Category Archives: France

(Bad) News From #Bure, #France

In Bure on the 15 August 2017, around 800 people set off on a demo (numbers like this had never been seen before for a non-declared demo in Bure). The prefecture deliberately chose a strategy of aggression and asphyxiation that … Continue reading

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#Paris La Chapelle: Defending Women or Attacking the Poor?

From Paris Sous Tension #10 released in late July 2017 and distributed in the streets of Paris, France.

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#OverTheFortress: Border Deaths in #Ventimiglia

Only a few months have passed since the closure of the French border at Ventimiglia, but the decision has already caused 12 fatal accidents. Drowned, run over, fallen, and electrocuted, migrants keep dying in their attempts to cross the border … Continue reading

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International #Antifa Week in #Lyon, #France

Invitation for a complete Antifascist and Anticapitalist week. also the known «Lyon Antifa Fest» with conferences, debates, from Tuesday December 12 to Saturday December 16 and  a demonstration in December 17.

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#France: Clashes and Burned Cars on #BastilleDay

In the night from July 13 on July 14 clashes broke out in many cities across France. July the 14th, is a national holiday in France; bastille day. Image: Clashes on July 13 in France

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The Deportation Machine Case: Trial Date Set for 4 Comrades

After seven and a half years of pre-trial hearings and thousands of pages of disclosure, after fifteen people had their homes searched, were arrested, followed, eavesdropped on, filmed, interrogated, incarcerated, placed on house arrest, and kept under various bail conditions … Continue reading

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#Calais May 27th: Demonstration Against All Kinds of Fascism

Following the announcement of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s coming to Calais, we are calling out for a demonstration !

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#France: From Now On, Let’s Move From Distrust To Social Resistance!

Statement by the Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes (CGA). On June 19th there will be major protests against Macron’s labor market reforms.

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#France: Against the State of Emergency

Against the state of emergency, text by the “Tarnac defendants” (anonymous).

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#France: Protests Continue After #Macron Won Election Circus

France: The protests against the election circus and the neoliberal policies of Macron continued on Sunday and Monday in Paris and several other cities. In Massy people are protesting for several days now, after 17 year old Curtis was killed … Continue reading

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