Antifa International

(Source: voltrondtu15)

(Source: 5n1pp3r5)


IMPORTANT! ICE is planning a nationwide raid, Sept. 16 - 21. Alert your community members and defend your neighbors!

IMPORTANTE! ICE esta planeando una redada nacional, 16 al 21 de septiembre. Debemos avisar y defender a nuestra comunidad!

Reportes de una redada nacional
16 a 21 de septiembre

Lo que sabemos:
● ICE/La Migra esta planeando una redada nacional del 16 al 21 septiembre
● ICE/La Migra tiene como meta detener a más de 8,000 personas

Avísale a tu comunidad:
✔︎ Contacta a tu organización comunitaria local
✔︎ Defiende a tu comunidad y a tus vecinxs
✔︎ Si ICE/La Migra llega a tu puerta:
✔︎ No abras la puerta
✔︎ Mantente calladx
✔︎ No firmes nada


Germany went from exporting fascism, to being one of the most inclusive understanding countries in Europe. We have much to learn.

“Barcelona is anti-racist


Barcelona is anti-racist


Does it matter in which direction the three downward arrows are facing? (Left or right, obviously they're facing downward, haha)

Traditionally, the three arrows start from the right and point diagonally to the left.  Which always seems a bit weird/arbitrary to us, but whatevs.  

asked by Anonymous