ACT News


Corin Forest opens up slopes to dogs for first Snow Dogs event

As the expression goes, every dog has its day. But it's a rare instance when dogs get to have their day at the snow.

On Saturday, Corin Forest opened its doors to dogs as well as their owners for the first time for its Snow Dogs event.

From puppies to some dogs nearing the size of small bears and every shape in between, more than 300 pooches took to the slopes for the first day of the weekend-long event.

All of the sessions at Corin Forest over the two days completely sold out, far exceeding the expectations of organisers.

Hannah Lucas from Corin Forest said 1500 people and about 700 dogs are expected over the weekend.

"We've had a lot of requests throughout the snow season of people asking if they can bring their dogs down, so we thought seeing as it's the end of the season, why not make an event out of it," she said.


"We're seeing a range of couples and families come down as well as singles with their puppies. We've even had people come as far as Sydney just so their dogs can experience the snow."

For many of the four-legged friends on Saturday, it was their first time experiencing the snow.

Among them were Jordan Wilson's two dogs, A five-year-old kelpie cross called Billie and six-month-old border collie Leo.

"At first they were excited about the other dogs being there, but after the first five minutes they were eating the snow and digging in it," she said.

"Some were even sliding down the hills."

Despite the cold weather, Ms Wilson said the dogs there enjoyed their chance to play in the snow.

"The air wasn't too cold, and Leo has a thick coat, so he was fine, and Billie had two jackets on," she said.

Queanbeyan resident Laura Jin was also there with here two-year-old toy poodle cross Linda.

She said while her dog normally stays indoors during the winter months, she felt right at home in the new conditions.

"After running around and doing a lot of other activities to warm up, she got used to environment," she said.

"This was her first time seeing the snow, she was excited just to sniff it."

Ms Jin said she knew her dogs would enjoy the snow, after owning two dogs while living in a town in China.

"In my hometown in thw winter, there would be snow everywhere, and they loved the snow very much," she said.

"When I saw the event at Corin Forest, I knew my dogs in Australia would love it just as much."

With all six sessions sold out, Ms Lucas said plans were under way to make Snow Dogs an annual fixture.