
We welcome contributions to Radical Philosophy.



Radical Philosophy Manuscript Submission Guidelines

  1. Submission Policy

Material submitted to Radical Philosophy should not be under consideration with any other journal.

Material is accepted for publication in Radical Philosophy on the understanding that copyright is assigned to Radical Philosophy Ltd unless other arrangements are explicitly made.

Each article submitted is read and refereed by at least four members of the Editorial Collective, one of whom is appointed Article Editor and takes responsibility for communication with the author.

  1. Article types

Radical Philosophy normally publishes articles, commentaries, letters, book reviews, review essays, and interviews. We welcome the submission of materials that have the following approximate length

Article 7-9,000 words

Commentary 3-4,000 words

Letter 500-1,000 words

Interview 5-7,000 words

Book reviews 800-1500 words

Review essays (extended book reviews): 3-4,000 words

Review articles should be discussed with the book review editors before submission.

All submissions except reviews should be sent to

Reviews and review essay inquiries should be sent to

  1. Preparing the manuscript for submission

All manuscripts should be submitted as .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt and not as .pdf files. LaTEX files are also accepted.

All manuscripts must have a file name file name that follows this pattern: ‘lastname_one-word title_date (’ – so for instance, a filename like ‘Smith_Hegemony_2017.02.23’.

Each manuscript should include the following:

  • Manuscript title

  • Author full details, including email and mailing address.

  • The word count on the first page

  • An abstract of 200-250 words (for articles and commentaries)

  • An author bio of up to 80 words

  • Up to 6 keywords

  • Page numbers

  • Use a font no smaller than 12

  • Use footnotes (set to 10 point, single-spaced) rather than endnotes

  • Be set to A4 paper size (rather than US Letter);

  • Use single-space line spacing throughout.

  1. Referencing guidelines

Radical Philosophy use a footnote-style of referencing based on the Chicago Manual of Style, summarised at . References should be indicated in the text of the manuscript by superscripts, numbered in the format 1, 2, 3, etc.

Single author book

1. Michael Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals (New York: Penguin, 2006), 99–100.

2. Pollan, Omnivore’s Dilemma, 3.

Multi-author book:

1. Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945 (New York: Knopf, 2007), 52.

2. Ward and Burns, War, 59–61.

Editor, translator, or compiler instead of author

1. Richmond Lattimore, trans., The Iliad of Homer (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951), 91–92.

Editor, translator, or compiler in addition to author

1. Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera, trans. Edith Grossman (London: Cape, 1988), 242–55.

2. García Márquez, Cholera, 33.

Chapter or other part of a book

1. John D. Kelly, “Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War,” in Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, ed. John D. Kelly et al. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 77.

2. Kelly, “Seeing Red,” 81–82.

Article in a print journal

1. Joshua I. Weinstein, “The Market in Plato’s Republic,” Classical Philology 104 (2009): 440.

2. Weinstein, “Plato’s Republic,” 452–53.

Article in an online journal

Include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if the journal lists one. A DOI is a permanent ID that, when appended to in the address bar of an Internet browser, will lead to the source. If no DOI is available, list a URL. Include an access date only if one is required by your publisher or discipline.

1. Gueorgi Kossinets and Duncan J. Watts, “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network,” American Journal of Sociology 115 (2009): 411, accessed February 28, 2010, doi:10.1086/599247.

2. Kossinets and Watts, “Origins of Homophily,” 439.


A citation to website content can often be limited to a mention in the text or in a note (“As of July 19, 2008, the McDonald’s Corporation listed on its website . . .”). If a more formal citation is desired, it may be styled as in the examples below. Because such content is subject to change, include an access date or, if available, a date that the site was last modified.

1. “Google Privacy Policy,” last modified March 11, 2009,

2. “McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy Safety Facts,” McDonald’s Corporation, accessed July 19, 2008,

3. “Google Privacy Policy.”

  1. Upon acceptance

Once accepted for publication in Radical Philosophy texts will be edited by a member of the collective. The edited version will be sent to the author for approval. The manuscript of each issue of the journal is subsequently copy-edited and proofread by a second member of the collective. We regret that due to limited resources we are normally unable to provide authors with galley or page proofs. However, if any substantive changes are made the author will be contacted.

It is on occasion necessary to make final minor editorial changes to texts during the layout of an issue, for reasons of spacing and visual consistency. In particular, the Commentary and News sections (and less frequently some reviews) are subject to journalistic norms in this regard.

Acceptance of these editorial practices is a condition of the acceptance of texts for publication in Radical Philosophy.

  1. Copyright

Radical Philosophy publishes under a Creative Commons license.


Books for Review

Books for review should be sent to the Reviews Editor:

Post: Matthew Charles
Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW

Email: reviews (at) radicalphilosophy (dot) com


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Alternative Press Index, British Humanities Index, Social Science Citation Index & Current Contents, The Left Index, Philosophers’ Index and Sociological Abstracts.