Category Archives: Italy

“Never again without a home”: 15k People Marched in #Rome

An impressive demonstration marched through the streets of Rome in answer to last weeks’ evictions. Refugees and Italians marching side by side for the right to a house, dignity and for an open and supportive city. The institutions are postponing … Continue reading

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#Rome: Cops Evict Refugee Squatters From Palazzo Curtatone & Square

On Saturday about 500 riot cops evicted around 800 refugees from the Palazzo Curtatone refugee squat in Rome, Italy. A part of the evicted people were relocated, others became homeless and occupied a square. This morning riot cops also evicted … Continue reading

Posted in Italy, No Borders, Refugees, squatting, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

#Bologna: #Làbas & Laboratorio Crash Evicted

Cops violently evicted two social centers in Bologna, Italy yesterday. Activists announced that there would be a public meeting at the end of the month in preparation for a demonstration on September 9th to take back the Làbas social center.

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#NoG20: Demonstrations in #Hamburg, #Bilbao & #Genoa: Release all Prisoners!

Today there will be three demonstrations in solidarity with the NoG20 prisoners. One will take place in Bilbao (Basque Country), one in Hamburg (Germany) and a third one in Genoa (Italy).

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Police Operation Against La Caura & La Riottosa: 6 Comrades Released, 2 Still Imprisoned

On Friday we reported about raids, evictions and arrests in Italy. Here is another report about the police operation. Six comrades were released yesterday, two are still imprisoned.

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Solidarity with Life-Savers at Sea, Other Supporters and Refugees!

Statement of the German group Cars of Hope Wuppertal: Solidarity with Life-Savers at Sea, Other Supporters and Refugees! Image: Solidarity action in Ancona, Italy. Banner says: “Rescuing lifes is not a crime. Free the Iucenta.” Image by Twitter account: @MeltingPotEU

Posted in Italy, No Borders, Refugees, Repression, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Italy: Squats and Houses Raided and Evicted, Anarchist Comrades Arrested

Yesterday morning, cops have broken the doors of several rented and squatted houses in Florence, Rome and Lecce, to arrest eight anarchist comrades from Florence.

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#Lampedusa: Repression Against Life-Savers

Italian coastguards seized a refugee rescue boat operated by German aid group”Jugend Rettet e.V.” in the Mediterranean earlier today. After several European interior ministers started to criminalize life-savers in the past week with ridiculous claims that life-savers on the Mediterranean are working … Continue reading

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#OverTheFortress: Border Deaths in #Ventimiglia

Only a few months have passed since the closure of the French border at Ventimiglia, but the decision has already caused 12 fatal accidents. Drowned, run over, fallen, and electrocuted, migrants keep dying in their attempts to cross the border … Continue reading

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#CarloGiuliani Murdered by Cops: Never Forgive! Never Forget! #CarloVive

Sixteen years ago today, (July 20, 2001), 23 year old activist Carlo Giuliani was killed by Mario Placanica, a riot cop, during protests against the G8 summit in Genoa, Italy. One day later, on July 21st, 2001 cops raided the … Continue reading

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