Posts Tagged ‘UK’

‘Removing the Trash’ by L (UK)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

“There are so many stupidities, lies, fakes that it is almost impossible to respond in the rhythm indicated… lies after lies and a rhythm of vertiginous updating.
Millimeter by millimeter it is necessary to remove this trash… without discussion, without half-tints and without space for dialogue. Since always we were quite critical of the anarchist pages that began to publish ITS and its derivations… it was to give them space in view of the “novelty”, to feed egos and messianic delusions that today we have to pay dearly.”

From comrades in Chile

The eco-fascist and nihilist-right groupscule ITS Mexico, which originated from individualist and anti-technology ideas and which has begun attacking and threatening anarchists in Mexico and elsewhere, has established itself as an irrationalist authoritarian tendency, carrying out reactionary and repressive actions designed to inflict injuries and deaths against random individuals in the name of their religious concept, Wild Nature. In their exhortations to this sacred ideal, their militants have built a Church of ideological purity, repenting of their anarchy and gathering unto themselves an ultra-moralistic and sycophantic internet choir of shit-talkers, fakes and show-offs. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Write to imprisoned anti-fascist comrade Patryk Cichoń (Poland)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Patryk is a Polish antifascist recently deported to Poland from UK to serve his sentence from 11 years ago for allegedly assaulting some fash. He would appreciate your letters of support and literature, he understands Polish and English well. We are also still collecting money to support his son that stayed in UK and is living with his brother. Address can be published as well.

ABC Brighton

Patryk Cichoń

“Syn Józefa”
Zakład Karny
ul. Załęska 76
35-322 RZESZÓW, Poland

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world #5 (A-Radio)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Dear all,

Episode number 5 (10/2017) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:15 h

You’ll find the audio here.

* 98fm: Laws, actions and repression in Greece
* A-Radio Berlin: The Anarchist Days in Dresden, Germany
* Radio Fragmata: Struggles in Greece
* 105fm: Immigration struggles, gender violence and other topics from Lesvos, Greece
* The Final Straw: Interview on the case of Hermann Bell in the USA
* Bilda Kedjor: Antifa action in Gothenburg, Sweden
* Radio Kurruf: Mapuche hungerstrike and repression in Chile
* Dissident Island: DSEI arms fair in London and October Revolution 1917
* Frequenz A: Update about repression and solidarity related to the protests against G20 in Hamburg

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English (or Spanish) here.

Or visit the new anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero
Network: http://channelzeronetwork.com/


A-Radio Berlin

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Posted in Autonomy

PDF – ‘Bang Up and Smash: Women’s Prisons, Probation and Bail Hostels’ by Asbo (UK)

Saturday, September 30th, 2017


Bang-up and Smash is an overview of women’s prisons in the UK, and a political analysis of their physical and ideological construction.

From the moment of arrest, to coming home, Bang-up and Smash uses first hand experiences to critically engage with the procedures, concepts and apparatus the state relies on, and the economics behind the expansion of the prison industrial complex.

Bang-up and Smash is a practical guide to women’s prisons in the UK, and a rallying call to attack. Solidarity is a weapon, and abolition is not enough…

See Active Distribution for free pdf download or order print version

Also download pdf from Empty Cages website http://www.prisonabolition.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/bang-up-and-smash.pdf

For more information email asbo.hmp@riseup.net

Copy left. Share, discuss, dismiss…. comments welcome. Please circulate.


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Posted in Library

11 Neo-Nazis arrested in two co-ordinated counter-terror raids (UK)

Friday, September 29th, 2017

11 men have been arrested by counter-terror police in the UK following an investigation into the proscribed Neo-Nazi group National Action. National Action was banned as a terrorist organisation in December 2016 by the UK’s home secretary after the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain” became a slogan for the group after being said in court by Cox’s killer, Thomas Mair, an anti-Semitic, far-right extremist and white power activist who was glorified in their online propaganda calling for more murders. The group has been tied to several foiled plots and far-right violence. National Action models itself on European far-right Neo-Nazi hooligan street groups and autonomous nationalist organisations, copying tactics, rhetoric and aesthetics from these extreme-right groups which learnt initially from studying the success of their enemies, autonomous anti-capitalist organisations and anarchists.

After proscription, National Action was evading authorities by taking on new names – including ‘Scottish Dawn’ and ‘NS131’, and trying to go towards newer underground tactics. It seems the raids aimed to prevent this, the operation was investigation-led and based on police work into the group post-ban and followed on from recent arrests of members of the group in the military. Anti-fascist research estimates are that up to 60 members are still currently active, down from a peak of 150 when their Neo-Nazi conference was held in Southport.

Several of the alleged National Action supporters were arrested in and around Warrington, Cheshire, in the North-West, where the group was continuing to operate a hang-out in a small brick warehouse for Mixed Martial Arts training and recruitment. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Solidarity with comrade Patryk Cichon (Poland, UK)

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

At the beginning of May 2016 our comrade Patryk Cichoń from Poland was arrested by British police under an European Arrest Warrant. Patryk is a well known anti-fascist militant notorious among neo-Nazi-boneheads in his city for his uncompromising stance against them in the past. The boneheads managed to convince a few of their friends to testify against Patryk and his friend for an alleged assault and robbery. As later transpired, his friend had a very good alibi and had the charges against him dropped (despite being allegedly recognised by the “victim” and his friends), so Patryk ended up being sentenced on his own. The whole trial was an absolute travesty and Patryk, as a poor, young working class person, was not able to afford a proper defence. He spent two months on remand in 2004 and was sentenced to three years in prison.

It is clear that this whole case was politically motivated and had only one purpose, which was to get rid of the core of the anti-fascist resistance in Patryk’s home town. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Darko Mathers no era Eco-Fascista’ (UK)

Sunday, August 27th, 2017

Darko Mathers non era un’eco-fascista” [it]
Darko Mathers was not an eco-fascist” [en]

“La violencia indiscriminada por parte de individuos atormentados por la realidad social se vuelve cada vez más común, avanza a pasos superiores, los brotes de asesinatos y la ultra violencia indiscriminada muestran la alienada y desesperanzada rabia de los seres encarcelados. En esta ausencia existencial, otros sonríen, arman su conciencia y entran en revolución. Algunos prefieren dirigir su rabia hacia aquellos que son los más responsables de su miseria y de la infraestructura del sistema que odia. ”

“Participamos en la guerra social/de clases como individuos rebeldes con interés de ir más allá en la revuelta permanente, en revolución anárquica.”
Darko Mathers
Nuestro buque es la Revolución, Nuestra estrella guía la Anarquía

Han pasado tres años desde que mi gran amigo y compañero Darko Mathers murió, la última vez que lo vi terminamos la colección de textos contra el anarquismo civil y poco tiempo después de eso murió. No fue impactante para mí. Muchos de mis amigos han muerto o han ido a prisión y mientras más me hago viejo, evalúo mis experiencias con ellos y nuestros recuerdos compartidos, mucho más a medida que esos recuerdos se profundizaban, entonces empecé a vivir de manera diferente. Respeto mis recuerdos de este joven compañero pero me resisto contra las condiciones de su muerte.

Cuando un amigo cercano y compañero muere repentinamente genera todo tipo de sensaciones dolorosas, muchas de ellas pueden parecer totalmente anti sociales; los que se quedan a menudo discuten entre sí, separaciones, rupturas, surgen los problemas pero también algunas cosas dulces. Al final lo que quedan son las huellas fugaces en el tiempo, que reflejan al futuro y al pasado lo que el individuo ha dejado con aquellos cercanos y no tan cercanos. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Long-term radical social prisoner John Bowden in prison transfer (UK)

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

New mail address for John Bowden following his parole refusal for his prison radicalism and being in contact with the Anarchist Black Cross. Bowden has been recategorised, and moved to Warrenhill, a Catagory C Men’s prison.

John Bowden
HMP Warrenhill
Grove Road, Hollesley
Nr Woodbridge
IP12 3BF

He is writing something about this process but in the mean time he asked for his address to be circulated.

Please send a card or letter of solidarity to John to help break the bricks of isolation the authorities wish to impose on him as revenge for challenging them.

It is essential to defend the Anarchist Black Cross and the ability of prisoners to contact the organisation.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Darko Mathers was not an Eco-Fascist’ by L (UK)

Monday, August 7th, 2017

Darko Mathers non era un’eco-fascista” [it]
Darko Mathers no era eco-fascista” [es]

“Indiscriminate violence by individuals tormented by social reality is becoming more common, rocks off overpasses, murder sprees, random ultraviolence – and shows the alienated and hopeless rage of imprisoned beings. In this existential absence others smile, arm their conscience and go into revolution. Some would rather aim their rage at those who are most responsible for their misery and at the infrastructure of the system they hate.”
“We participate in the social/class war as rebellious individuals with an interest in going beyond – forward into permanent revolt, anarchic revolution.”

Darko Mathers
Our Vessel is Revolution, Our Guiding Star is Anarchy

It’s been three years since my close friend and comrade Darko Mathers died, the last time I saw him we finished the collection of texts against civil anarchism and shortly after he was dead. It was not a shock to me. Many of my friends are dead or have gone to prison and as I’ve gotten older I value my experiences of them and our shared memories much more as those remembrances deepened and so I began living differently. I respect my memories of this young comrade and I strive against the conditions of his death.

When a dear friend and comrade dies suddenly, it causes all kinds of grief to happen, a lot of it can seem totally anti-social, those left behind often argue among themselves, depart, breakdown, problems occur, some sweetnesses too. In the end what remains are the fleeting traces in time, which reflect forwards into the future and back into the past, that the individual has left with those close and not so close ones. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

“Eco-extremism and the indiscriminate attack – The Church of ITS Mexico” by L (UK)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

Éco-extrémisme et attaque indiscriminée – l’Église d’ITS Mexique” [fr]

Eco-extremismo y el ataque indiscriminado – La Iglesia de ITS México” [es]

Eco-estremismo e l’attacco indiscriminato – La Chiesa di ITS Messico” [it]

“And Severino Di Giovanni’s actions were never violent for the sake of it. They were never indiscriminate or striking at anything at all in order to create a tension that would favour power and it’s politics of consolidation. They were always guided by a precise revolutionary reasoning: to strike the centres of power with punitive actions that find their justification in the State’s violence, and which were aimed at pushing the mass towards a revolutionary objective. Di Giovanni always took account of the situation of the mass, even though he was often accused of not having done so” JW & AMB
Anarchism and Violence
Severino Di Giovanni in Argentina by Osvaldo Bayer
Elephant Editions

I don’t represent any organisation or group, I am writing this from my personal perspective, as nihilist-anarchist of an anti-civilisation insurrectional tendency. I have carried out direct action in defense of the Earth, so the state and society would probably view me as an “Eco-Extremist”, although I’m unconcerned with this term as it’s become a sect-like ideology of the Church. I haven’t written before about the Church of ITS Mexico or the idiot pseudo-nihilist(s) in Italy because over the last few years they clearly became reactionary and more akin to far-right ‘black’ groupscules.

It has been some years since the Church of ITS Mexico said something like that ‘the FAI doesn’t represent us’, that the ‘CCF doesn’t represent us’… Well I can’t recall anything like that being said by CCF or FAI or anyone else in the first place, so why is the ITS Church still issuing sermons about it now and why have they not embarked on a one-way trip far away from the black anarchy they proclaim is irrelevant and gone off into the nihilising abyss like they said they would, leaving all us anarchist nuns alone? (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Bristol: Sabotage of nationalist politician Ben Walker’s car by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

Hey Walker, we recently had a nice view of your home from the pedestrian bridge in the small hours of the morning…

… a car and work van belonging to a UKIP candidate and ex-mayor (2012) of Bradley Stoke (Bristol, UK), Ben Walker, was damaged with paint and the tires were slashed on the driveway of his home: 136 Ferndene, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Also done recently…

…cars at Bath Audi and Mercedes car showrooms in Peasedown, Bath (UK) had their bodywork scratched up with broken glass (about 25 vehicles). This option of sabotage was chosen over a noisy one as we didn’t want to wake the sleeping car-transporter guy who was in his cab with the curtains drawn.

With this action a warm firm hand goes out to the street fighters and black bloc who came together to trash the G20 in Hamburg, with bravery against such heavy odds, and to those spreading this fight over other German cities. Some of us are not up to the level of street combat of German cities or to go and engage with your cops, so here in the UK a few of us have been lubricating our rusty joints enough to be able to be active and show our distaste in a style we are more familiar with.

Although we may have different approaches to the same problems, we can pull together on a common thread, learn from each others qualities and mis-givings, and unite the effects of bloc and affinity group.

In the UK, through sabotage, we are trying to show others here that there is a positive path to take anger along while also putting a kick into the ribs of our pigs already low morale.

“All modern war-fighters know that the first step of any conflict is to disrupt the enemy’s communication and control infrastructures” – Adbusters planetary engame (May/June 2017)

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

(Bristol,Reino Unido): Sabotaje a automóvil del político nacionalista
Ben Walker, por Vándalxs Eco-anárquicxs-FAI/FRI

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde 325nostate]

21 de julio de 2017

Hey Walker, recientemente tuvimos una bonita vista de su casa desde el
puente peatonal en las pequeñas horas de la mañana…
… un coche y una furgoneta pertenecientes a un candidato del UKIP y al
ex alcalde de Bradley Stoke (Bristol, Reino Unido), Ben Walker, resultó
dañado con pintura y los neumáticos fueron cortados en el camino de su
casa: 136 Ferndene, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

También hecho recientemente …

… automóviles de Bath Audi y Mercedes en salas de exhibición quedaron
con su carrocería arañada con cristales rotos (unos 25 vehículos). Esta
opción de sabotaje fue escogida sobre alguna otra ruidosa, ya que no
queríamos que se despertara al tipo que transporta los automóviles y que
dormía en su cabina.

Con esta acción, una mano firme y cálida se dirige a lxs luchadorxs
callejerxs y al bloque negro que se reunió para destrozar al G20 en
Hamburgo, con valentía ante tan pesadas probabilidades, y a lxs que
extendieron esta lucha por otras ciudades alemanas. Algunxs de nosotrxs
no estamos a la altura del combate callejero de las ciudades alemanas o
para ir a enganchar con sus policías, así que aquí en el Reino Unido
algunxs de nosotrxs lubricamos nuestras articulaciones oxidadas lo
suficiente como para ser capaces de estar activxs y mostrar nuestro
repudio en un estilo con el que estamos más familiarizados.

Aunque podamos tener enfoques diferentes a los mismos problemas, podemos
unirnos en un hilo común, aprender de las cualidades y desajustes de
cada unx, y unir los efectos del bloque y el grupo de afinidad.

En el Reino Unido, a través del sabotaje, estamos tratando de mostrar a
otrxs aquí que hay un camino positivo para desplegar la rabia, asi como
también dar una patada en las costillas de los ya desmoralizados

“Todxs lxs combatientes de la guerra moderna saben que el primer paso de
cualquier conflicto es interrumpir las infraestructuras de comunicación
y control del enemigo” – Adbusters planetary engame (mayo/junio de 2017)

Vándalxs Eco-anárquicxs – FAI / FRI

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Posted in Direct Action

Long-term radical prisoner John Bowden denied parole because of his anti-authoritarian views and contact with Anarchist Black Cross groups (UK)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

There is currently a massive population of “post-tariff” life sentence prisoners over-crowding British Prisons. Lifers who remain detained long beyond the time originally recommended by the judiciary or secretary of state, which includes prisoners sentenced under the IPP (‘Imprisonment for Public Protection’) Law. Although this law has been scrapped, it has left a legacy of thousands of prisoners still languishing in jail. Britain has more life sentenced prisoners than the whole of Europe combined, a consequence of a “lock em up and throw away the key” culture and mentality that pervades the bourgeois judiciary and justice apparatus, as well as a Parole Board that exists just to legitimise what is in reality the unlawful detention of thousands of prisoners. “Preventative Detention” was created by the Nazi Party in Germany in 1939 to “cleanse” society of anti-social elements and Britain is a zealous inheritor of that instrument of repression, while British prisons are now little more than modern day concentration camps, full of prisoners with no hope of release.

The collaboration of the Parole Board in unlawfully detaining Post-Tariff lifers who represent little or no actual risk to the community was typified in a parole judgement on my own case in June 2017, when after 37 years of my imprisonment, more than ten years beyond the original judicial recommendation, the board denied my release for nakedly political reasons. Officially, the position of the Parole Board when considering the release of post-tariff life sentence prisoners is determined by evidence of continued “risk to the public” and whether it is necessary for “public protection”. If there is evidence, release is denied. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Informer’s house vandalised along with Police Horse Transporters by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

18th April – we thought it long overdue that ‘Julie’, a police informer in Yatton, near Bristol, received a home visit to remind her that we do not forget nor forgive. Badger stayed at Julie’s house after being invited there by her when he was first on the run. Badger is wanted for the smashing of the Bristol Post newspaper offices in 2011 and the burning of a transmitter. As a minimum gesture of solidarity to wanted anarchist Badger, we painted “snitch” there and sabotaged her vehicle. We hope she crashes and is paralysed. Julie lives at 3 Barberry Farm Road where she resides with her partner and children. An older washed-out queer peace activist type of person, but actually just a disgusting betrayer and one who abused the trust put in her. Julie thought she could save herself from police attention by informing, but found that the pigs wanted more. So she even gave information on other people who came to visit Badger at her place and police were sure to send a forensic team to collect DNA. Snitch, you will be remembered as one more reactionary who deserves to live in misery. We hope the cancer that it is in your body kills you and we hope to make your last days as unhappy as possible. Die knowing you are hated. More activists (who we haven’t forgotten about either) protected this snitch at the time of her informing, preventing those hunted from knowing that Julie had betrayed Badger and his friends. Millions of your pathetic activist lives add up to the sum total of fuck-all compared to the indomitable spirit of Badger.

Not very far away from Julie’s house is Davis Lane, Clevedon, where mounted police are located with a stadium and next to this is a police specialist operations centre. We punctured the tyres on four horse transport vehicles and sprayed “Flat, Ha Ha!” on the sides. So much for security.

Stay free Badger – Fuck the Police

Solidarity to anarchist prisoners and those on the run.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Direct Action

PDF: ‘Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse’ – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Dark Matter Publications (UK)

Monday, April 10th, 2017

PDF: ‘Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse

A short anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol about personal approaches to class warfare, living on the margins and kicking it till it breaks. You know the score.

This zine asks the question – If you are one of the ‘comrades’ who are always going on about the class-struggle, why don’t you get off your ass and do something instead of standing there criticizing at the squat/gig/bar etc?

Dark Matter Publications

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Posted in Library

Croydon: Solidarity to Reker Ahmed – against racism and fascism (UK)

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

On 31st March, a young boy, Reker Ahmed, was brutally beaten by a gang in the area of Croydon whilst waiting for a bus. The gang (of almost 25) approached the boy and after asking where he was from, chased him and attacked him, leaving him with life-threatening injuries. He was only 17 years old and currently applying for asylum in the UK. This attack occurred on the Shrublands Estate, in Shirley, a diverse working-class area and its significance was felt by the local community.

In response to this racist and xenophobic violence, we chose to decorate the neighbourhood with our outrage. In offering a message of solidarity here, we demonstrate our solidarity everywhere; from the U.S to Greece, from Belarus to the Middle East; for all victims of the State, of the border regime and for all victims of hate crime.

We carried out this action as a clear message from the community, but also as a message to the perpetrators. At the time, we were still unsure as to whether this was an attack carried out by people from within the estate, as it would be unlikely and unheard of in such a diverse, close community. However, sadly, the gang consisted of people from many backgrounds. It is the true that nationalism blurs the truth of oppressive class and racial hierarchies and has us identify with our own oppression. However, the response has to our action has revealed exactly what we also suspected; that this was an attack endorsed by self-identifying FASCISTS from likely within the area. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders