• D+Q at SPX 2017

  • Jillian Tamaki's Boundless is in stores now

    Reviewed in the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Guardian, NPR, the Washington Post, and more!
  • Tom Gauld's Goliath is now in paperback

  • Leslie Stein on tour for Present!

    September 17th at Brooklyn Book Festival!
  • Seth's Palookaville 23 is in stores now

Poppies of Iraq in stores

September 5, 2017
It's not often that a book lands in stores with starred reviews in Publishers Weekly and Kirkus , pre-publication review attention from mainstream outlets like the Boston Globe ,…

Tom Gauld's GOLIATH in paperback

August 29, 2017
There are few things better than a nicely designed new package for an "old" favorite to remind you why you loved it in the first place. Tom Gauld really is a master of the minimal…

The Cartoonist is Always Right!

August 8, 2017
THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS WRONG is in stores today and it is not hyperbole when I say that this book is a tour de force. One of the best things about being a comics editor is how…
