Noise Demo At Deer Ridge Correctional & Interview with Oregon IWOC Prisoner on the Inside.

On Saturday October 22nd. Members of the Portland Anarchist Black Cross, Portland IWOC and the Corvallis IWW joined forces to hold a noise demonstration at Deer Ridge Correctional Institution in Madras Oregon. FULL POST-ACTION AUDIO INTERVIEW WITH IWOC MEMBER RICHARD MOLNAR, PRISONER AT DRCI BELOW… The demonstration was held in …

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International call for a concerted solidarity campaign for the struggle of us prisoners on 1 October

Hello comrades! This is a call for a concerted solidarity campaign for the struggle of us prisoners on 1 October In solidarity Abc-solidarity cell ( Athens,Greece) Prisons in the usa – The dark side of slavery in American society In order to be in the position to understand the importance and necessity of the us prisoners’ struggle, we first need to analyze the role of slavery in …

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Interview with Portland ABC, BLM & IWOC on Sept. 9th Moving Forward

Adam Carpinelli interviewed  national, local and regional organizers from groups like Black Lives Matters, Anarchist Black Cross and the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee about organizing for the September 9, 2016 call for a national prisoner strike. Organizers will discuss several national actions as well as updates about current prisons on lockdown …

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