15 Sep

International Solidarity Fund for imprisoned comrade in Hamburg

The Vrije Bond from Amsterdam, has started an own initative of solidarity, to support the comrade, sentenced to 2 years an 7 months in Hamburg for having participated in the protest against the G20 summit in July.

Money is desperately needed and could be transferred to the following bank account:


Please spread this information! contrainfo

10 Aug

Call out for an International Week for Anarchist Prisoners 2017

This year, the International solidarity week for anarchist prisoners will be spent for the fifth time in 23rd to 30th August and we come stronger than ever!

Some political prisoners are already supported, but far from all of them. Also, the supported are usually involved in authoritarian politics and not grassroots activities. Anarchist prisoners are not often well-known people, even though they might be long term activists. Their ways to fight back oppressors and wrongdoings are not necessary following the current laws of their location, which is judged by some authoritarian organizations. The vast amount and diversity of cases of anarchist prisoners is surprising to many. Read More

19 Jul

July 25, 2017 – Third Annual International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners

As the third annual July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners approaches, we find ourselves fighting the hydra of fascism and far-right ideology. While its many heads have distinct looks in different parts of the world, this beast spews the same venomous poison of nationalism and bigotry everywhere. It demonizes refugees and immigrants, stokes hatred for Muslims, and attacks LGBTQ and other oppressed groups who are fighting for liberation and their very lives. Read More

07 Jul

Attempted intimidation of protests against the G20 summit and attacks on infrastructure

Police and the homeland intelligence service (Verfassungsschutz) are trying to discourage activists from attending the protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg by use of a broad range of intimidation methods. The measures extend from verbal warnings to a specific person (Gefährderansprachen), public defamation of individuals, obstruction and destruction of camp infrastructure to police raids and preventive detention. Due to media coverage it’s publicly known that the joint Centre for Counter-Extremism and Counter-Terrorism (Gemeinsames Extremismus- und Terrorismusabwehrzentrum) in Cologne has designed this strategy. Read More

04 Jul

Solidarity action for people facing police repressions in Hamburg

G20 once more is a hit in the face of all those people for whom social justice and freedom isn’t just an utopia. To compensate our anger we did a poster action. We wanna show our solidarity and also we wanna confront people in our neighbourhood with the incidents in Hamburg and the repression which is going on there.

For a world of solidarity and justice without hierarchies and exploitation. Block G20!