
IGD wants to share your story. We accept original content that shares perspective and intentions with It’s Going Down. We have taken several steps to help ensure privacy, security, and anonymity; however this is not foolproof. We need your help in this process. We read and review submitted content and ask that to you please respect our time and efforts.

We have created the following guidelines that are critical to the success and longevity of this website.


  • To add pictures, use the top “ADD IMAGE” button, this will load them into the post.
  • Please proofread, edit, and fact check your piece. We have limited resources and rely on your diligence.
  • Include hyperlinks to back up facts and quotes.
  • Please include AT LEAST one picture.
  • To include a tweet, just include the URL to it, it will automatically pop up.
  • If you are unsure how to include a video, just include the URL of the video in the text, we’ll add it for you.
  • If you wish to add a PDF, include a URL to it, we will upload it.
  • You can remove METADATA with this.

Form Checklist:

  • Examples of contributions are communiques, editorials, first hand accounts, report-backs, interviews, documentaries, original research, essays, etc.
  • Please limit linking to or re-posting from corporate media; if a comrade / movement source is unavailable please provide some analysis.
  • Photo, Tweets, and Video are strongly encouraged! Please wipe your meta (EXIF) data.
  • Please spell and grammar check articles and be intentional with HTML formatting.
  • Please do not share anything that directly or indirectly incriminates individuals. We don’t want to know who did what. If you are unsure on security culture basics, read here or listen here.

Content Checklist:

  • Does the analysis come from an anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist perspective?
  • Is the action self-organized and put forward outside the hands of top-down groups?
  • Is the activity in conflict with an institution of power?
  • Was there any real risk in its performance or was the symbolism powerful enough to manifest a deeper resonance with liberatory struggle?
  • Is the article devoid of militant spectacle, posturing or other content that could cause a troll storm that would put undue pressure on us?
  • Does the piece place itself in a larger context or history of revolt?
  • Was the action or analysis based in North America or does it have a strong relationship to here?
  • Calls to action are currently only being accepted by networks or groups and prisoners that have the ability to pull others in.
  • Publications are accepted that include a PDF for free download and printing (feel free to upload onto IGD) or articles from the pages inside. We do not accept ads for books and magazines.

If you feel as though your submission does not ante up, then IGD might not be the right place. We encourage you to seek out or create other outlets. Not every submission is accepted. These guidelines certainly will adapt as needed. Thanks!


Strongly Encouraged
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