August 29th, 2017

Llamado internacional a manifestarnos por la aparición del compañero Santiago Maldonado. Desaparecido por el estado Argentino durante la represión a la comunidad mapuche el 1º de agosto en la lof en resistencia de cushamen (Chubut-Arg.). Este hecho nos demuestra una vez mas lo siniestro del estado y sus verdugos.
El primero de septiembre se cumple UN MES de la desaparición del “Lechu” “el Brujo”. Un mes en el que el Estado y los medios de comunicación en mas de una oportunidad justificaron la desaparición y en otras tergiversaron la información, llegando a culpar a la comunidad mapuche y a su familia.
Tags: Argentina, International Solidarity, Repression, Santiago Maldonado
Posted in Social Control |
August 29th, 2017
On 23/8, mail censorship expired for anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai, Danilo Cremonese, Valentina Speziale, Anna Beniamino, Alessandro Mercogliano, Marco Bisesti. Turin prosecutors can’t renew it but the prison can for ‘security reasons’.
Some of the letters were unblocked and are circulating more quickly. But we don’t exclude that letters might be blocked again.
Translated by act for freedom now!
Tags: Italy, Operation Scripta Manent
Posted in Prison Struggle |
August 29th, 2017
This is a communique from Irianna B.L’s partner, Konstantinos Papadopoulos:
14th March 2011. Anti-terrorism squads raided the house I was renting in the neighbourhood of Cholargos in Athens and arrested me as a suspected member of the revolutionary organization ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’. That night Irianna had the bad luck to sleep at mine. She was taken to the police station and interrogated, fingerprinted and submitted to DNA samples taking. She was released on the same day.
I was released on bail 3 days later.
10th November 2011. According to the reconstruction of a ‘witness’, who was never to be seen again, not even in the trial, weapons were found, which were never used, in the Polytechnic of Zografou in Athens.
11th January 2913. Irianna was arrested as a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and for illegally transporting weapons on the grounds of a tiny DNA trace found on a magazine which was part of the lot of weapons located in the Polytechnic. A year and a half since those weapons were found and after the police had had her DNA for two years.
Irianna was released on bail, this time, without the judge of the special tribunal making her details or picture public. The task was instead undertaken by the then minister of citizens’ protection Nikos Dendias with an informal communique. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Athens, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Greece, Letter, Repression
Posted in Prison Struggle |
August 29th, 2017
From Indonesian Counter-Information (Click for photos):
From 08.00 this morning, Communities who joined in refusal (PWPP or Community Against Eviction – Kulon Progo) of the new airport development began gathering near heavy equipment located on the border of Glagah-Palian in order to block the equipment that will destroy the coastal areas. Fish farmers also participated to confront the heavy equipment that will destroy their ponds. At around 10.00am, approximately 500 police moved the people who were occupying the heavy equipment. The community was forced to retreat. The eviction and destruction of community land with heavy machinery continued from 11.00am. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Airport, Community Resistance, Eviction, Indonesia, New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA), Yogyakarta
Posted in Eco Struggle |
August 27th, 2017
“Darko Mathers non era un’eco-fascista” [it]
“Darko Mathers was not an eco-fascist” [en]
“La violencia indiscriminada por parte de individuos atormentados por la realidad social se vuelve cada vez más común, avanza a pasos superiores, los brotes de asesinatos y la ultra violencia indiscriminada muestran la alienada y desesperanzada rabia de los seres encarcelados. En esta ausencia existencial, otros sonríen, arman su conciencia y entran en revolución. Algunos prefieren dirigir su rabia hacia aquellos que son los más responsables de su miseria y de la infraestructura del sistema que odia. ”
“Participamos en la guerra social/de clases como individuos rebeldes con interés de ir más allá en la revuelta permanente, en revolución anárquica.”
Darko Mathers
Nuestro buque es la Revolución, Nuestra estrella guía la Anarquía
Han pasado tres años desde que mi gran amigo y compañero Darko Mathers murió, la última vez que lo vi terminamos la colección de textos contra el anarquismo civil y poco tiempo después de eso murió. No fue impactante para mí. Muchos de mis amigos han muerto o han ido a prisión y mientras más me hago viejo, evalúo mis experiencias con ellos y nuestros recuerdos compartidos, mucho más a medida que esos recuerdos se profundizaban, entonces empecé a vivir de manera diferente. Respeto mis recuerdos de este joven compañero pero me resisto contra las condiciones de su muerte.
Cuando un amigo cercano y compañero muere repentinamente genera todo tipo de sensaciones dolorosas, muchas de ellas pueden parecer totalmente anti sociales; los que se quedan a menudo discuten entre sí, separaciones, rupturas, surgen los problemas pero también algunas cosas dulces. Al final lo que quedan son las huellas fugaces en el tiempo, que reflejan al futuro y al pasado lo que el individuo ha dejado con aquellos cercanos y no tan cercanos. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Darko Mathers, Eco-Extremism, Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), UK
Posted in Cognitive Liberty |
August 25th, 2017
Two activists Markéta Všelichová and Miroslav Farkas were arrested on the 13th of November 2016 while attempting to cross the Habur border crossing from Turkey to Iraq. They were accused of participating in terrorist activity in Northern Syria and taken into custody.
On the 2nd of August they were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months for belonging to the Kurdish defence forces YGP/YPJ (these non-state kurdish groups are fighting Daesh/ISIS, the turkish army which has been repressing Kurds for several decades, and the dictatorial regime of Bashar Al-Asad).
Markéta had been to Rojava twice, according to her own words she joined the defence forces and fell in love with the region and its specific cultural and political situation. This time she and Mirek were on their way to Rojava, where they planned to set up a field hospital for fighters and civilians, and eventually help with defence, as she says herself. Together they made a campaign before their big journey, during which they wanted to acquire the necessary material, while also not being afraid to make lectures about life, fighting and revolution in the region. These public activities also probably raised the interest of Turkish agents.
In an interview Markéta said she feels with people, who risk their life in the fight against evil, that she would like to help Rojava with anything it needs, and that she realizes that as a European she has greater possibilities how to get involved and help. A bit my own way, but with them, as she said. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: ABC Czech Republic, Czech Republic, Iraq, Kurdish Struggle, Kurdistan, Markéta Všelichová, Miroslav Farkas, People's Defence Units (Y.P.G.), Repression, Rojava, Syria, Turkey, Women's Defense Units (YPJ)
Posted in Prison Struggle |
August 25th, 2017

Cronaca Sovversiva…
A 90 años de la ejecución de Sacco y Vanzetti
En EE.UU, un 23 de agosto de 1927, hace exactamente 90 años, morían en
la silla eléctrica, Nicola Sacco y Bartolomeo Vanzetti, dos inmigrantes
italianos, solidarios, anárquicos de acción. Tras un largo y extenuante
proceso judicial de 7 años, fueron condenados a muerte acusados de robo
y homicidio contra un importante empresario.
La detención, juicio, apelaciones, revisiones y condena, concentraron el
interés de las diferentes colectividades anárquicas del mundo, en
multiformes gestos de solidaridad, las más hermosas expresiones del
apoyo y la fuerza común se hicieron presentes. Nadie quedó indiferente y
había una urgencia por manifestar la solidaridad, tratando de rescatar a
los compañeros del engranaje asesino del Estado.
La solidaridad como una praxis real y concreta supo manifestarse en este
largo proceso, aún con todo en contra, con las mayores adversidades y
necesidades, gracias al aporte, la voluntad y el compromiso de lxs
compañerxs anárquicxs. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Chile, CSO Sacco and Vanzetti, Sacco and Vanzetti, Zine
Posted in Autonomy |
August 25th, 2017
On the international solidarity week for anarchist prisoners, August, 23rd—30th
It’s been years now that the various state agencies of repression order the conduct of investigation under the sole criterion the suspects’ political status. This is the status of the anarchist, mainly of the one who turns his/her ideas into actions, of the one that arms his/her desires and attacks state authority. So each investigation has to do with the possible prosecution of comrades according to the laws of their “democracy.” Police prosecution that starts off with texts and extends to all possible actions is not new amongst the anarchist circles. On the contrary, there is a past record on relative prosecutions in countries such as Italy, Chile etc. where there is a strong comrade presence promoting direct action and intervention.
The common goal of contemporary international police is the prevention of anarchist propaganda, anarchist action and the spreading of our ideas. For this reason, in many cases they don’t even hesitate to put aside the refined mask of “democracy” that supposedly allows “freedom of speech and ideas.” And thus, any illusion that anyone may still hold is dissolved. Things are now clear: “anarchist action or speech is either illegal or nothing at all!” The new form of repression is currently being practiced upon many of our prisoners that find themselves under illegal restrain with accusations based on their political identity and having taken up the political responsibility for their actions as well as their organizations’. It is certain that in the future this strategy of preventive repression, of persecutions with the maximum of penalties, the fast track trials as well as the effort for isolation and silence, will be implemented everywhere, or at least it will be attempted to— apart from our prisoners, it will try to reach anarchist hangouts and self-organized places that defend and propagate the anarchist values. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Greece, International Solidarity, International Week for Anarchist Prisoners, Radio Fragmata
Posted in Prison Struggle |
August 23rd, 2017
Anarchist and revolutionary must be ready for revolution to happen in every moment, especially now, when social and political protest all around the world are arising more and more often. Moreover, the possibility of global catastrophes and cataclysms is always present, and saving ourselves along with continuing our struggle in that case should always be in our agenda.
To write this article, we adopted the experience of people’s struggle in Ukrainian Maydan, successes and failures of recent anti-governmental protests in Belarus and Russia and analyzed the capacities and repressive tactics of police and intelligence in our country in last years. Though this tips were written first of all for comrades from above-mentioned countries, they may be useful for anarchists in any part of the world.
Note: for publishing this article, our site was officially labeled as “extremist” by the Central district court, and blocked in Belarus (only accessible via Tor or VPN).
Tags: Analysis, Belarus, Insurrection, Revolution, Riots, Social Insurrection, Ukraine
Posted in Autonomy |
August 23rd, 2017
New mail address for John Bowden following his parole refusal for his prison radicalism and being in contact with the Anarchist Black Cross. Bowden has been recategorised, and moved to Warrenhill, a Catagory C Men’s prison.
John Bowden
HMP Warrenhill
Grove Road, Hollesley
Nr Woodbridge
IP12 3BF
He is writing something about this process but in the mean time he asked for his address to be circulated.
Please send a card or letter of solidarity to John to help break the bricks of isolation the authorities wish to impose on him as revenge for challenging them.
It is essential to defend the Anarchist Black Cross and the ability of prisoners to contact the organisation.
Tags: HMP Warrenhill, John Bowden, Prison Transfer, UK
Posted in Prison Struggle |
August 23rd, 2017
It’s been almost a month and a half since I was imprisoned during the twelfth G20 summit in Hamburg, in a city that was besieged and taken in hostage by the security forces, but which also saw an important local and popular protest.
Tens of thousands, if not more, flocking from all over Europe, and even beyond, converged, met, organised, debated and demonstrated together for several days in a great surge of solidarity. At all times aware of the possibility of suffering the violence and the repression of the police. A huge prefab police court had been built for the occasion, to punish any dissent against this international summit as quickly as possible.
My arrest, like that of many comrades, is based only on the sacred word of the police, of a brigade sent to infiltrate, observe and follow their “prey” (during forty-five minutes in my case, for a supposed throwing of a projectile…). Once isolated, they sent colleagues to arrest them, intervening quickly and violently, and leaving no loop-holes. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: G20, Germany, Hamburg, Letter
Posted in Prison Struggle |
August 23rd, 2017
In the early morning on August 16th Clint Durnay’s truck, which is shrouded in white supremacist and neo-fascist imagery, was torched. this golden state skinhead (gss) member was attacked at his home: 5032 kenneth ave., fair oaks , ca. many hours later it was confirmed that there was extensive damage to his truck.
This attack is in direct response to June 26th and the rising fascist tide in the united states.
At the state capitol in Sacramento, ca on june 26th, 2016 approximately 20 gss and traditionalist workers party (twp) members had their rally shut down by hundreds of brave individuals who showed up to confront and halt white supremacy head on. frustrated at the shut down of their rally, gss and twp advanced upon the anti-fascist protesters and violently attacked them with knives, metal rods, and wooden poles. this vicious attack sent 9 anti-fascist individuals to the hospital many of whom were in critical condition. the entirety of the individuals attacked were either people of color or trans folks. this shines a light upon the exceptionally targeted act of racist and transphobic violence that it was. there are photos that clearly depict Clint Durnay attacking anti-fascists that day.
We understand June 26th wasn’t the beginning, and sadly it won’t be the end. from Sacramento to Charlottesville, it’s clear the fascist movement is growing and will stop at nothing short of murder to quell our resistance to them.
They cannot continue to attack, kill, and stifle us! We will fight back!
For a world free of fascism in all of it’s oppressive manifestations!
Love and solidarity,
Anti-nazis at night (anan)
Tags: Arson, California, Clint Durnay, Neo-Nazis, Sacramento, USA
Posted in Direct Action |
August 23rd, 2017
Since 8 August last week, particularly in Macanan Glagah area and 10 August heavy machinery were already operating within the compromised area (the area in which some community of peasants already sold their land and compromised with the project, although their relocation is still unsure) for the development of New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA). Despite community and peasant resistance against NYIA, the government and PT Angkasapura, cooperating with this large company from India as the airport major investor: GVK corporation. We urge comrades in India to communicate with us and build international solidarity..
Mainstream coverage of past struggle against NYIA in English:
Grassroot and independent media coverage (Indonesia):
Facebook: Jogja Darurat Agraria
Note: The struggle against NYIA is connected to the previous struggle of peasants in Kulon Progo against iron mining in which they won the struggle, not through legal means but through community grassroot struggle (riots, arrests, and massive international solidarity makes it difficult for the project to continue) that goes beyond the language of the state. But the development of NYIA can change the past victory and reinstate the power of capital through continuous development of megaprojects which means that the peasants surrounding area will be threatened by these continual development.
Profiles of national and multinational corporations responsible for NYIA:
Indian company:
Angkasapura Profile:
Article about the corporation and their collaboration (mainstream coverage)
Tags: Airport, Indonesia, Kulon Progo, New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA), Yogyakarta
Posted in Eco Struggle |
August 14th, 2017
Update: The campaign for Anzi ended early because insurance came through for a lot of the cost. The money collected so far will go towards paying for the hospital room, food, X-rays, rehabilitation and travel expenses for her family and (hopefully not) future surgeries. Anzi spent approximately ten hours in surgery last week and received a total of 2 plates in her arm as well as pins to piece her elbow back together. The doctor said it was a fairly complicated surgery partially because of the time gap while waiting for funding.
Unfortunately, tragedy has struck again in our community in Indonesia. Our friend Anzi Matta was in a motorcycle accident on Wednesday 26 July. Her left arm is severely broken in several places and she desperately needs surgery to repair it. The estimated cost is about 20 million rupiah, approximately $1,500 USD. That is a year’s salary or more here. She needs this surgery urgently and as quickly as possible to save her arm. She will also require physical therapy to regain mobility. We are fundraising here as well, but we need all the help we can get. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Anzi Matta, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Yogyakarta
Posted in Autonomy |
August 7th, 2017
“Darko Mathers non era un’eco-fascista” [it]
“Darko Mathers no era eco-fascista” [es]
“Indiscriminate violence by individuals tormented by social reality is becoming more common, rocks off overpasses, murder sprees, random ultraviolence – and shows the alienated and hopeless rage of imprisoned beings. In this existential absence others smile, arm their conscience and go into revolution. Some would rather aim their rage at those who are most responsible for their misery and at the infrastructure of the system they hate.”
“We participate in the social/class war as rebellious individuals with an interest in going beyond – forward into permanent revolt, anarchic revolution.”
Darko Mathers
Our Vessel is Revolution, Our Guiding Star is Anarchy
It’s been three years since my close friend and comrade Darko Mathers died, the last time I saw him we finished the collection of texts against civil anarchism and shortly after he was dead. It was not a shock to me. Many of my friends are dead or have gone to prison and as I’ve gotten older I value my experiences of them and our shared memories much more as those remembrances deepened and so I began living differently. I respect my memories of this young comrade and I strive against the conditions of his death.
When a dear friend and comrade dies suddenly, it causes all kinds of grief to happen, a lot of it can seem totally anti-social, those left behind often argue among themselves, depart, breakdown, problems occur, some sweetnesses too. In the end what remains are the fleeting traces in time, which reflect forwards into the future and back into the past, that the individual has left with those close and not so close ones. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Darko Mathers, Eco-Extremism, Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), UK
Posted in Cognitive Liberty |