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Interview Archive

A precarious dialogue

Dossier: The Greek Symptom: Debt, Crisis and the Crisis of the Left
by and / RP 181 (Sept/Oct 2013) / Dossier, Interview, The Greek Symptom

Maria Kakogianni    It seems to me that we are in an intermediary situation today. The period of the great renunciation of the revolutionary past, and of the ‘end of History’, seems to be giving way to a new sequence of popular struggles (the Arab Spring, Los Indignados, Occupy Wall Street, etc.). But, within this new sequence, …

Claire Fontaine

Giving shape to painful things
by , and / RP 175 (Sep/Oct 2012) / Interview

Parisian artist Claire Fontaine is a fraud, a forgery, her name casually lifted from a generic brand of school notebooks, her existence only present in the art that bears her signature. She was first brought to life in 2004 by Fulvia Carnevale and James Thornhill. She resides now in the neon gas, the …

Noam Chomsky

Freedom and power
by and / RP 172 (Mar/Apr 2012) / Interview

Peter Hallward I’d like to start by asking you about some of your basic philosophical principles, starting with your understanding of human freedom and creativity. In the modern European tradition I’m most familiar with, freedom is a dominant philosophical theme from Descartes through Rousseau to Kant. With Kant we have an affirmation …

Rem Koolhaas and Reinier de Graaf

Propaganda architecture
by , , and / RP 154 (Mar/Apr 2009) / Interview

Jeff Wall

Art after photography, after conceptual art
by and / RP 150 (Jul/Aug 2008) / Interview

Jean Oury

The hospital is ill
by , and / RP 143 (May/Jun 2007) / Interview

David Reggio Binswanger asserted that man was in the situation of psychiatry if psychiatry was within the situation of man. But it seems that this equation has become corrupted. In its current form, psychiatry has become a very complex and deterministic pursuit. At the same time, a moralism has proliferated that has eclipsed its ethic. …

Paolo Virno

Reading Gilbert Simondon: Transindividuality, technical activity and reification
by and / RP 136 (Mar/Apr 2006) / Interview

Paolo Virno was born in Naples in 1952. From 1968 to its dissolution in 1973 he was an activist in Potere Operaio, a political group founded by some of those members of the workerist journal Quaderni Rossi who did not join the Communist Party of Italy. He was an active participant in il movimento of …

Kostas Axelos

Mondialisation without the world
by and / RP 130 (Mar/Apr 2005) / Interview

Antonio Negri and Danilo Zolo

Empire and the multitude: A dialogue on the new order of globalization
by and / RP 120 (Jul/Aug 2003) / Interview

Danilo Zolo For a long time I resisted the calls, from many quarters, to publicly debate Empire, the book you co-authored with Michael Hardt, which has prompted a debate of exceptional scope and intensity on both sides of the Atlantic. I was inhibited by a sense of impotence before such a complex, ambitious and extensive …

Jean Laplanche

The other within - Rethinking psychoanalysis
by , and / RP 102 (Jul/Aug 2000) / Interview

Jean Laplanche is the most original and philosophically informed psychoanalytic theorist of his day. Setting out from a critical reconstruction of Freudʼs terminology, he has developed a systematic rethinking of psychoanalytic metapsychology under the heading of a ʻgeneral theory of seductionʼ. Still best known in Britain for his early joint work with Pontalis – ʻFantasy …

Étienne Balibar

Conjectures and conjunctures
by and / RP 097 (Sep/Oct 1999) / Interview

Agnes Heller

Post-Marxism and the ethics of modernity
by and / RP 094 (Mar/Apr 1999) / Interview

Kate Soper

An alternative hedonism
by and / RP 093 (Jan/Feb 1999) / Interview

Arthur C. Danto

Art and analysis
by and / RP 090 (Jul/Aug 1998) / Interview

RP: Your philosophical work appears to be made up of two fairly distinct strands: what one might call a mainstream analytical strand and a more unconventional aesthetic strand. The second strand is dissident, first because itʼs about aesthetics – it takes art seriously, philosophically – and second because itʼs broadly Hegelian in inspiration. Historically, analytical …

Stuart Hall

Culture and Power
by , and / RP 086 (Nov/Dec 1997) / Interview

RP: How would you describe the current state of cultural studies in Britain in relation to its past?

Hall: Itʼs a question of how far back you want to go, because everybody has a narrative about this and everybodyʼs narrative is different. There was certainly something distinctive about the founding moment in the 1960s, but …

Jacques Rancière

Democracy means equality
by / RP 082 (Mar/Apr 1997) / Interview

Aijaz Ahmad

Nationalism, Post-colonialism, Communism
by , and / RP 076 (Mar/Apr 1996) / Interview

Drucilla Cornell

Feminism, deconstruction and the law
by and / RP 073 (Sep/Oct 1995) / Interview

Cornel West

American Radicalism
by and / RP 071 (May/Jun 1995) / Interview

Hans-Georg Gadamer

'Without poets there is no philosophy'
by and / RP 069 (Jan/Feb 1995) / Interview