
ASIF (Anarcho Surrealist Insurrectionary Feminist) Manifesto

Beyond Right and Wrong
Communization Decay of Anarchy
Communization: The Senile Decay of Anarchy

Conversation Between Anarchists
A Conversation Between Anarchists

Dangerous Spaces: Violent Resistance, Self-defense, and Insurrectional Struggle Against Gender

A Few Words of “Freedom”: An Interview with Alfredo Cospito

In the Thick of It
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Insurrectionary Anarchism

Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International

Letter to the Anarchist Galaxy
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More, Much More

by Massimo Passamani
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Nothing is Finished: Essays from Anti-Prison Struggles in Belgium

On Organization
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Passion for Freedom: An Interview with Jean Weir

phoenix project_Page_01
The Phoenix Project: Initiatives of Combative Anarchy, 2013-2014

queer fire_Page_01
Queer Fire: The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism, and Gay Struggle Against Prison
[Audio Zine]

queers read this
Queers Read This

The Reproduction of Daily Life

Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries: Survival, Revolt, and Queer Antagonist Struggle

the sun still rises
The Sun Still Rises

this means war
This is War

to destroy sexuality
To Destroy Sexuality

Uncontrollable: Contributions Towards a Conscious Nihilism
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The Undesirables
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War on Patriarchy, War on the Death Technology: The Collected Statements, Essays, and Communiques of Direct Action and the Wimmin’s Fire Brigade

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