Issue 101 – Calculating Brexit

Issue 101 is now published. Along with 13 articles and the Editorial, there are book reviews and a ‘Kick up the Tabloids’. Please support SLR by becoming a paying subscriber at the 'join us' button above.

The Editor – no silly season

Jeremy Corbyn is touring Labour marginals (90-100 ) highlighting the weakness of the Tories & proving he is a gr8 speaker.

Bouncing Brexit into being benign

Neil Findlay lays out his vision for post-Brexit.

Scotland and free movement of labour

John Foster explains why loss of ‘free movement’ would open up possibilities.

Breaking bad Brexit

Mike Danson sees dangers ahead in any kind of Brexit.

Where stands independence now?

John Bratton argues the independence movement can learn from Corbyn.

Reclaiming our economy

Richard Leonard outlines bold plans to reconfigure economic relations in Scotland.

For a people’s ScotRail

Stuart MacLeod sets out a plan for better rail transport in Scotland.

More than no monarchy

Graham Smith sketches out what a modern republic would look like.

Making Britain non-nuclear

Arthur West surveys the possibilities after the signing of a new treaty.

Orange and green plus red, white & blue

Brian Campfield examines the underlying forces of Northern Ireland’s political impasse.

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