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  • Second Man Arrested In Connection With Charlottesville Neo-Nazi Attack

    Above: Alex Michael Ramos, Dan Borden, and three more unidentified males brutally assault school teacher De'Andre Harris in a parking garage in Charlottesville on August 12. Photo: Zach D Roberts.

    On Monday, August 27, police finally arrested the second of two assailants identified from Palast Investigative Fund photographer Zach D. Roberts' Charlottesville photos. Alex Michael Ramos, who surrendered himself to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia on Monday evening, has been charged with one count of malicious wounding. Fellow attacker, Dan Borden, faces a similar charge for the brutal assault of Black school teacher De'Andre Harris, which nearly cost him his life.

    Still missing, the FBI moving on the others whom the attackers must know, including the man with the gun pictured below. (Thanks to Titter user @extapdancer for digitally enhancing the shot with a program called "Unshake" — see inset.)

    Above: Can you identify this man? (Click on image to view high resolution file.) Photo: Zach D Roberts.

    "While we’re happy that arrests are going forward... these two men were identified immediately by journalists who covered the rally. There have been no additional identifications of any of the other participants by law enforcement," said Harris' attorney, Lee Merritt, in an interview for Democracy Now!. "We just hope that people don’t settle with these two arrests and that law enforcement doesn’t think that the job is done with these arrests."

    Note that the Justice Department has brought no charges for crossing state lines with intent to commit violence. (Maybe Jeff sessions thinks that the other attackers were "very fine people".)

    "I’m also concerned in these arrests that they have been undercharged. Each were charged with one felony account of a malicious assaulting," said Merritt. "We’re talking about a group of white supremacists who attacked a young black male at a white supremacist rally while shouting racial slurs… if this doesn’t set the table for hate-based criminal charges, I don’t know what will.” (Show me more...)

    Democracy Now!: Neo-Nazi Attack in Charlottesville Caught on Camera by Palast Photographer Zach D. Roberts

    “Suddenly, a fight breaks out behind me. De'Andre Harris comes running out and is followed by about a dozen white supremacists, who are chasing him with clubs, helmets and shields and every sort of weapon they could find. And they shove him into a parking arm. He falls down. They keep beating him, kicking him, using whatever they can find.”

    Palast Investigative Fund photographer Zach D. Roberts is interviewed by Nermeen Shaikh for Democracy Now! about the brutal beating of De’Andre Harris he witnessed and caught on camera in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017.

    You can see more of Zach D. Roberts's images from Charlottesville here. Zach also got an exclusive interview with De'Andre Harris, which you can find here. (Show me more...)

    FREE Download:
    The Deadly Decisions Behind Katrina

    Ignoring science can be deadly — and withholding critical information is nothing short of murder!

    Trump killed off flood and hurricane calcs for new building (and oil drilling!) just in time for Hurricane Harvey — and this week’s Hurricane Katrina anniversary. Over 2,000 Black folk were killed by Katrina. It was murder. Download my investigation for FREE to get the full story!

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    Charlottesville Nazi Attacker Dan Borden Arrested For Brutal Assault Of School Teacher De’Andre Harris

    By Greg Palast

    Above: Dan Borden attacking De'Andre Harris in a Charottesville parking garage.

    Neo-Nazi Dan Borden, who nearly beat Black school teacher De'Andre Harris to death in Charlottesville on August 12, has been arrested after being identified via photos taken by courageous Palast Investigative Fund photographer Zach D. Roberts. Borden also assaulted Roberts, who kept taking photos of the skinhead attackers even after the attackers’ pal pulled a gun.

    Journalism saves lives—when it doesn’t lie.

    Borden, 18, a former Mason High School student from Ohio, was charged with malicious wounding by Charlottesville police on Thursday, August 24 for the brutal assault of Harris. He was arrested the following day and is being held at the Hamilton County Justice Center in Cincinnati, OH awaiting extradition.

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    José Crow: Arizona Fights Aliens
    (aka Democrats)

    On Friday, Aug 25 Donald Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona

    Here's an excerpt from The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast about Sheriff Joe:

    “There is a massive effort underway to register illegal aliens in this country!”

    – Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce

    Art by Ted Rall, from The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast

    The Arizona Republican hunt for "aliens" from Uranus to the Rio Grande has led to the removal of over 200,000 citizens, overwhelmingly Latino, from the state's voter rolls. There's more than an even chance that vote "suppression" - the polite word for racist, José Crow racial tactics - will result in the Democrats losing an open seat in the U.S. Senate where Democratic Hispanic Richard Carmona is pulling ahead of Republican Jeff Flake.

    But I don't think Carmona wants to win with illegal alien votes. After all, an alien voting has committed a crime- yet no one was arrested. Why? I flew out to Phoenix to investigate–and ended up in jail. That is, I visited the infamous tent prison of Sheriff Joe Arpaio who has led the alien hunt in his state.

    But before I broke into Arpaio's prison, I called his political ally, Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, who sponsored one of the nation’s nastiest ID laws, Prop 200. It requires all new voting registrants to prove they are US citizens.

    “How many illegal aliens have actually been registered?” I asked.

    Pearce’s PR flak told me, five million. All Democrats too. (Show me more...)

    Civil Rights Groups Challenge
    Indiana’s Use of Crosscheck:
    Lawsuit Cites Palast’s Work On Kobach’s
    Racist Voter Purging Program

    By Greg Palast

    I am thrilled that the NAACP and the League of Women Voters are using our Crosscheck investigation evidence to stop Jim Crow in Indiana. Only 27 states left to go. Next target: Virginia, where a so-called Democrat, Terry McAuliffe needs to dump Trump's Crosscheck purges.

    The lawsuit, which was filed on Wednesday, August 23, challenges Indiana Senate Bill 442 which changed the way the state implemented Crosscheck. Previously, when an Indiana voter was flagged by Crosscheck, the state sent an address confirmation mailer by way of notification. (Though better than nothing, these notifications look like junk mail and are easy to ignore.) However, SB442, which went into effect on July 1, allows the state to immediately remove voters from the roll, removing the notification step.

    Read the full complaint — which states "Crosscheck is unreliable and discriminatory in practice" — here:

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    Alev Ha-Shalom, Brother Greg

    Photo of Dick Gregory by Zach D Roberts.

    Dick Gregory was a HUGE influence on my work and writings — that ability to take the darkest side of America and destroy the killers and Klansman with the deadly bullet of humor. Even while wilting from hunger (he would eat no solid food until the US left Vietnam). I memorized his speeches. He asked MLK III to introduce us so he could help promote The Best Democracy Money Can Buy — and I asked him to forgive me for his material that I plagiarized in our common cause. Alev ha-shalom, Brother Greg.
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    Palast Calls The FBI To Report
    A Crime In Charlottesville

    On August 12, 2017 a 20-year old school teacher named De'Andre Harris was brutally attacked with iron bars and pieces of wood by a group of neo-Nazis.

    The attack took place in a parking garage on Market Street — right next to the Charlottesville Police Station. Our photographer Zach Roberts took photos of the attack, which have since gone viral and have been reprinted online and in newspapers around the world. However, neither Roberts, Harris, or myself have been contacted by police, the FBI or Department of Justice officials.

    Since this is a federal crime, involving actors who conspired and crossed state lines, we decided to contact the FBI ourselves to seek justice for Harris. This video documents the seven calls we made on Friday, August 18 in a frustrating attempt to report the near-murder of Harris.

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    Charlottesville: Our Photo Reveals The Lie Behind
    Trump’s Claim That “Both Sides” Are To Blame

    By Greg Palast

    "I think there’s blame on both sides... you also had people that were very fine people on both sides." — Donald Trump, speaking at a press conference at Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday, August 15.

    The beating with iron bars and lumber of a black school teacher in Charlottesville reveals the lie behind Trump's sickening claim that "both sides" are to blame. Our photographer's camera shows that one side are the brutalizers, the other the brutalized.

    You can see more of Zach D. Roberts's images from Charlottesville — as featured on the cover of the New York Daily News above — here. Zach also got an exclusive interview with the teacher who was beaten, De'Andre Harris, which you can find here.

    (Show me more...)

    Interview with De’Andre Harris:
    Beaten by Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville

    By Zach D. Roberts | Nation of Change

    No, the terrorist attack on peaceful counter protesters Saturday in Charlottesville was not an isolated incident. Anyone who says that is lying to you.

    (Show me more...)

    Photographing A Neo-Nazi Attack
    ABC7’s Elex Michaelson Interviews Zach Roberts

    By Greg Palast

    ABC7's Elex Michaelson interviews our photographer Zach D Roberts about the image he took of four neo-Nazis attacking black school teacher De’Andre Harris with iron bars and lumber in a parking garage in Charlottesville on Saturday, Aug 12.

    I don't want no damn healing words from Donald Trump. I want the Justice Department to hunt down the white terrorists. Neither the FBI nor the Charlottesville police have asked for the hi-res photos of this attack taken by our photographer Zach D Roberts. And there's been no contact at all with the victim, De'Andre Harris. Justice, not tears.

    Get the full story behind this powerful image here.

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    Charlottesville: A Gun In His Face,
    But He Got The Photo

    By Greg Palast

    Previously unreleased photos of four neo-Nazis attacking black school teacher De’Andre Harris with iron bars and lumber in a parking garage in Charlottesville on Saturday, Aug 12. © Zach D Roberts, 2017.

    Don’t look away. Four white neo-Nazis are beating a Black man, crawling on the ground, with their metal poles and a yellow hunk of lumber. The beating continues — there’s blood on the pavement.

    Our photographer, Zach D. Roberts, continues to shoot — even as a white militant raises a 9mm pistol to his face.

    Zach got a shot of the gun and gunman, too. Luckily, the gunman didn’t shoot back. (Show me more...)

    Palast Honored with
    Eleanor Roosevelt Award

    For Superlative Investigative Reporting

    By Nicole Powers

    On August 6, 2017, investigative journalist Greg Palast was presented with the Eleanor Roosevelt Award by the Southern California branch of Americans for Democratic Action, an organization which the former First Lady co-founded in 1947.

    The award was given to Greg for his: “Superlative investigative reporting and media coverage in the areas of human and democratic rights.” (Show me more...)

    Bernie and Jesse join hands
    to take on Trump’s Vote Thief-in-Chief

    [Dateline: Chicago]  “Why would somebody say a crazy statement like that?” Bernie had his arms spread like gull wings, fingers scribbling facts in the air.

    “Why” was not really a question.

    Watch this five-minute video of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rev. Jesse Jackson and their alliance to take on Kris Kobach, the Dr. Moriarty of vote suppression.

    In Jesse Jackson’s private ministry office, the Reverend and I had just laid out President Trump’s claim that 3 million Americans were (Show me more...)

    The New Voter Suppression Has Begun
    Palast on Thom Hartmann’s The Big Picture

    "The Election Integrity Commission is a sham... It’s a blatant attempt at a national voter suppression campaign."
    — Thom Hartmann

    What Kris Kobach wants is the entire voter files for all 50 states. Of the 44 "resistor" states, I've counted 21 that have already given their lists to Kobach — via his Wichita, KS office instead of the one in DC.
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    GOP States Send Voter Files to Kobach,
    While Claiming They Will “Resist” His Demand

    By Greg Palast for The Progressive

    A national outcry followed last week’s request from Kris Kobach, Vice Chair of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, that state election officials provide him with a long list of personal information on every voter, including party affiliation, date of birth, last four digits of social security number, and more.

    (Show me more...)

    Palast: On the 4th of July Revolution

    Purger-in-Chief Kris Kobach Demands
    Detailed Data On Every American Voter

    Greg Palast confronts Trump’s Purge’n General
    The Al Capone of vote rigging, Crosscheck creator Kris Kobach, in his capacity as Vice Chair of Trump's so-called Presidential Election "Integrity" Commission, has demanded the personal information, voting history, and party affiliation of every US voter.

    (Show me more...)

    Will new Jim Crow scam tip Georgia’s
    Ossoff-Handel Congressional Race?

    GOP goons grab reporter when he asks how 40,000 minority voter registrations vanished

    by Greg Palast

    Catch Palast’s reports for Joy Reid, Thom Hartmann and Amy Goodman

    Karen Handel took a break from beating up Democrat John Ossoff to attack a reporter: me.  In the televised debate between the two candidates vying for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, Republican Handel claimed, “a reporter supposedly representing some very liberal Democratic organization almost literally (Show me more...)

    Democracy Now reporter assaulted
    for exposing Jim Crow tactics
    in Ossoff-Handel race

    Greg Palast reporting for the Thom Hartmann Show and Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now!

    Watch the 8-minute broadcast—and get a full blast of weird.

    I was in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District to investigate strange doings in the race between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel (who received an endorsement—and kiss on the lips—from President Trump).

    Handel was happy as a Smurf doll when I asked her (Show me more...)

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