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'Five metre' shark stalks six metre boat off Perth

A good day of fishing has three elements - good friends, a good catch and a good story.

And WA recreational fisher Ben Willmott bagged a trifecta on Wednesday when he and his mates caught their bag limits of dhufish in tranquil waters off the coast of Moore River, north of Perth.

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Shark sighted in Moore River

Ben Willmott filmed what he thought was a great white shark in the Moore River while fishing.

With enough fun and fish in the bag, they were pulling up a large cuttlefish at the end of their trip when they spotted something very big moving through the water.

"This huge Great White came up after the cuttlefish and swam up right close to the boat," Mr Willmott told WAtoday.

"We reckon it was at least five metres long. Our boat's only six and a half so there wasn't much in it!"

Turning on his camera, Mr Willmott chanced his arm in the water to get a shot of the big predator as it passed by.


Mr Willmott said the big shark swam around the boat for a few minutes, but when it realised there weren't any easy fish on offer, it swam away.

"I kept telling the boys don't throw any bait overboard, don't waste it! We were having so much luck with the dewies - we had to throw a lot of them back because of the bag limit. That's probably what attracted the shark," he said.

"That's the biggest one I've seen in 15 years."

Mr Willmott's boat doesn't have a name, and when asked if that brought him bad luck, he laughed it off.

"We caught enough dewies that we don't know what to do with them, and we saw a shark. We've got luck enough mate."