the chaos of revolt in the order of authority. “Tout peut basculer”; anarchist newspaper published in Paris

In the early hours of June 9th 2016, we paid a brief visit to the offices of […]

[USA] Info-packet on the uprising in France

Click image to read/download pdf.

[Received June 22nd 2016]

This info-packet was assembled for a solidarity event in the Unites States. It is formatted to be printed on US Letter paper (8.5×11) double sided (flip on long edge).

The smallest form of solidarity that we can take with our comrades struggling across the world […]

Marseille: Rat Attack – callout for collective works

More info from

For the Rat Attack gathering, we will need to open a building. We therefore call for collective works from the 14th of July to start working on the building together and prepare the gathering. We need help. On top of it, it will be a possibility to meet together, having […]

Montreuil, Paris: Job centre attacked

Neither Law, Nor Work

In the night of Thursday 5th May, the windows of the job centre of Montreuil were destroyed with a sedgehammer. On the sides could be read: “Modern enslavers – Neither Work Nor Law”. Day or night, alone, in small groups or as many, let’s attack the structures of the State […]

Toulouse, France: Everyone hates the job centre

Defiling a job centre is good for morale.

In the night of Tuesday 3rd to Wednesday 4th May in Toulouse, we trashed the job centre of Jolimont with a paint extinguisher.

In this context of social movement, where state repression is becoming increasing stronger, we chose to multiply the means of struggle. Because we […]

Besançon, France: Diverse and varied destruction… but always well targeted!

A few hours before May 1st, a day that was rainy, boring and depressing as hell…

Strolling with eyes wide open enabled me to notice a few traces of hostility towards this world that’s hated to the highest degree.

In Rue Battant, the big window of the real estate management agency “Nicolas” was […]

Toulouse: Naked, drunk or isolated, we are not prey

In the night between the 28th and 29th April, the premises of La Dépèche Intéractive were attacked.

Naked, drunk or isolated, we are not prey!

La Dépèche isn’t an un-attackable fortress. All big companies have their weaknesses, its for us to be inventive, cunning and insightful enough, to find them. La Dépèche Intéractive is a […]

Toulouse, France: Police station attacked with Molotovs – “We’ve had enough”

On the night of Tuesday 26th [April], we attacked a police station with Molotov cocktails.

We won’t lie to you any longer. We’ve had enough. Fed up of being sold that “it’ll be better tomorrow”. Fed up of waiting for the social movement. Fed up with the dreary and sad “see you next week”. Fed […]

Marseille, France: “Fuk the Bac” banner drop

From Rennes to Mars[eille] – an eye for an eye – Fuk the BAC [Anti-Crime Brigade]

Received April 30th:

Everywhere, from Mayotte to Rennes, passing by Marseille, the police mutilate, the police kill.

Neither indignation, nor obfuscation, revenge by all means necessary.

Fu[c]k the Bac

Skred Connection


Rennes, France: A demonstrator loses an eye

On Thursday [April 28th] a student of our university lost an eye, simply for having demonstrated. Whilst retreating with all the demonstrators following a CRS charge [riot cops], he was taken freely as a target and hit in the face by a flashball shot. Given that this government has nothing but police violence to […]

Paris: Hostile traces towards the unions

Delayed report, some photos and a few words on the moment where the CFDT [French Democratic Confederation of Labour] had their facade repainted.

Last Friday 15th April, on leaving Place de la République, 50-60 people took a little tour in the Belleville neighbourhood, shouting slogans against police, work, unionists, and pasting some posters. They […]

Besançon, France: Chamber of Commerce and Industry graffitied and windows cracked

April 22nd: As well as the dozen paint marks visible several meters high on the clean white front of the CCI [Chamber of Commerce and Industry], some windows had been cracked by projectiles.

On the wall of the huge building, graffiti read: “On the ashes of the old world, our freedom will be born […]

Besançon, France: Graffiti and eggs for the army recruitment centre

We got wind of the army (air force) these days exposing themselves at the Besançon shopping centre of Chateaufarine, through an exposition entitled “Wings and men”: the butchers in uniform make demonstrations of their playthings which massacre all over the world for their nation, economy and borders… This institution of khaki wearing killers at the […]

Marseille: A small but pleasant wild night-time demo

After the up all night, a hundred people left as a wild demo at around 2am on Friday 22nd April. On the menu, shouts, some mess, street furniture and a few windows in Saint Fe[rréol] damaged, as well as some bins overturned. Nothing extraordinary, but all the same a beautiful and spontaneous collective energy […]

Lille, France: Profanation of new administrative court

Whilst a certain urvoas*, the new minister of justice, today [April 19th] inaugurated the new administrative court, we came and profaned it by spraying used oil and graffiting it.

These last days, several dozens of people have been beaten up, mutilated and injured by the police, and others sentenced, imprisoned by the judicial system […]

Lille, France: Beginning of revenge against a police station

Today [April 21st], a new mobilisation against the El Khomri law took place in Lille. Following this demonstration, a small block, wanting to get together for the general meeting of struggle at L’Insoumise [Autonmous Space], were charged by BAC [Anti-Crime Brigade] cops. Several people successfully took refuge in the CNT premises located close by. […]

Frankfurt, Germany: Wild demo with an attack on the French consulate

Yesterday [April 19th] in the early evening, around 100 people demonstrated in solidarity with the struggling youths in France during a wild demonstration through [the district of] Bockenheim. For weeks now, thousands of people in France take to the streets against the “labour law“.

The youths and rebels are fed up with racist police controls. […]

Marseille: Message from friends that were in custody following the Manba squat eviction, rue Bel Air

Without repeating here and right now everything that happened, a short recap, we’ll start by informing you that all 3 people have been freed yesterday [April 14th]. Two amongst us have been summoned to the criminal court on June 10th at 2pm for: destruction/criminal damage/defacement of a building intended for worship, as a group, […]