9 September 2017

As US threatens war against North Korea, China appeals to European powers

By Alex Lantier, 9 September 2017

China has called on Germany and France to coordinate sanctions against North Korea over its nuclear test and prevent US escalation on the Korean Peninsula from leading to war.

UN chief warns against the march to world war

The logic of imperialist aggression:
Will US threats against North Korea yield a global catastrophe?

Why aren’t trains evacuating people from the path of Hurricane Irma?

By Jeff Lusanne, 9 September 2017

Hundreds of thousands need to flee the path of Hurricane Irma. Instead of fleets of trains carrying them away, residents are left to fend for themselves in their own cars on congested roads.

Hurricane Irma heads towards Florida after tearing through the Caribbean

Miles of devastation along Braes Bayou in Houston
A Hurricane Harvey diary: Part 3

Civil engineers’ reports on US flood preparedness: Lessons of Katrina and Sandy ignored

More on Hurricane Harvey »

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico and Central America, killing at least 61

By Rafael Azul, 9 September 2017

By far the most damage was concentrated in Juchitan de Zaragoza, a city of more than one hundred thousand, the third largest in the state of Oaxaca.

Germany’s federal election campaign and the danger of global nuclear war

By Johannes Stern, 9 September 2017

The media and political parties have long sought to keep the issues of war and militarism out of the election campaign, but reality is now catching up with them.

German Left Party and Greens demand expansion of police powers

German conservative parties embrace the language of dictatorship

UK: May government finalises Grenfell Tower Inquiry cover-up

By Robert Stevens, 9 September 2017

The inquiry has no intention of achieving real justice for the victims of Grenfell—nor remedying the dangers faced by thousands of other tenants across the country.

London residents speak on Grenfell Tower fire

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

ECB makes first move to wind back quantitative easing

By Nick Beams, 9 September 2017

The class agenda of the ECB emerged when president Mario Draghi called for the further elimination of job protection as he backed reforms by the Macron presidency in France.

Watch: NYC Youth oppose DACA repeal

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Unite all workers against the attack on immigrants! For a socialist policy of open borders!

United Airlines dodges government discipline for brutalizing passenger

By Marcus Day, 9 September 2017

The US Department of Transportation declined to sanction United Airlines for having Dr. David Dao violently dragged from a flight in April.

Detroit Police stonewall investigation into Taser death of 15-year-old

By Robert Verdine, 9 September 2017

The death of 15-year-old Damon Grimes, shot by a police Taser while riding his ATV, has sparked anger in Detroit.

More on police violence in America »

Toronto Airport Authority imposes injunctions on striking ground crew

By Lee Parsons and Roger Jordan, 9 September 2017

Following a protest by the workers on Sunday that temporarily blocked traffic into Pearson Airport, the Greater Toronto Airport Authority has intensified its strike-breaking efforts.

Journalist who exposed Hindu right assassinated in Bangalore

By Kranti Kumara, 9 September 2017

Gauri Lankesh is the fourth prominent critic of Hindu supremacism and fundamentalism to be assassinated in as many years.

India, Bangladesh support Burmese military repression of Rohingya

By Wimal Perera, 9 September 2017

The Indian prime minister and his Bangladeshi counterpart are threatening to send thousands of Rohingya refugees back to Burma.

More on India »

New Zealand: The right-wing politics of the Opportunities Party

By Sam Price and Tom Peters, 9 September 2017

The Opportunities Party, founded by multi-millionaire Gareth Morgan, is falsely promoted as anti-establishment and in favour of social equality.

New in Turkish

BM’nin şefi dünya savaşına doğru gidişe karşı uyarıda bulundu

Bill Van Auken, 9 Eylül 2017

Bugün işçi sınıfının karşı karşıya olduğu görev, insanlığın varlığını sürdüremeyeceği bir nükleer çatışma ile sonuçlanabilecek bir üçüncü dünya savaşını önlemektir.

Cynthia Brust Moore (1944-2017): Troçkist hareketin kararlı bir destekçisi

Fred Mazelis, 9 Eylül 2017

Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi, yaşamı boyunca Troçkist hareketi desteklemiş olan Cynthia Brust Moore’un 72 yaşında öldüğünü derin üzüntüyle bildirir.

New in French

Le chef de l’ONU met en garde contre la marche vers la guerre mondiale

Par Bill Van Auken, 9 septembre 2017

La comparaison entre l’escalade des tensions sur la péninsule coréenne et les événements qui ont déclenché la Première Guerre mondiale n’a pratiquement pas été signalée dans les médias américains.

Les États-Unis achèvent le déploiement antimissile en Corée du Sud, le risque de guerre s’accroît

Par Ben McGrath, 9 septembre 2017

Sous pression de Washington, le président Moon, de Corée du Sud, a abandonné ses appels précédents au dialogue avec la Corée du Nord et a adopté des positions de plus en plus belliqueuses.

Selon l'Intérieur, le laboratoire d’explosifs à Villejuif pourrait être lié aux attentats à Barcelone

Par Kumaran Ira, 9 septembre 2017

Trois personnes en lien avec l’Etat islamique sont en garde à vue suite à la découverte d’un laboratoire fabriquant des explosifs à Villejuif.

Un journaliste de Forbes affirme que Google a censuré un article sur la manipulation des résultats de son moteur de recherche

Par Andre Damon, 9 septembre 2017

La journaliste Kashmir Hill a fait face à une vive réaction du géant de la technologie après avoir signalé que Google a menacé de faire reculer les résultats de recherche pour les sites qui ne faisaient pas référence à son réseau social en difficulté.

New in German

UN-Generalsekretär warnt vor einem Weltkrieg

Bill Van Auken, 9. September 2017

Die amerikanischen Medien berichteten kaum über António Guterres’ Vergleich zwischen der Verschärfung der Spannungen auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und den Ereignissen, die zum Ersten Weltkrieg führten.

Die Behebung des Pflegenotstands erfordert ein sozialistisches Programm

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 9. September 2017

Man kann die Katastrophe im Pflegebereich nicht überwinden, indem man Bittschriften an jene überreicht, die dafür verantwortlich sind.

Sahra Wagenknecht bietet der AfD Zusammenarbeit an

Verena Nees, 9. September 2017

Im TV-Sender N24 sagte die Spitzenkandidatin der Linkspartei, man dürfe nicht „auf unfaire oder pauschal ausgrenzende Weise“ mit der Rechtspartei umgehen.

Ehemalige Forbes- Journalistin: Google zensierte Bericht über Manipulation von Suchergebnissen

Andre Damon, 9. September 2017

Die ehemalige Forbes-Journalistin Kashmir Hill musste einen Artikel über Googles Manipulation von Suchergebnissen löschen, nachdem der Konzern mit der Herabstufung von Forbes bei der Google- Suche gedroht hatte.

New in Spanish

¡Unamos a todos los trabajadores en lucha contra los ataques a los inmigrantes! ¡Por una política socialista de fronteras abiertas!

Por Partido Socialista por la Igualdad (EUA), 8 septiembre 2017

La decisión del Gobierno de Trump de poner fin al programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia o DACA constituye una nueva etapa en la ofensiva contra los trabajadores inmigrantes en Estados Unidos e internacionalmente.

Macron anuncia recortes a programas sociales en Francia

Por Francis Dubois, 8 septiembre 2017

En la estela de los decretos contra el código laboral, el Gobierno está iniciando una ofensiva contra el acceso a la vivienda, las capacitaciones vocacionales y el seguro al desempleo.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в русской революции
21 — 27 августа: Керенский пытается организовать контрреволюцию

7 сентября 2017 г.

Поставив генерала Корнилова во главе армии, Керенский резко поворачивает направо. Поддерживаемый меньшевиками и эсерами, он созывает Государственное совещание в Москве для объединения всех контрреволюционных сил России.

New in Arabic

أجهزة غوغل تسعى لمنع الوصول إلى الموقع العالمي الاشتراكي

٢٧ تموز يوليو ٢٠١٧

إن تفحص تدفق البيانات على الشبكة يظهر بوضوح أن عملاق الإنترنت غوغل يتلاعب بنتائج البحث بهدف منع الوصول إلى صفحة موقع الاشتراكية العالمي.

Other Languages


Hurricanes Irma and Harvey: Natural disaster and political breakdown

9 September 2017

In its response to Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma and other natural disasters, American capitalism has demonstrated its bankruptcy as a social system.

Earlier Perspectives »

Google Censorship

“If the Internet shuts down, we wouldn’t know anything. The union isn’t going to tell us”
Autoworkers in Detroit support campaign against Google Internet censorship

By a WSWS reporting team, 9 September 2017

SEP campaign teams in the Detroit area collected scores of signatures last weekend for the petition opposing Google’s Internet censorship.

Forbes writer says Google censored report on manipulation of search traffic

By Andre Damon, 8 September 2017

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

9 September 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Worker killed at Kansas oil refinery as OSHA conceals data on workplace deaths

By Jessica Goldstein, 8 September 2017

UK: Refuse workers resume strike after Birmingham Council imposes redundancies

Rank-and-file committees needed to take forward UK rail workers' safety fight

“We don’t know what kind of deal they’ve struck with the breakaway dealerships”
IAM isolates striking Chicago car mechanics, seeks separate agreements

More on auto workers struggles »


Trump, Democrats reach deal on debt ceiling, budget

By Patrick Martin, 8 September 2017

Mélenchon sets nationalist trap for opposition to austerity in France

Child deaths at Gorakhpur hospital highlight grim reality behind “rising India” hype

Yemen’s cholera outbreak surpasses 600,000

The National Football League’s blacklisting of quarterback Colin Kaepernick

International Amazon Workers Voice

Price gouging at Amazon and the case for public ownership

By Eric London, 8 September 2017

Single mother in Pittsburgh fired by Amazon for not working forced overtime

Working life at a Pittsburgh Amazon warehouse

Protests against Amazon’s bid to seize land from historic African-American community in Virginia

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook


Documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel, Germany: The censorship and defaming of art

By Sybille Fuchs, 6 September 2017

Sean Penn’s The Last Face and Hollywood’s “August Death March”

By David Walsh, 31 August 2017

Ingrid Goes West and Wind River: Hardly scratching the surface


Cynthia Brust Moore (1944-2017): A steadfast supporter of the Trotskyist movement

By Fred Mazelis, 5 September 2017


Oppose the militarist high school graduation policy of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 5 September 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
September 4 – 10: The Kornilov affair

4 September 2017

Confronted with the danger of a full-blooded counterrevolutionary dictatorship and mass repression from General Kornilov, the Soviets are compelled to appeal to the working class to defend the city.

From the archives of the Russian Revolution
On Slogans

By Vladimir Lenin, 2 September 2017

Leaders of the Russian Revolution: Ivar Tenisovich Smilga (1892-1937)
Part one

By Clara Weiss, 31 August 2017

Leaders of the Russian Revolution: Ivar Tenisovich Smilga (1892-1937)
Part two

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Mehring Books

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.

Lessons of Hurricane Katrina

31 August 2017

The World Socialist Web Site pamphlet on the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina 12 years ago is critical reading in light of the current catastrophe in Texas.

Maruti Suzuki

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »