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Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office
Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office
International Engagement & Building Peace

Who We Are

Your voice at the United Nations, the Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA's) United Nations Office (UU-UNO) is engaged in international advocacy work at the UN based on Unitarian Universalist (UU) values.

From involvement in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to leading the faith caucus to establish the International Criminal Court, to overcoming UN apathy about sexual orientation & gender identity issues, the UU-UNO has a long history of providing strong leadership in all aspects of human rights at a policy level through UN consultative status.

What We Do

  • Our Every Child is Our Child program provides educational support and healthcare access to children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDs in Ghana.
  • Committed to advancing equal rights for all humans regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI), our LGBTQ/SOGI Human Rights program brings LGBTQ human rights to the forefront of the UN agenda.
  • By focusing on women's sexual and reproductive health and rights, our Women's Initiative program supports strong voices and stronger actions, with particular emphasis on the global ratification/implementation of an international bill of rights for women known as the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
  • Bolstering the UU climate change movement through advocacy and educational resources, our Climate Justice Initiative program collaborates with like-minded organizations at the UN, calling for global action in the name of a sustainable future for all.
  • Bringing the United States' Movement for Black Lives to a global stage, our Racial Justice Initiative coordinates events and initiates dialogue to fight against anti-black racism on an international level.

In addition to these specific program areas, the UU-UNO is deeply involved in a number of different committees of non-governmental organizations at the United Nations, specifically in the fields of Disarmament, Peace, and Security; Human Rights; and as part of the Security Council Working Group. The UU-UNO Director also serves as Chair of the Executive Committee of non-governmental organizations affiliated with the UN Department of Public Information.

Learn more about Our Influence at the UN!

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