
Sister Rowena Keeper of the Holy Doyley and Novice Sister
Sapphire In My Loins manifested at yesterday's World AID's Day commemorative services hosted by Positive Life NSW and NSW Health. It was held at 'The Cutaway' 1 Merriman St Barangaroo Reserve Sydney. We arrived at 10.00 am for a 10.30 am start with a scheduled finish of 12 noon.

Srs were not asked to provide anything in the way of official inputs or blessings and were there as invited guests. We were made to feel very ...welcome by the hosts and a number of the GFA with whom we mixed and mingled.

There was a musical quartet performing when we arrived, a guest speaker who detailed his experiences as a long-term survivor living with HIV presented his speech. A representative from the Power House Museum spoke on the Quilt Project. There was then a singing duet accompanied by a guitar that provided an interlude. A panel of 4 experts gave speeches and took questions on matters affecting HIV today through the prism of the year just gone and Covid19 and services specifically aimed in meeting the needs of transgender people and migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds living here in Australia.

There were also two large panels from the Quilt Project on display that had been presented for temporary use by permission from the Power House Museum.

A well run, organised and executed day that was enjoyed by the attending Srs.

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Sister Salomé has written a beautiful reflection of our beloved Mother Premonstratensia.
Please follow this link to the obituary section of our website to read it.
If you would like to watch William’s service on line, please follow the link below.

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