World Wetlands Day

On Friday 10th of February 2017, St Monica’s College celebrated World Wetlands Day to help us better appreciate our wetlands, understand the importance of water and how so many other species on rely on good water quality to survive.

EnviroFriend students worked at the wetlands throughout the day, removing overgrown reeds from the wetlands.

Students of the college were invited to take part in a range of activities during Recess and Lunchtime. The activities run by the EnviroFriends included looking at micro-invertebrates through a microscope and testing water quality, planting native plants and removing mosquito fish (an introduced species) from the wetlands.

We want to continue to highlight the importance of our wetlands and how to protect it. We also discussed how we can continue to monitor water levels and quality of the water, and how to divert water from other areas of the school down to our wetlands. We currently have stormwater from one of the buildings enter the wetlands through a swale system.

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By St. Monica’s College| 2017-09-06T22:45:36+00:00 September 6th, 2017|Uncategorised|Comments Off on World Wetlands Day