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CERES Mobile Classroom

3rd August 2016 BY: sustainabilityhub@ceres.org.au

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CERES Education has transformed a retired ambulance, previously used to save lives, into a vehicle now used to save the planet!


Mobile Energy Classroom

In 2016 we reached to more than 200,000 people at Events & Festivals, visited over 270 schools and travelled over 10,000 kms.

The program offers an interactive learning experience, demonstrating future energy and environmental solutions to students across Victoria. You will experience hands-on activities exploring the use of clean renewable energy. Use a bike to generate electricity and see how hard it is to power common household appliances. See solar panels making electricity and much more! But most importantly learn how to be part of THE SOLUTION!

For further information and to book the CERES Mobile Classroom, contact a CERES Education Bookings Coordinator on (03) 9389 0144 or email at education@ceres.org.au

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