Last updated: September 18, 2017

Exemptions should be extended to all

It is illogical to create exemptions for ministers of religion but not for individuals.

Small reactors an attractive option

It’s time for a mature debate about nuclear power — especially small modular reactors.

Last Post, September 18

Political warriors John Howard and Tony Abbott should be taken seriously.

Last Post, September 16

Marriage debate shows the left ignores lessons of history.

Murphy not fit for pedestal

The Lionel Murphy saga shows that facts have a terrible habit of speaking for themselves.

Last Post, September 15

Yes campaign attacks on Wallaby winger Israel Folau show the need for protection of religious freedom.

It’s logical to nationalise Liddell

AGL’s Liddell coal-fired power station should be nationalised as an essential service.

Defence of religion like a pretence

Experience of communist persecution gives an insight into the thinking of Yes case campaigners.

Last Post, September 14

Political hot air could power the country.

All MPs should worry about freedoms

Given most MPs are Christians, they should be concerned about the implications of same-sex marriage laws.

Vandals are at the energy gates

It is appalling that a small group can jeopardise the livelihood of the majority.

Last Post

AGL is playing the Turnbull government nicely.

Nuclear is the energy of the future

Australia is well placed to take advantage of this climate-friendly power.

Only fake marriages are at risk

Treating same-sex relationships equally will spare many a life of secrecy.

Last Post, September 12

Isn’t celibacy for Catholic priests a denial of nature?

AGL doing what shareholders expect

The best form of energy policy is for governments to butt out and drop all subsidies.

SSM product of social evolution

Catholic archbishop has written a refreshingly honest case for the No campaign.

Last Post, September 11

LGBTI activists are turning off waverers.

Why are cheap renewables subsidised?

Bill Shorten is overlooking the fact that unprivatised electricity is also expensive.

Gays have a history of being abused

It’s not surprising gay activists are sensitive.

Last Post, September 9

Love songs might have to be rewritten if same-sex marriage is approved.

More solar and wind won’t solve crisis

Planning for energy-supply requirements in 2027 and beyond must begin now.

Debate must be mutually respectful

Gay marriage will not weaken the Judaeo-Christian underpinnings of society.

Last Post, September 8

Australia’s energy policy defies common sense.

Ideally, marriage is best for children

Children need a biological mother and father.

Governments have damaged energy market

Governments have interfered with the economics of the energy-supply market, to its detriment.

Last Post, September 7

Those who are unhappy with society should consider helping those in need.

Libs would draft bill with protections

There will be no stopping ideological bullies when marriage has been redefined.

Energy companies have a lot to answer

Idiotic decisions by state governments has helped create the energy-supply crisis.

We have options for energy

States could face a gas challenge, and nuclear naysayers may have to reconsider.

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