#Nürnberg: Cops Attacked Students Who Tried To Stop a Deportation

In Nürnberg, Germany cops attacked school kids who tried to prevent a deportation after cops dragged a 20 year old Afghan student out of their school.


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Report on Projection at #Oakland Coliseum

Don the Con has admitted to obstructing justice, and he should be impeached. We tried to project just that on a billboard next to Oracle Coliseum, after a Warriors game (victory!). IMPEACH didn’t fit the sign as well as Fuck Trump. As fireworks went up so did the chant, “Fuck Trump! Fuck Trump!”


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#NoG20 Info Nights in #Appelscha, #Amsterdam, The Hague & #Utrecht

The G20 summit is coming closer and closer. From the 4th until the 7th  of June there will be several info meetings in the Netherlands.


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#RefugeesWelcome: Welcome United Fighting for Social Rights – We’ll come United!

Enough is Enough signed the call for decentral action days from September 2nd and a demo in Berlin on September 16th: Welcome United Fighting for Social Rights. We’ll come United!


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Reading Our Times With Now: The Invisible Committee

Beginning by abandoning the old idea of revolution and reinventing it … Not as a new ideology but as a true praxis of an ethics of freedom to redefine the desirable and the undesirable and to create a new subjectivity that makes possible the impossible.

Octavio Alberola, Revolución o colapso


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Letter to the Patriot Militias: The Alt Right Murders Veterans

Open letter by antifascists from Portland to the patriot militias: The Alt Right Murders Veterans.


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15M Appropriations and Revolutions: Fragmentary Visions in Spain

Perhaps the most radical legacy of 15M lies in the ways in which the expansion of self-managed forms of life have reshaped subjectivities, which in turn feed back into those forms.  ¨With 15M”, writes Carolina León, “like a slap of turmoil and spring with its precariousness, I knew that their existed a politics in each one of us, and that was an experience of transcending solitude.  … [T]he “revolution” has already triumphed, because it allowed a countless number of people to get out of themselves, to concern themselves with more than what belonged to them and pursue the discussion about living together.” (Carolina León, Trincheras permanentes, 11-2)  But to so speak of “revolution” does presuppose that it be re-conceptualised (the dogmatism on this issue by some anarchists is precisely the reason why Tomás Ibáñez thought that it was a good thing that 15M was free of anarchist organisations); a re-conceptualisation that is called for even if within anarchism, the idea of revolution as a single, insurrectionary event was always accompanied by a notion of social change that imagined revolution as emerging from expanding initiatives of self-management.


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#Brussels May 31: Trial Against 6 Passengers Who Prevented Deportation

On August 17, 2016 passengers on a commercial flight to Cameroon prevented a deportation of a refugee after they witnessed the inhuman treatment of the refugee by copd. Six of these passengers will have to stand trial on May 31 in Brussels, Belgium.


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#Cali, #Colombia: Anarchist and Communist Students Clashed With Police

On May 25 there were protests and clashes between anarchist and communist students and cops in Cali, Colombia (video).


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An Analysis of #MayDay 2017 in #Olympia #WA

An analysis of this years May Day demo in Olympia, Washington.


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