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Do you know the muffin man? Subiaco charity catches mysterious baker in the act

A Subiaco charity has unravelled a two-year mystery after investigating their sky-rocketing power bills and a strange muffin smell by setting up a security camera inside their communal kitchen.

Post Newspapers managing editor Brett Christian told 6PR's Simon Beaumont the Subiaco-based Earthwise charity had long suspected something was afoot.

"They discovered their power bill had gone from around $100 bucks, to $400," he said.

"So they looked back over their bills and they realised there was a pattern to this. They started to make some inquiries around the neighbourhood, and some office workers said that they could smell muffins cooking – sometimes very early in the morning.

"They eventually quizzed another homeless man [at the charity] who said 'yeah there's been a guy arriving at midnight, getting into the kitchen and cooking huge numbers of muffins, and then getting out by 6 o'clock in the morning'."

And when the charity set up a surveillance camera in their kitchen, this was exactly what they saw.


"They set up a camera and sure enough there was some guy standing there baking muffins in his underdacks," Mr Christian said.

"Bloke in his sixties. When they got to work at 9am, there was absolutely no sign of him. The kitchen was beautifully clean, there was no sign anyone had been there and apparently this had been going on for years."

Earthwise volunteer coordinator Stephen Ross told the Post's Lloyd Gorman the charity had begun investigating after a number of strange clues – including mysterious baking smells in the early hours of the morning and high power bills – when they made the strange discovery.

The Post got the scoop on the mystery muffin man.

The Post got the scoop on the mystery muffin man. The frontpage photo is a re-enactment of the scene.

"Apparently, he would bring his kids and sometimes he would strip down to his underwear while he was baking," he said.

"He made a lot of muffins, dozens and dozens. We had no idea, the place was always spotless and there was no muffin smell by the time we came in about 9am."

Mr Christian said workers suspected the man had been taking his batches of muffins to the city, and had sold them to office workers.

"He was running quite a good business – and a bit of a public service too, I guess," he said.

It is understood the man stopped coming following the charity's investigation, and WA Police said they would not be looking in to the man's creative commercial enterprise, as it seemed he had been given access to the kitchen's security code by someone some time ago.

"All they [Earthwise] wanted was for it to stop," Mr Christian said.

"Clearly the bloke was in need of a buck, and that's what they're all about. But they weren't happy to subsidise his power bills for a couple of years." Â