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ResourceSmart Schools

3rd August 2016 BY: sustainabilityhub@ceres.org.au


Over 1,000 Victorian primary and secondary schools are involved in this award-winning initiative!

ResourceSmart Schools is a Victorian Government program that assists schools to embed sustainability in everything they do. Schools are supported through consultancy and professional development to minimise waste, save energy and water, promote biodiversity and take action on climate change to benefit their school and community. CERES coordinates and delivers the program to schools in the Northern, Southern and Eastern Melbourne metropolitan regions.

Key features of ResourceSmart Schools:

  • Support – Sustainability experts support the school on their sustainability journey and schools track and measure their progress using the online system
  • Recognition – Sustainability Certification and the ResourceSmart Schools Awards recognise and reward school activity
  • Savings – Save on energy, water and waste bills – and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Adaptable – Schools create a unique environmental management system and can work with any sustainability program or organisation within the ResourceSmart Schools framework
  • Learning – Students learn take-home lessons about sustainable actions as required by the Australian Curriculum
  • Sustainable schools – Schools learn to operate more sustainably, reducing costs and minimising their impact on the environment through efficient resource use
  • Community – Practical support for schools and communities to live and work more sustainably and to support other schools and environmental partners along the way


The ResourceSmart Schools program is now available for Early Childhood centres. For more information on how we can work with your early childhood centre, download a copy of our ResourceSmart in Early Childhood flyer.


kids3CERES Education has funding from Sustainability Victoria, Catholic Education Melbourne and local councils to allocate a CERES facilitator to your school to provide:

  • Face-to-face consultation meetings about workplace operations, curriculum and community engagement
  • A staff professional development workshop
  • Professional learning workshops to meet local schools and share ideas
  • Links to the exciting programs of our partners as well as local council services
  • Unlimited phone and email support
  • Assessment of ResourceSmart modules and Stars


CERES would like to acknowledge Environment Education Victoria (EEV) who are delivering ResourceSmart Schools in the Western metro region of Melbourne. Visit EEV’s website to read more about this professional association for teachers – www.eev.vic.edu.au



Visit www.resourcesmartschools.vic.gov.au to find out more about this fantastic initiative
and access your ResourceSmart Online account!