We had to find a way to prove that 007 still had some clever tricks up his sleeve and tap into the younger fans' desire for action - and engagement. Sony Pictures Releasing UK had briefed us to create an idea that would entice and engage the YouTube generation. But market research suggested that this younger audience regarded James Bond as old fashioned and "something their parents watched". So we knew that to get their attention we needed to do something different, something with standout, something that Q himself would get excited about.

Launch the campaign
November 2012

    The Story

    We had to find a way to prove that 007 still had some clever tricks up his sleeve and tap into the younger fans' desire for action - and engagement. Sony Pictures Releasing UK had briefed us to create an idea that would entice and engage the YouTube generation. But market research suggested that this younger audience regarded James Bond as old fashioned and "something their parents watched". So we knew that to get their attention we needed to do something different, something with standout, something that Q himself would get excited about.

    We created a driving game that functions in the YouTube masthead and is controlled with a user’s smartphone - they can then steer Bond's motorbike as he chases a villain and avoids obstacles. It's a form of in-banner gaming that has never been seen before. Once the trailer has played through, the user is able to sync their mobile device to their screen by scanning a QR code and take control of Bond's bike. Once completed, the user is able to share their scores on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, as well as engage further with the film.

    The Technology

    The Results

    Licence to thrill. Running throughout Sunday 21st October, just under a week before release the release of the movie, the game attracted a massive 16,569,045 hits. It also clocked up a total of 165,520 hours in display time - achieving prolonged brand exposure. 55,210 click outs at a 0.33% Click Through Rate - far exceeding the YouTube benchmark of 0.1%. 2,418 new game starts and 1,252 game replays (156 of which replayed between 3-5 times). A fantastic 15.98% interaction rate - 11x higher than YouTube's benchmark.


    expletives uttered


    martinis shaken


    total cups of coffee drunk

    Launch Date Oct. 21, 2012