Energy Audit 2017

In Term 2 2017, the sustainability student action team conducted a Cool Australia Energy Audit at Roxburgh Rise PS. The main purpose of the audit was for the students to understand the relationship between energy use at school and at home. Some of the findings that were made from the audit were:

  • The school has a lot of LED lights instead of the halogen lights which have both environmental and economic benefits.
  • Lots of appliance/equipment use energy at school – including computer devices, heaters, printers, projectors, and photocopiers.
  • Generally, our energy use at school is very good and below that of other schools around the state.

After the audit, students put together some further energy saving strategies that will help our school save energy and money. Here are some of them:

  • Students to open the blinds/curtains in classrooms every day as the sun is the best source of energy and light.
  • Keep classrooms doors closed when the heaters/AC are in use.
  • Turn off lights when students are not in the classrooms.
  • Create a shutdown roster for the end of each day to make sure all appliances are switched off.
  • Monitors to check the weather forecast at the end of each day and ask students to bring extra warm layers if it’s going to be cold.
By Roxburgh Rise Primary School| 2017-08-29T02:41:30+00:00 August 29th, 2017|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Energy Audit 2017