Posts Tagged ‘Iraq’

About the case of Ameer (Poland)

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Ameer deported today, miserable Polish Internal Security Agency in action

Do you remember Ameer ?

We were writing about him and his situation several times, following his situation from the very beginning. Here you can find more information.

Yesterday (05-04-2017) provincial court in Przemyśl released Ameer from arrest. The court said that Ameer is staying in Poland legally, there were no reasons to arrest him. Secret documents from Internal Security Agency (an opinion on a piece of paper) didn’t prove that he was – or is – guilty of any crime. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraq)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

On 24 August 2016 Turkish Special Forces together with elements of the so-called Free Syrian Army started a cross-border offensive against the Northern Syrian town of Jarablus. According to official statements by both, Turkish officials and representatives of the FSA, target of this offensive is Islamic State as well as Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

It was clear from the start that only Kurds would be targeted. During the last 5 days not a single confrontation took place between Turkish/FSA forces and ISIS. But from the beginning YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the most effective forces on ground against ISIS – are being attacked by Turkish state forces.

The first day of the ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation, what Turkish officials have called an ‘assault on Islamic State and YPG terrorists’ as result of Turkish shelling of Kurdish majority neighborhoods in the east and west of Jarablus, at least 49 civilians have been killed. (more…)

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Erbil: KRG Security forces raid and close the offices of the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraqi Kurdistan)

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

Received from the Committee for Diplomatic Relations of Kongra Star:

To the press and public,
This morning at 9 a.m. the premises of the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (REPAK) in Erbil – Iraqi Kurdistan was raided by General Asayish Security Forces. During the raid the ID’s and mobile phones of the staff including the chairwoman were seized so that they were not able to inform anybody. While the heavily armed Asayish [police] and Intelligence Forces did not state any reason or showed any documents, the premises of REPAK got closed and the staff expelled from the city.

Outside the borders of the city the three activists were released in the middle of the road, got back their mobiles and ID’s and were told that from now on they will not be able to enter the city anymore. This all happened in an arbitrary and lawless way.

REPAK was founded in March 2014 as legal NGO in Erbil. Main aim was to strengthen the ties and cooperation between different Kurdish women organisations. At the same time REPAK is cooperating with a high number of women’s, civil society and human rights organisations in Kurdistan and at international level to introduce the Kurdish women’s situation and struggle. Especially together with the attacks of IS in Southern/Iraqi Kurdistan REPAK became the main address for women’s delegations to visit Kurdistan and observe the situation and the struggle of Kurdish women. REPAK has participated dozens of international conferences and panels to share the situation of Yazidi Kurdish women captured by IS and the big resistance of Kurdish women that struggle for freedom. Moreover REPAK is part of a lot of international women’s organisations and structures as Middle Eastern coordinator, like the World Women’s Conference. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

'The Karma of Terror' By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

The Karma of Terror
By William T. Hathaway

Terrible terrorists are killing our soldiers in their countries and killing us here at home. How can we stop them?

The answer is simple: Stop terrorizing them. We started this war. What we do to others comes back on us.

In addition to centuries of crusades and imperial conquest, the past 100 years show a clear pattern of Western aggression in the region. During World War One the British persuaded the Arabs to fight on their side by promising them independence. Thousands of them died in battle for the Brits because of this promise of freedom. But after the victory Britain refused to leave; it maintained control by installing puppet kings — Faisal in Iraq and Ibn Saud in Saudi Arabia — to rule in its interest.

After World War Two the USA and Britain pressured the United Nations into confiscating Arab land to form the state of Israel, making the Arabs pay for the crimes of the Germans. They wanted Israel as a forward base for dominating the resources of the Middle East. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Kobane: 134 Days of Heroic Resistance Against ‪ISIS Terrorists (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

1st November 2015 Global Day For ‪Kobane.
134 Days of Heroic Resistance Agaist ‪ISIS Terrorists.

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'Keep on Rockin' – Chapter 11 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Keep On Rockin’

Chapter 11 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. An American exchange student in one of my courses here in Germany contributed the following essay about how she became an anarchist for peace. Because of her activism she wishes to remain anonymous.

Jason was my boy-friend for a while in high school. It wasn’t a match made in heaven. Looking back, I think the main thing we had in common was that I wanted a boy-friend and he wanted a girl-friend. Other than that there wasn’t much between us, as we discovered whenever we tried to talk about anything. I broke up with him when he asked me to go rabbit hunting with him. We stayed friends, though, probably because since it was obvious we could never be a real couple, neither of us had hard feelings.

We both left town after graduation; I went to college, Jason went to the marines. Two years later we were both back home; I was on summer vacation, Jason was on medical leave after having half his leg blown off in Iraq. He’d been riding in a truck that hit a mine. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: International Brigade members of YPG arrested and locked up in a cell with Islamic State fascists (Kurdistan, Iraq)

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Four foreign fighters of YPG were arrested in Iraq as they returned to their respective countries (two Americans, a Russian, and an unconfirmed fourth). They were eventually released after 23 days of detention. Robert Alleva Fonda and Michael (both Americans) have confirmed that they had been locked in the same cell that members of the Islamic State were in, despite having repeatedly said to the official of the KDP [Kurdistan Democratic Party, rightist party in power in Iraqi Kurdistan] that they were members of YPG. There is no need to specify the risks that have incurred the four being locked in the same cell as the Islamists.

Long live the revolution in Rojava

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Statement on the Conclusion of Operation Cmdr. Rubar Qamishlo (Kurdistan)

Sunday, July 12th, 2015

July 10: Statement on the Conclusion of Operation Cmdr. Rubar Qamishlo, Briefed By Cmdr. Sozdar Derik in July 10 Press Conference

For the Media and Public Opinion

ROJAVA, Syria (July 10, 2015) – A major military exercise, Operation Commander Rubar Qamisho, which was initiated by combined forces of the People’s Defense Units, Women’s Defense Units, alongside fighters from the Burkan al-Firat (Euphrates Volcano, Free Syrian Army) Joint Operations Room and the effective support of the Anti-ISIS International Coalition – in order to liberate the rural district to the west of Jazira (Cizire) region of Rojava, Syria – managed to achieve incredible and historical successes. The terror of the Daesh (ISIS) organization which treaded on all human values and inspired fear in hearts of the region’s people with their vicious attacks, was delivered with significant blows in the group’s largest setback since its foundation.

As before this operation, a strategic defeat was inflicted to the ISIS terrorists in the city of Kobani. After that conquest, two of the tactical military sites for the terrorists – Til Hemis and Til Berak – were liberated and the terrorist threats were eliminated in that region.

While directing the operation in Til Hemis and Til Berak, the Daesh terrorist carried out a major offensive against the Assyrian, Syriac, Arab and the Kurdish people living in line extent of Til Temir and Hasakah. In that way the Daesh terrorists tried very much to obstacle our movement in Til Hemis and Tel Berak as well as fighting our forces in a broader region, so that it could accomplish victory against our Units. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: YPG capture Egyptian ISIS terrorist who confirms they had crossed the border from the Turkish side (Kurdistan, Turkey)

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

Captured ISIS member: The main group arrived at Kobanê from the Turkish side.


Among those ISIS members who infiltrated into Kobanê and massacred over 200 civilians, one Egyptian of the gang captured alive by YPG/YPJ forces said the main group that started the attack had come into Kobanê from Turkey. He further said the ammunition used by the gangs in the clashes that lasted several days after the attacks had also been brought into Kobanê from the Turkish side.

On 25 June, ISIS gang members attacked Kobanê town centre from two directions; one from Helince road and the other from the side of Mürşitpınar border gate.

According to the information given by the ISIS member from Egypt, the ISIS members dressed in Turkish military uniforms entered into Kobanê from the Turkish side, while another group entered from Helince road in Free Syrian Army uniforms. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Lions of Rojava change web-address again – New site – Volunteer against Islamic State (Kurdistan, Syria, Iraq)

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

Dear friends and supporters of The Lions of Rojava.

We would kindly ask you to like our new Facebook Page and follow our achievements against ISIS under the link below


Messages will be only answered on the new Site.
Thank you and please share this information so that everybody gets aware of it.

The Lions of Rojava

Other groups for foreign volunteers:

Brothers of Kurdistan

We are a group of westerners who have joined the Peshmerga as volunteers. We come from the UK & USA & we are here to help drive ISIS out of Kurdistan.

Peshmerga Volunteers – PV

We are a well established group which allows western fighters and medics to join the Peshmerga (PUK) we will guide you through the process.

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Posted in Autonomy

'Coming Home' – Chapter 5 of 'Radical Peace: People Refusing War' by William T. Hathaway (USA, Iraq, Afghanistan)

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

Coming Home

Chapter 5 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. In this chapter a mother tells of her son’s return from combat. She wishes to remain anonymous.

My son spent a year fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq in Delta Force. It was the worst year of his life … and of mine. As he told me later, there were times he thought he’d never come home. That was also my constant fear. For 365 days, every time the phone rang I thought it would be a voice from the Pentagon telling me with well-practiced condolence that my son had died a hero.

Jim had joined the army after college. I think he was trying to finally win his father’s approval. The old man was a West Pointer who had served a long military career, including two tours in Vietnam, and retired a colonel. He probably would’ve made general if it hadn’t been for his drinking. He never showed much interest in Jim and me, preferring the camaraderie of his soldier buddies.

We divorced when Jim was in high school. The colonel didn’t ask for visitation rights, and Jim was crushed when it became obvious that his dad didn’t care about seeing him. (more…)

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Posted in Library

'SAMs for Uncle Sam' – Chapter 3 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ By William T. Hathaway (USA, Germany, Iraq)

Friday, June 19th, 2015

SAMs for Uncle Sam

Chapter 3 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

Merna al-Marjan is a young Iraqi who is currently in Germany studying European history. We talked in her dormitory room, a spartan but functional cubicle in a building that embodies a hopeful change in European history: it was constructed in the nineteenth century as an army barracks but now houses university students. That’s progress.

On Merna’s small table sat a pot of peppermint tea and a plate of baklava. She’s short and plump with smooth skin the color of clover honey and deep anthracite eyes; she was wearing a long skirt of light cotton, a long-sleeved blouse, and a green paisley headscarf.

Hathaway: “Headscarves have become a controversial item of clothing here in Germany.”

Al-Marjan: “Yes, you can’t teach in the schools if you wear one. It’s OK for a teacher to wear a Christian crucifix but not a Muslim headscarf. I didn’t wear a hijab in Iraq, but I’ve started doing it here to show solidarity. It’s ridiculous to ban an article of clothing, a simple piece of cloth. What sort of freedom is that?

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Girê Spî Rescue Operation Accomplished in Effect – Defense Units Continue to Operate in Rural Girê Spî (Kurdistan)

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

Immediate Release for the Media and Public Opinion

CIZÎRÊ, Rojava (June 16, 2015) – Following Phase II of Operation Commander Rubar Qamishlo, on the 41st uninterrupted day, combined forces of the People’s/Women’s Defense Units (YPG/YPJ) – joined by the Burkan al-Firat Operations Room fighters from both Kobanê and Cizîrê Cantons, Rojava continue to conduct their military operations in and around the city of Girê Spî (Tell Abyad).

After reaching a joint point, our forces from the two Cantons of Kobane and Cizire could inflict a full blockade on the city of Girê Spî and more than 40 surrounding villages. At the evening of June 15 Defense Units moved to carry out a final assault rescue operation on those besieged locations where Daesh (ISIS) terrorists were positioned in retreat. Heavy clashes were erupted between our forces and the terrorist groups engaging the attack in a desperate attempt to break the siege.

During the past 24 hours, according to field verifications, at least 124 terrorist fighters were killed. Along with over 60 of terrorists’ corpses, our troops could capture a large number of weapons, ammunition and different types of military equipment.

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Veterans against ISIS (Iraq, Kurdistan, Syria)

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

Veterans gearing up against Islamic State

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'Comrades in Arms' – Chapter 2 of the book 'Radical Peace: People Refusing War' By William T. Hathaway (USA, Iraq)

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

Comrades in Arms

Chapter 2 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. This chapter was contributed by an ex-soldier.

Hi Mr. Hathaway,

I got your letter (forwarded) asking for information for your book. To answer your first question, Yes, I’m enjoying living in Holland. I’m becoming the little Dutch girl — the little Black Dutch girl, but that doesn’t bother people here. They’re very tolerant and internationally minded.

As for the rest of your questions, at first I didn’t think I could answer them. They reminded me too much of an essay test in school. Plus it’s not exactly pleasant to remember back on all this stuff, you know. I’m trying to leave it behind and start a new life.

But I kept thinking about it and finally decided I would forget the questions and just write about what happened. Like you said, people should know about this. Don’t give anybody my address, though. The army still wants to put me in prison.

Compared to a lot of people, I had it easy in Iraq — on a huge base with a Burger King, cold beer, video games, movies, air conditioned trailers, baseball games. About once a month we got mortared or rocketed and had to dive into the bunkers and maybe every other time somebody got killed, but there were thousands of us, so usually you didn’t know them even though you felt bad for them. (more…)

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