Mexico: Video Report on the Protests Against the First Visit to Oaxaca by President Enrique Peña Nieto

Young people, mostly anarchists and residents of some of the colonies were on the front line of the battle against the repressive forces that provided security for the first visit of Enrique Peña Nieto to the city of Oaxaca on September 7, 2017.

Mr President who has not been well received in this state so far and is classified as Persona Non Grata only visited a small corner of Oaxaca where he participated in the XXIV Congress of Mexican Foreign Trade and the inauguration of the Cultural and Convention Center. This complex was guarded since September 6, the previous day, by state and federal police as well as members of the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM).

The widespread rejection of the presence of Mr Peña Nieto provoked clashes in different parts of the city, with authorities only able to gain minimum control of the situation.

For young people these protests were a sign of dignity for Oaxaca, since this is a new generation of rebellion in this southern state of Mexico.

(via Avispa Midia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Direct Action, Fuck Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico, Oaxaca, Oaxaca City, Riots, Street Clashes

Call-out for a Week of International Action Against Speciesism and Its World! Oct 30-Nov 5, 2017


Let us choose actions within our reach.
Let’s plan our tactics carefully.
Let us not be afraid of repression by governments.
Let us create spaces and practices of emancipation and liberation for all species.
Let us mobilize everywhere for a determined, fearsome and antispecist movement.
Let us unveil the sufferings imposed on animals.
Let us liberate them from the conditions imposed by the trading and murderous systems.
Boycott and sabotage the systems of oppression.

Solidarity between species is not only a written word!

(via Semana de Acción Antiespecista)

Posted in Animal Liberation, Events, Posters, Semana de Acción Antiespecista, Week of International Action Against Speciesism

Calcutta, India: Demonstration at the Myanmar Consulate Against the Genocide of the Rohingya People

Received on 05.09.17:

Calcutta, India: At 3PM on 04.09.17 a demonstration took place outside the Myanmar Consulate in protest against the ongoing State-sponsored genocide of the Rohingya People. The demonstration was called by BSN (Bastar Solidarity Network). Members of BSN, Antifa and anarchists all took part in the demonstration.

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, BSN (Bastar Solidarity Network), Calcutta, India, Myanmar, Rohingya People

Santiago, Chile: Incendiary Action on the Eve of a New September 11


On September 1st, about 50 encapuchadxs (hooded ones) erected barricades and clashed with police with Molotov bombs in front of the UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences). The action was framed within the context of the eve of a new commemoration of September 11, 1973, the day that the military dictatorship began in Chile.

Some unknown comrades also erected barricades outside the Faculty for Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile and at JGM (Juan Gomez Millas Campus, University of Chile).

The action ended without anybody being detained.

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Chile, Combative Memory, Incendiary Attack, Molotov Attack, Riots, Santiago, Street Clashes



Recebido em 05.09.17:

“É difícil falar da importância de textos como esta cronologia dos ataques ao G20. Este tipo de publicações nos trazem toda uma onda de insubmissão. Não é só a importância da tradução que nos conecta com espaços ou tempos distantes, mas a importância do saber que, expandidos por várias terras, estamos com a mesma vontade de quebrar aquilo que ataca a vida e a liberdade.  Lançar um texto assim é também assumir uma posição solidária ativa e combativa com aqueles que lutam. Nesse sentido é um grito de guerra e um amplo sorriso por nos sentir parte de aqueles tremores da terra que se vinga dos monstros de ferro a pau e pedra, com fogo e passo decidido.”

Compartilhamos uma nova publicação de Tormentas de Fogo. Trata-se de uma cronologia das ações informais que responderam ao chamado Bem vindos ao Inferno! para a sabotagem e a desordem no G20 e na qual colaboramos com umas palavras.


Essa publicação reúne algumas ofensivas anárquicas dentro e fora das  cadeias, contra a desprezível reunião dos vinte chefes de estado mais poderosos do mundo.

Algumas palavras de provocação… Não tão somente…

A energia caótica mantém a chama da anarquia queimando. As ações transcritas nessas linhas são recebidas por nós calorosamente. Todavia estas práticas não se encerram apenas na nossa memória, mas encontram solo fértil em nossas mentes e corações. Portanto não se trata de contemplar o passado, mas vivê-lo intensamente durante o presente.

Uma cronologia para continuar…

A visão transmitida é bastante nítida: nós não esperaremos pela próxima cúpula. Essa publicação celebra a rebelião, procurando manter pulsante a paixão demolidora pela total liberdade.

Da leitura… Até a cumplicidade…

tormentas de fogo


link para Baixar o texto: BVIF2017

Posted in Brazil, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, PDF, Publications / Zines, Zines

Mexico: Two New Texts from Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Bárcenas (Eng/Esp)


Received and translated on 04.09.17 by Insurrection News:


First of all, this is a clarifying letter. I think for some people it is difficult for them to understand positions, ideas and forms of struggle that violently attack the values of this society.

So, in this sense I want to clarify, when I say that I reject all forms of mediation and that I deny having representatives, I do not speak only of organizations and political parties, but also of anyone who tries to control my life and use my situation as a prisoner to manipulate and / or negate my words and thoughts.

However this reflection is much deeper than you think, because in the environments of people supposedly aware of the dominance many authoritarian values unintentionally prevail and unconsciously disturb and contribute to the people who are meant to ‘help’ them to achieve their freedom.

One of these forms, for example, is the attribution to the family of prisoners, the power to decide what is good or right to exercise pressure or not in the sense of progress in the liberation of comrades or the extension of the revolt against prisons ‘outside’ the walls.

This is dangerous because it means to fall into contemplation and stop the revolutionary prospects that may arise from such attitudes of rebellion both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’.

When a prisoner that does not recognize any representation manifests this position, they also speak of their relatives and more close people, since in spite of having emotional bonds in your life, you have to remember that the family is the nucleus and the first institution that fosters and reprodcues this prison / society.

The values of the bourgeois traditional family reproduce the domination and the subordination of its members to the state structure and for that reason reproduce that domination in family relationships disguised with love and affection which when understood in the manner of the bourgeoisie only degenerate into more domination.

Family members may never do so with the intention of doing harm to their loved ones, quite the contrary, but this is something that the system of domination knows well and then uses (for example) the families to close their ranks against any act of combativeness that can come from comrades who understand that when someone (whether family or friend) continues to engage in the dialogue and the game of the state there will be no real way of attacking their interests or making them step back from the repression.

Fernando B.



To those rebellious comrades and those who do not understand the world that surrounds them.

Once again I am here writing in this space for reflection that allows me to know myself a little more and to understand that I am free nonetheless.

It is true that I have had a self-imposed silence for several months because my moods are changing as everything does in life and sometimes I like the loneliness…

However, now that I have the desire to write, I want to do it mainly for 2 things; first to reitirate my position of everyday war since sometimes some people pretend to forget that we are living in a war. And second to clarify some things and question others on how we perceive from here ‘inside’ the solidarity of the comrades on the ‘outside’.

Anyway, for those who do not know much about these issues, I will be brief and explain to them that since December 13 I have been a prisoner for daring to attack and question the way of live that is imposed upon us. For this the enemy’s position (the state and large financial capital), is that there will be no truce. There is no way that someone aware of their rebellion that faces this reality dictating their own rules can leave the physical prison, as you are a potential threat to their society.

Proof of this is that even in jail, I have spent 3 of 4 years in areas of segregation for maintaining an attitude consistent with my ideas…

However, this is not all, for they have also done their utmost to obstruct all legal procedures and legal avenues.
The only way that they will give in is to a greater force, IE the strength of solidarity.

Now I also want to clarify that I have never called for people to campaign for my freedom. While I think it is necessary to leave these walls, I think it must be done in a way that causes rupture and that even the struggle for the freedom of imprisoned comrades can be turned into a spark that ignites the rest of the population and finally make them understand that you cannot fight the prisons without fighting against this entire society.

This is why we have always rebelled from the streets, which are the great corridors that imprison our dreams…

So this is an incitement to action and to revolt, not only for my freedom but for the freedom of all.

You do not need days of struggle or an organization that tells you what to do. Test your creativity, vandalize their establishments, hang banners from the bridges, detonate explosive devices and disrupt their communications so that the ones above know and understand that they cannot control you.

The war continues until we are all free!

Fernando B.



Primero que nada, esta es una carta aclaratoria, creo que a las personas se les hace difícil comprender posturas, ideas y formas de lucha que sobrepasen violentamente los valores de esta sociedad.

Así pues, en este sentido quiero aclarar, cuando digo que rechazo toda forma de mediación y que niego tener representantes, no hablo sólo de organizaciones y partidos políticos, sino de toda persona que intente controlar mi vida y utilizar mi condición como preso para manipular y/o anular mis palabras y pensamientos.

Sin embargo esta reflexión es mucho más profunda de lo que se piensa, pues en los entornos de personas supuestamente conscientes de la dominación prevalecen muchos valores autoritarios que sin quererlo y a veces de manera inconsciente perturban y contribuyen a encerrar más a las personas que se pretende “ayudar” a que alcancen su libertad.

Una de esas formas, por ejemplo es el hecho de atribuir a la familia de los detenidos, el poder de decisión sobre lo que es bueno o correcto hacer para ejercer o no presión en el sentido de un avance en la liberación de compañerxs o la extensión de la revuelta contra la cárcel “afuera” de los muros.

Esto es peligroso pues significa caer en una actitud contemplativa y detener las perspectivas revolucionarias que puedan surgir de dichas actitudes de rebelión tanto “dentro” como “fuera”.

Cuando un/a presx que no reconoce ninguna representación manifiesta ésta postura, habla también de sus familiares y personas más directas, pues a pesar de ser vínculos emocionales en su vida, hay que recordar que la familia es el núcleo y la primera institución que fomenta y reproduce ésta cárcel/sociedad.

Los valores de la familia tradicional burguesa reproducen el dominio y la subordinación de sus miembros a la estructura estatal y por eso mismo reproducen esa dominación en las relaciones familiares que disfrazadas de amor y cariño entendido a la manera de la burguesía sólo degeneran en más dominación.

Quizás lxs familiares nunca lo hagan con la intención de hacer daño a sus seres queridxs sino todo lo contrario, pero esto es algo que el sistema de dominación sabe de sobra y entonces utiliza a las familias de lxs detenidxs (por ejemplo) para cerrar sus filas ante cualquier acto de lucha que pueda venir de parte de compañerxs afines que entienden que mientras alguien (sea familiar o amigo) siga dialogando y dando cuerda
al juego del Estado no existirá forma real de atacar sus intereses y hacerlos retroceder en la represión…

Fernando B.



A lxs compañerxs rebeldes y a quienes no entienden el mundo que les rodea

Una vez más me encuentro aquí escribiendo en este espacio de reflexión que me permite conocerme a mi mismx y entender un poco más que soy libre a pesar de todo.

Es verdad que llevo varios meses de un silencio auto-impuesto porque mis ánimos son cambiantes como todo en la vida y a veces me agrada la soledad…

Sin embargo ahora que me han vuelto las ganas de escribir, quiero hacerlo principalmente por 2 cosas; primero para reiterar mi postura de guerra cotidiana ya que a veces algunxs olvidan o pretenden olvidar que vivimos en guerra. Y segundo para aclarar algunas cosas y cuestionar otras sobre cómo se percibe desde aquí “dentro” la solidaridad de lxs compañerxs en el “exterior”.

En fin, para quienes no saben mucho de estos temas, seré breve a decirles que desde diciembre del 2013 me encuentro prisionero por atreverme a atacar y cuestionar el modo de vida que nos imponen. Por esa razón la postura del enemigo (el Estado y el gran capital financiero) ha sido clara, no habrá ninguna tregua, no hay forma de que alguien
consciente de su rebeldía que encara su realidad dictándose sus propias normas pueda salir de la prisión física, pues es un peligro potencial para su sociedad.

Prueba de ello es que incluso en la cárcel, he pasado 3 años de 4 en zonas de segregación por mantener una actitud consecuente con mis ideas…

Sin embargo esto no es todo, sino que también han hecho lo posible por entorpecer todos los trámites legales y recursos jurídicos. La única forma de que cedan es ante una fuerza mayor, es decir la de la solidaridad…

Ahora también quiero aclarar que yo nunca he llamado a hacer una campaña por mi libertad. Pues si bien pienso que es necesario salir de estos muros, creo que debe hacerse de una forma que cause una ruptura y que incluso la lucha por la libertad de lxs compas presxs se vuelva en un detonante, en una chispa que pueda encender al resto de la población y por fin entender que no se puede luchar contra la cárcel sin luchar
contra la sociedad entera…

Es por eso que siempre nos hemos rebelado desde las calles, que son los grandes pasillos que encarcelan nuestros sueños…

Así pues esto es una incitación a la revuelta y a la actividad, no sólo por mi libertad sino por la libertad de todos.

No necesitas jornadas de lucha ni una organización que te diga qué hacer, pon a prueba tu creatividad, vandaliza establecimientos, cuelga mantas en los puentes, detona artefactos explosivos, obstruye vías de comunicación, que los de arriba sepan y entiendan que no pueden controlarte.

La guerra sigue hasta que todos seamos libres!

Fernando B.

Posted in Analysis, Anarchist Prisoners, Fernando Bárcenas, Mexico, Mexico City

Germany: Graffiti Against Capital – Video in Solidarity with No G20 Prisoners

Received on 04.09.17:

A look at some of the anarchist and anti-capitalist graffiti seen around Berlin and Hamburg in July 2017.

In solidarity with the G20 prisoners.


Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Graffiti, Hamburg, Videos