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CERES Global return from India and Cuba trips

27th January 2017,     BY: CERES Global


CERES Global are back from a really busy few months away in India and Cuba! In India we continued work on the Jamnya Project building new teachers quarters for one of the countries poorest boarding schools. With the help of some of the CERES Site Team and Swinburne Trade students, the buildings is nearing completion.

We also lead separate groups for I.T and Education students from Swinburne and La Trobe Universities, meeting up with community organisations we’ve partnered with over the years of visiting India.


Check out the following links to the project groups and some social media for more on each of their adventures:

LaTrobe University Education Students India Dec 2016
Asset Based Community Development India Jan 2017
Swinburne university IT for Social Impact India Dec 2016
Swinburne Tradies Jamnya Sustainable India Housing Project
So, a very busy period in India for us, and prior to that Sophie had our CERES Outreach Educators Nick and Jane (pictured below) on the CERES Global Cuba trip just when Fidel passed away, an incredible time to be there!
Next trip we’re keeping it local, road tripping in March around Victoria/NSW visiting alternative and off-grid communities, talking sustainability and food production, indigenous heritage, transition towns, permaculture, and discussing the triumphs and challenges of building community and sharing sustainable lifestyles.


Australia communities road trip
March 20 – 19, 2017
Cost: $1280 for the 10 the day journey, which includes all meals, transport, some camping/sleeping equipment, and engagements.
Departing from CERES in East Brunswick, we’ll head North to Kyneton and Commonground, across to Castlemaine to meet local hosts Ian Lillington and David Holmgren. We’ll head further West to spend a few days on Abundance farm, and head up through the temperate grasslands of central Victoria to Boort and visit DjarDjarWurrung waterways and land. From Boort we travel to the Alpine region and Bright Community Gardens, on our way up to the Murray River to camp, and all the way round to the Bega Bend Neighbourhood community and the NSW coast, before heading southwards and in the direction of home via the newly established Wurruk’an community of Gippsland and the lakes region. Returning to CERES by the evening of day 10.
Come along! To register your interest, contact Ben (global@ceres.org.au) or Sophie (sophie@ceres.org.au)
To find out more click here