Maximise your progressive vote this Saturday. Vote 1, Steve O'Brien for Mayor (Ward 1) and Vote 1 Socialist Alliance.Visit our campaign page for more information.

The NSW government’s decision to strip council of planning powers is another reason to put the Liberals last on polling day on Saturday September 9.

Vote below the line (number 2 boxes minimum); Vote 1, Socialist Alliance (in ASHFIELD - Susan Price; in LEICHHARDT - Blair Vidakovich; in STANMORE - Pip Hinman); Vote 2, 3, 4 for the Greens; Vote 5,6,7 for any progressive independents; then Labor.

Visit our campaign page here.

If you accept that celebrating the date as Australia Day is hurtful to many Indigenous people because it marked the beginning of their violent dispossession, then it follows there are some important people who sanctioned or participated in that violence.

1. Get onto the streets

The most important thing you can do for marriage equality right now is hit the streets. Add your voice to the thousands of others across the country by marching in one of the upcoming marriage equality rallies. Get a group of your friends together and make homemade signs to bring along.

What local councils do or don’t do on January 26 has burst into the national political debate, and what a good thing that is, writes Socialist Alliance councillor Sam Wainwright.

The pro-market, anti-people policies of all the major parties at the local, state and federal levels has placed shelter — a vital human need — in second place to profits.