- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 102517
Extraterritoriality is the state of being exempted from the jurisdiction of local law, usually as the result of diplomatic negotiations. Historically, this applied to individuals. Extraterritoriality can also be applied to physical places, such as foreign embassies, military bases of foreign countries, or offices of the United Nations. The three most common cases recognized today internationally relate to the persons and belongings of foreign heads of state, the persons and belongings of ambassadors and other diplomats, and ships in foreign waters.
Extraterritoriality is often extended to friendly or allied militaries, particularly for the purposes of allowing that military to simply pass through one's territory.
It is distinguished from personal jurisdiction in the sense that extraterritoriality operates to the prejudice of local jurisdiction.
During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Italian sea republics of Genoa and Venice managed to wrestle extraterritoriality for their quarters (Pera and Galata) in the Byzantine capital, Constantinople. They even battled among themselves for further control of the weakened empire.
Miles Edgeworth, known as Reiji Mitsurugi (御剣 怜侍 一, Mitsurugi Reiji) in original Japanese language versions, is a fictional prosecutor in Capcom's Ace Attorney video game series. He first appears as an antagonistic rival to main character Phoenix Wright in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. He later reappears in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All as a friendly rival, gains a playable role in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, and — due to the character's popularity — later went on to star in two of his own spin-off games, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. He also appears as a friendly rival in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies as well as appearing as a cameo in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. He is the protégé of legendary prosecutor Manfred von Karma, the main antagonist from the first game.
According to Shu Takumi, Edgeworth was difficult to develop as a character compared to Wright. Edgeworth's character came together once Takumi decided he would be rich. In the original game, Takumi designed Edgeworth to be an unlikable and tragic character. This is seen in Manfred von Karma raising Edgeworth to be a prosecutor and then prosecuting him for murder, just to have his revenge against Gregory Edgeworth. After the first game, when Takumi saw a comic depicting Edgeworth liking the Steel Samurai, he decided that a more likable Edgeworth would be "cuter", and so Edgeworth was fleshed out into the valuable friend and ally seen since Farewell, My Turnabout.
Ace Attorney, also known as Phoenix Wright and in Japan as Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判, lit. "Turnabout Trial"), is a series of visual novel legal thriller adventure video games, created by Shu Takumi and developed and published by Capcom, in which players assume the role of a defense attorney in a fictional courtroom setting, which is based on the Japanese legal system, to strive to find their clients "not guilty" using investigation, evidence, and cross-examination to prove their case. The series primarily focuses on the protagonist, Phoenix Wright, a passionate lawyer who seeks out the truth and defends his clients to the end, with later games sometimes featuring other protagonists.
The first three games in the series, originally released exclusively in Japan between 2001 and 2004 for the Game Boy Advance, were ported to the Nintendo DS, taking advantage of features such as touchscreen control, and localized into other regions. These games have also been ported to other formats, such as PC, WiiWare, and iOS. Subsequent titles were developed for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS systems. To date, there have been five main games in the series, with a sixth game currently in development, as well as the prequel Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken, two Investigations spin-off games and a cross-over title, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, known in Japan as Gyakuten Kenji (Japanese: 逆転検事, lit. "Turnabout Prosecutor"), is a 2009 single-player adventure video game developed by Capcom for the handheld video game console Nintendo DS. It was published in Japan on May 28, 2009, and in North America, Australia, and Europe, in February, 2010. It is the fifth game in the Ace Attorney series, and is set between the events of the third and fourth games, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.
While previous games in the series focus on defense attorneys, Ace Attorney Investigations has the player control prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, who investigates five cases that tie together to form an overarching story about a smuggling ring. The game consists of investigation phases, in which the player investigates crime scenes in search for evidence, and rebuttal phases, in which they confront other characters, to hear what they think has happened; the player is able to use evidence to find contradictions in the characters' statements, to get closer to the truth.
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Fftxrxf x extraterritoriality for fuddy-duddy just eufufheguweufscsvycwvucfywcuscudguvycycysffyfwycw
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How To Pronounce extraterritoriality
How To Pronounce extraterritorial
How To Pronounce Extraterritoriality
How Does Extradition Work? http://testu.be/1e3BQje Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml When traveling abroad, your home country's laws can extend much further than you may think. How far outside borders do local laws apply? Learn More: What is Extraterritorial Jurisdiction? http://cornelllawreview.org/articles/what-is-extraterritorial-jurisdiction/ "Assertions of legal power beyond territorial borders present lawyers, courts, and scholars with analytical onions comprising layers of national and international legal issues; as each layer peels away, more issues are revealed." Extraterritorial Application of American Criminal Law https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/94-166.pdf "Criminal law is usually territorial." U.S. Is Now Pursuing Americans Who Commit Sex Crimes Overseas http://www.n...
What is EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION? What does EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION mean? EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION meaning - EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION definition -EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION explanation. Source: Wikipedia.org article, adapted under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ license. Extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) is the legal ability of a government to exercise authority beyond its normal boundaries. Any authority can claim ETJ over any external territory they wish. However, for the claim to be effective in the external territory (except by the exercise of force), it must be agreed either with the legal authority in the external territory, or with a legal authority which covers both territories. When unqualified, ETJ usually refers to such an agreed juri...
What does extraterritoriality mean? A spoken definition of extraterritoriality. Intro Sound: Typewriter - Tamskp Licensed under CC:BA 3.0 Outro Music: Groove Groove - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under CC:BA 3.0 Intro/Outro Photo: The best days are not planned - Marcus Hansson Licensed under CC-BY-2.0 Book Image: Open Book template PSD - DougitDesign Licensed under CC:BA 3.0 Text derived from: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/extraterritoriality Text to Speech powered by TTS-API.COM
April 17, 2013
Autor: Ж Resumo: Imagem pobre – o real virtualizado em Extraterritorial. O território é um espaço reticulado, limitado. Lugar de controle, espaço onde se aplica a escala humana. A paisagem é a possibilidade de encontrar a natureza inumana na qual o homem se instala. Extraterritorial propõe a ativação de um regime de visualização, em simultaneidade, de estados complexos no qual a natureza se vê afetada por uma ordem de processos que já não deixa nenhum exterior intacto. Ao real, soma-se um vetor de virtualidade; o real como um espelho que vem rivalizar e radicalizar a presença e o controle do homem sobre este espaço. Este processo leva o homem ao limite, à sua desaparição tanto nas imagens como na terra. Se a paisagem, na Antiguidade, serviu para que o homem admirasse sua forma, seu corpo,...
Video shows what extraterritoriality means. immunity from the local laws of a certain area, especially due to diplomatic negotiation.. extraterritoriality synonyms: diplomatic immunity, exterritoriality. Extraterritoriality Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say extraterritoriality. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
This Video is about Flight Information Region (FIR) dispute over island of Cyprus. It was produced as part of a book, "Interpretations of Sovereignty via Frequencies", that has been developed during my MA studies at Research Architecture Program at Goldsmiths College London in 2010. The short Video about FIR along its supplement documentation (one of the eleven stories of the initial book) was chosen to be exhibited under UNCOVERED Cyprus Project curated by Başak Şenova and Pavlina Paraskevaidou in 2011. However the work was banned from the Uncovered Cyprus exhibition the day before the opening by United Nations Good Offices in Cyprus with the claims that the work had exceeded the scope of the intended exhibition that took place in Buffer Zone in Cyprus. Introductory Abstract to the ...
This time on Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth: Everyone is here. ▼ More Information ▼ Follow me on Twitter for stuff!: https://twitter.com/XenofluxRaiden Awesome Outro Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLRxQoC5370 Intro art Source - http://alpagakey.deviantart.com/art/Miles-Edgeworth-Inspired-by-2-Styles-493910698 ____________________________________________________ Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (逆転検事 (Gyakuten Kenji); lit. "Turnabout Prosecutor"), codenamed "NEW Gyakuten NOT Saiban" prior to its official announcement, is the fifth game in the Ace Attorney series of adventure video games, starring prosecutor Miles Edgeworth and detective Dick Gumshoe. The game is a departure from the previous games, known collectively in Japan as the Gyakuten Saiban serie...
https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3068/muslim-child-rape-gangs-britain http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/9975937/Inside-Britains-Sharia-courts.html https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3105/pakistan-fatwas-against-women https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterritoriality
Topics: The Fourth Amendment, extraterritoriality, national security exception, foreign intelligence exception Source: This video is archived from Surveillance Law, first offered by Stanford Law School on Coursera in Fall 2014. Author: Jonathan Mayer, https://jonathanmayer.org License: Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution, with materials from https://surveillancelaw.org/remix.txt
To watch the full lecture, please go to http://legal.un.org/avl/ls/Milanovic_HR.html Mr. Marko Milanovic, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham School of Law
Second flash vid and first usage of backgrounds. Believe me when I say this is only one of the many Cradily vids I'll be making :P Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfLJpzIPis4
Livestreaming by EZebis.com
The roundtable discussion addressed the following key issues: In what situation does extraterritoriality apply? What problems do companies falling under this principle face? And what are the peculiarities of interaction between the law enforcement authorities with Asian countries? During the roundtable the following issues also discussed: Where do the boundaries of national laws end? International law VS national legislation. Extraterritoriality principle on the example of US legislation. Examples of high-profile cases. Asian legal framework: Practice of extraterritorial effect of laws. What should you know about cross-investigation? Pitfalls. Applicability in competition law. From investigation to litigation. New deoffshorization cycle or continued fight against off-shores. What has ch...
James Koukios (Socio, Morrison Foerster) examina el alcance extraterritorial de la ley FCPA y de qué manera sus efectos tienen consecuencias en distintas partes del mundo y para compañías tanto estadounidenses como extranjeras.
Meet-up held in Zug / Switzerland on June 19, 2017, on US and Swiss perspectives on Token Generating Events (TGE); hosted by Crypto Valley Association, MME Legal | Tax | Compliance, Debevoise & Plimpton and Blockhaus; moderated by Andreas Glarner (MME). In Part 4, Lee Schneider (Debevoise & Plimpton) explains the US extraterritorial jurisdiction.
This video shows you how to pronounce extraterritoriality in English.
This video shows you how to pronounce extraterritorial in English.
This video shows you how to pronounce Extraterritoriality in English.