Green Technology 2016-11-10T10:30:15+00:00

Green Technology

CERES is deeply committed to a reduction in resource use. Technology, efficiency and education are drivers for this reduction. Some of our demonstrations, such as the Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) principles embodied in our buildings are widely applicable. Other demonstrations are experimental, part of our aim to support cutting edge initiatives. The solar thermal dish and biogas plant belong in this category.

All CERES Green Technology projects are designed to be working demonstrations or on-going research projects, and can be viewed on site, during guided tours and via our App: The CHOOK. CERES has an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that informs decisions around resource use. Data is collected via a distributed metering system for electricity and water use. Waste and biodiversity are tracked via simple counting and recording. Supply chain decisions for CERES’ social enterprises are based on the same principles used for decision making at CERES.

Generating enough electricity from non-polluting sources to supply communities, cities and whole nations is one of our biggest challenges. CERES has working demonstrations of renewable energy technologies that can be installed and operated by individuals, communities and governments. CERES is moving away from gas as a fuel source replacing it with renewably generated electricity

Biogas Information Archive

CERES has implemented water management strategies that reduce water usage. Storm water is retained on site to assist in regeneration and the provision of habitat. An annual water audit is conducted and records of water consumption maintained.

As part of the on-going regeneration of the site, planting is an important part of CERES’s activities. Indigenous flora is planted to attract birds and other fauna, fruit trees and organic gardens are planted for on -site food production, and weed and pest species removed.

Built Environment
The buildings on the CERES site are examples of sustainable design principles so that staff, visitors and groups hiring these spaces can experience working in rooms that use passive cooling, low energy appliances and natural light. Criteria for the selection of materials included embodied energy, sustainable certification and durability. Appliance efficiencies both for water and energy and water harvesting are integrated in all our buildings.

Eco House Information

Food prices are estimated to rise considerably over the next decade due to the effects of climate change. CERES is a leader in urban farming and food production systems and strategies.

Visit these websites for further detailed information about suppliers and statistics.